ActiveRecord: Object-Relational Mapping for Rails

Lecture Notes for CS 142
Spring 2013
John Ousterhout

  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM): simplify the use of databases in applications.
    • Use objects to hold database records
      • One class for each table in the database
      • Objects of the class correspond to rows in the table
      • Attributes of an object correspond to columns from the row
    • Manage the movement of information between objects and the back-end database.
    • Manage relationships between tables (joins), turn into Ruby collections.

ActiveRecord Basics

  • Model: a Rails class corresponding to a database table
  • ActiveRecord:
    • Base class for models in Rails
    • Implements Object Relational Mapping
  • Example table:
    SELECT * FROM students;
    | id | name      | birth      | gpa  | grad |
    |  1 | Anderson  | 1987-10-22 |  3.9 | 2009 |
    |  2 | Jones     | 1990-04-16 |  2.4 | 2012 |
    |  3 | Hernandez | 1989-08-12 |  3.1 | 2011 |
    |  4 | Chen      | 1990-02-04 |  3.2 | 2011 |
  • Create a class for this table (app/models/student.rb):
    class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
  • Or, just use the rails program:
    rails generate model student
    This also creates a migration that will create the database table (see below).
  • ActiveRecord examines the database schema for this table and uses metaprogramming to make appropriate attributes and methods available in the class automatically.

CRUD with ActiveRecord

  • Create a new record in the table:
    student = = "Williams"
    student.birth = "1989-11-16"
    student.gpa = 2.8
    student.grad = 2012
  • Read:
    student = Student.find(187)
    student = Student.find_by_name("Hernandez")
    smarties = Student.find(:all, :conditions => "gpa >= 3.0")
    smarties = Student.find(:all, :limit => 10, :order => "gpa DESC")
    • Can also issue full SQL queries
  • Update:
    student = Student.find(187)
    student.gpa = 4.0
  • Delete:
  • Many conventions here:
    • Database table named students
    • Model class named Student
    • Variable student for instances of Student class
    • Same names for database columns and attributes of Student objects
    • Automatic pluralization and (de)capitalization: from Student class to students database table.

Relationships between tables

  • Many-to-one (e.g. students -> advisor):
    • Database tables:
      SELECT * FROM students;
      | id | name      | birth      | gpa  | grad | advisor_id |
      |  1 | Anderson  | 1987-10-22 |  3.9 | 2009 |          2 |
      |  2 | Jones     | 1990-04-16 |  2.4 | 2012 |          1 |
      |  3 | Hernandez | 1989-08-12 |  3.1 | 2011 |          1 |
      |  4 | Chen      | 1990-02-04 |  3.2 | 2011 |          1 |
      SELECT * FROM advisors;
      | id | name     | title     |
      |  1 | Fujimura | assocprof |
      |  2 | Bolosky  | prof      |
    • Additional declarations in the models
      class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
          belongs_to :advisor
      class Advisor < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_many :students
    • Can now reference the tables as if their objects are connected:
      advisor = Advisor.find_by_name("Fujimura")
      for student in advisor.students do
      student = Student.find_by_name("Chen")
      student.advisor = Advisor.find_by_name("Bolosky")
    • ActiveRecord automatically creates new methods in the various classes, (such as Advisor.students) which query information from the database as needed.
  • Many-to-many (e.g. students -> courses):
    • Database tables:
      SELECT * FROM courses;
      | id | number | name            | quarter     |
      |  1 | CS142  | Web stuff       | Winter 2009 |
      |  2 | ART101 | Finger painting | Fall 2008   |
      |  3 | ART101 | Finger painting | Winter 2009 |
      |  4 | PE204  | Mud wrestling   | Winter 2009 |
      SELECT * FROM courses_students;
      | course_id | student_id |
      |         1 |          1 |
      |         3 |          1 |
      |         4 |          1 |
      |         1 |          2 |
      |         2 |          2 |
      |         1 |          3 |
      |         2 |          4 |
      |         4 |          4 |
    • You must define the database table courses_students (names of classes in alphabetic order).
    • No need to define a CourseStudent model.
    • Additional declarations in the Student and Course models:
      class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_and_belongs_to_many :courses
      class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_and_belongs_to_many :students
    • Again, ActiveRecord creates additional methods in the two classes so you can reference back and forth between Student and Course instances:
      student = Student.find_by_name("Anderson")
      courses =
      cs142 = Course.find_by_number("CS142")
      courses << cs142


  • Managing database schemas is complex and error-prone
  • Migrations in Rails provide a framework that makes schema evolution much easier to manage:
    • Assume from the start that the schema will go through a series of versions.
    • A migration provides code that will update the database schema from one version to the next, and back again.
    • Rails keeps track of the database's current version and will apply appropriate migrations to switch it to any other version.
  • Don't create database schemas with SQL: use migrations
  • Migration to create a new table:
    class CreateStudents < ActiveRecord::Migration
        def change
            create_table :students do |t|
                t.column :name,        :string
                t.column :birth,       :date
                t.column :gpa,         :float
                t.column :grad,        :integer
    • Primary key id created by default.
  • Migration to add a new column to the table:
    class AddAdvisor < ActiveRecord::Migration
        def change
            add_column :students, :advisor_id, :integer
  • Command to generate a new migration:
    rails generate migration create_advisors
  • Or, create model and initial migration together:
    rails generate model advisors
  • Command to run migrations (migrate to most recent version):
    rake db:migrate
  • Command to run migrations (migrate to specific version):
    rake db:migrate VERSION=20090130180755
  • Back out all migrations:
    rake db:migrate VERSION=0
  • Destroy the database, create a new database, and run all migrations to bring the new database back up to date
    rake db:migrate:reset