Javascript Introduction
Lecture Notes for CS 142
Spring 2012
John Ousterhout
- Additional reading for this topic:
- Skim over pages 1-146 of Javascript, The Definitive Guide
to get a sense of the general facilities provided by the language:
types, expressions, statements, object model, arrays, etc.
You can read portions of this material in more detail as you work
through the projects.
- Javascript: object-oriented scripting language.
- Basic syntax similar to Java and C:
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
sum += i*i;
- Javascript is a scripting language: dynamic, interpreted.
Simple object system based on prototypes.
- Variables:
- Untyped: types associated with values, not with variables
- Any variable can hold any value.
- No need for declarations: variables created when assigned
- Scope is either local (within a function) or global.
- Default is global (careful!) use var to declare a local variable.
- No block-level scoping within a function.
- Basic data types:
- Numbers (everything is floating-point, no integers)
- Strings (variable-length); no char type.
- Booleans
- null
- Undefined
- Statements are similar to those in Java or C.
- Arrays:
- Ordered collections of values.
- Indexed by integers.
- Creation:
x = new Array();
y = ["a", 123, 65]
- May be sparse.
- Length: array.length
- Lots of methods, such as push, pop, and sort.
- Objects:
- Unordered collections of name-value pairs called properties.
- Creation:
x = new Object()
y = {name: "Alice", age: 23, state: "California"}
- Referenced either like a structure or like a hash table with string keys:
o = new Object(); = "Alice";
o["age"] = 23;
- Can define new properties on-the-fly.
- Global object: all global variables are actually properties of
a distinguished object called the global object. You will hear
more about the global object later.
- Functions:
- Simple example:
function fac(x) {
if (x <= 1) {
return 1;
return x*fac(x-1);
- Can have variable number of arguments:
- arguments variable
- Unspecified arguments have value undefined
- All functions return a value (default is value of the last statement).
- eval: interpret a string as Javascript code, execute on the fly.
- Classes:
- Functions are first-class values:
plus1 = function(value) {
return value + 1;
plus1(24) returns 25
- A property of an object can be a function; if so, it can be
invoked using method notation:
Object o = new Object();
o.count = 0;
o.increment = function(inc) {
if (inc == undefined) {
inc = 1;
this.count += inc;
return this.count;
o.increment() returns 1
o.increment(3) returns 4
- Use this to refer to instance variables
- There is no difference between a method and a function except
for this:
- In method invocation this refers to the object.
- In function invocation this refers to the global object.
- A function can also have properties, just like Objects:
function plus1(value) {
if (plus1.invocations == undefined) {
plus1.invocations = 0;
return value + 1;
- A constructor is a function named after the class
function Rectangle(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
r = new Rectangle(26, 14);
- How do new objects acquire methods?
- Approach #1: add methods in the constructor:
function Rectangle(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.area = function() {
return this.width*this.height;
- Approach #2: Define methods on a prototype objects
- Associate each instance with a particular prototype
- Automatically apply methods from the prototype to the instance.
- The prototype property on the constructor function serves
this purpose:
Rectangle.prototype.area = function() {
return this.width*this.height;
- When Javascript looks up a property (e.g. a method), if it can't
find it on the object itself, it looks for it in the prototype
property of its class (constructor function).
- Inheritance: create prototype as instance of parent class
Rectangle.prototype = new Shape(...);
If desired property is not in Rectangle.prototype then
Javascript will look in Shape.prototype and so on.
- What Javascript features correspond to the following constructs in Java?
- Class?
- Method?
- Instance variable?
- Class variable?
- Static variable?
- Static method?
- How to get Javascript into a Web page:
- By including a separate file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="code.js"></script>
- Inline in the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript">
Javascript goes here...
- Event handlers:
<p onclick="alert('Hello world!');">
Click here.</p>