Lincoln Kirstein
Nicholas Jenkins is the Literary Executor of the Copyrights and Papers of the scholar, critic, poet and dance-impresario, Lincoln Kirstein (1907-1996). Kirstein was the co-founder with George Balanchine of two of the United States' pre-eminent dance institutions, the New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet.
For an essay by Jenkins on Kirstein's life and work, see "The Great Impresario", New Yorker, 74.8 (13 April 1998), 48-61. Or click this link for a brief biography of Kirstein on the New York City Ballet website.
Lincoln Kirstein's authorized biography is currently being written by Professor Martin Duberman of Lehman College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Information to share about Kirstein's life and work? Questions about Kirstein's copyrights or papers? Please email.