URLs and Links
Lecture Notes for CS349W
Fall Quarter 2008
John Ousterhout
Hypertext and the Web
- We take the Web's hypertext capabilities for granted now, but they
were controversial when they first came out.
- The basic ideas behind hypertext have been around since the 1960's
but there were few practical limitations before the Web (Apple's
Hypercard may have been the most widely used one).
- Before the Web, hypertext systems generally required "referential
integrity": you couldn't create a link unless the target was known
to exist and you couldn't delete a target with a link referring to it.
- Key contribution of the Web: allow broken links! (Don't require
referential integrity)
- The hypertext community looked down on the Web in its early days
as a step backwards.
- However, referential integrity doesn't scale to systems the size
of today's Web; eliminating this requirement made it possible
for the Web to scale.
- To build a truly scalable system, have to give up something in the
area of integrity/consistency.