day by day: a blog
June 03, 2005
My book on Auden's early poetry from 1922 until 1936 and on the culture of inter-war England, The Island: W. H. Auden and the Regeneration of England will be published in 2010 by Belknap/Harvard University Press in the United States and by Faber and Faber in the United Kingdom.
Below is a listing of my other published work to date on the poetry and life of W. H. Auden (1907-1973). For a selective listing of work I have published on other authors and on other media, click here. (To visit the W. H. Auden Society website, click here.)
Books edited or co-edited:
Edited: Alan Ansen, The Table Talk of W. H. Auden (Princeton: Ontario Review P, 1990; London: Faber and Faber, 1991)
Co-edited (with Katherine Bucknell): "In Solitude, for Company": W. H. Auden After 1940: Unpublished Writing and Recent Criticism, Auden Studies vol. 3 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1995)
Co-edited (with Katherine Bucknell): W. H. Auden: "The Language of Learning and the Language of Love": Uncollected Writing, New Interpretations, Auden Studies vol. 2 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1994)
Co-edited (with Katherine Bucknell): W. H. Auden: "The Map of All My Youth": Early Works, Friends and Influences, Auden Studies vol. 1 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1990)
"W. H. Auden – Family Ghosts": a genealogical database of W. H. Auden's ancestry, containing the names of more than 4,800 individuals; see also "Commentary: 'W. H. Auden – Family Ghosts' Website" and "Hotspots: 'W. H. Auden – Family Ghosts'"
Essays, reviews, mini-editions, notes:
"Poet and Gun" Day by Day: A Blog, 21 Nov. 2008
"Auden Group (act. c.1930–1939)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online edn. [Oct. 2008 update]
"Separate Spheres", Day by Day: A Blog, 17 Dec. 2007
"Family Secrets", Day by Day: A Blog, 12 Dec. 2007
"Words in a Cloud", Day by Day: A Blog, 3 Dec. 2007
"Auden — The Coat of Arms", Day by Day: A Blog, 19 Oct. 2007
"Historical as Munich — Auden at 100: Who Is He Now?", Times Literary Supplement, 9 Feb. 2007, pp. 12-15
to be repr. in Sinn und Form (Berlin)(forthcoming)
"Vin Ordinaire", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 25 (Jan. 2005), 18-23
"Auden in America", in Stan Smith, ed., The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005), 39-54
"Writing 'Without Roots': Auden, Eliot, and Post-National Poetry", in Steve Clark and Mark Ford, eds., "Something We Have That They Don't": British and American Poetic Relations Since 1925 (Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2004), 75-97
"Novalis and Auden", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 24 (July 2004), 17-18
"The Traveling Auden", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 24 (July 2004), 7-14; (also available at the W. H. Auden Society website:
"Either Or or And: An Enigmatic Moment in the History of 'September 1, 1939'", Yale Review, 90.3 (July 2002), 22-39
repr. as "'Wir müssen einander lieben oder sterben': ein rätselhafter Moment in der Geschichte des Gedichts '1 September 1939'", Sinn und Form (Berlin), 4 (2003), 480-96; and in abbreviated form as "Either Or or And", Georgian Journal of American Studies (forthcoming 2005)
"'September 1, 1939' After September 11, 2001", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 22 (Nov. 2001), 5-8
"The Mirror-Stage" [review essay on W. H. Auden, Lectures on Shakespeare], New Republic, 20 Sept. 2001, 40-46, 48-49
"New Year Letter", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 15 (Nov. 1996), 23
"Goodbye, 1939" [on Auden's emigration to the USA], New Yorker, 72.6 (1 April 1996), 88, 90-94, 96-97
[Review of Thekla Clark, Wystan and Chester], W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 14 (April 1996), 27-9
"Jack Barker: 1915-1995", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 14 (April 1996), 12-14
"Tania Stern: 1904-1995", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 14 (April 1996), 9-12
"Lincoln Kirstein: 1907-1996", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 14 (April 1996), 5-9
"W. H. Auden" in F. M. Leventhal, ed., Garland Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Britain (New York: Garland, 1995), [pages unknown]
"Some Letters from Auden to James and Tania Stern" in Katherine Bucknell and Nicholas Jenkins, eds., "In Solitude, for Company": W. H. Auden After 1940: Unpublished Writing and Recent Criticism, Auden Studies vol. 3 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1995), 31-109
"Vocation and Society (1943)" in Katherine Bucknell and Nicholas Jenkins, eds., "In Solitude, for Company": W. H. Auden After 1940: Unpublished Writing and Recent Criticism, Auden Studies vol. 3 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1995), 1-30
"'What Needn't Have Happened Did'" [review of W. H. Auden, The Prolific and the Devourer and John Deedy, Auden as Didymus], W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 12 (April 1994), 16-18
"Golo Mann (1909-1994)", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 12 (April 1994), 7
"James Stern (1904-1993)", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 12 (April 1994), 2-7
"W. H. Auden" in Ian Hamilton, ed., Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry (Oxford: Oxford University P, 1994), 21-5
"Introduction" to Auden's "Uncollected Songs and Lighter Poems 1936-1940" in Katherine Bucknell and Nicholas Jenkins, eds., W. H. Auden: "The Language of Learning and the Language of Love": Uncollected Writing, New Interpretations, Auden Studies vol. 2 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1994), 49-59
"Auden and Lenin?", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 10-11 (Sept. 1993), 13-14
"The Making of Two Poets" [review of Anthony Hecht, The Hidden Law], Times Literary Supplement, 4697 (9 April 1993), 10
"Charles H. Miller", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 9 (Aug. 1992), 14
"Writer to Reader" [review of Wendell Stacey Johnson, W. H. Auden], W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 8 (Dec. 1991), 6-7
"The Berg: A Mountain Grows Larger", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 7 (Oct. 1991), 10-12
"A Conversation with Lincoln Kirstein" [interview], W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 7 (Oct. 1991), 2-8
"'All Types That Can Intrigue a Writer's Fancy'", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 6 (Dec. 1990), 1-2
"Auden's The Double Man", Notes and Queries, 235.4 (Dec. 1990), 441-42
"Headlines and Deadlines: A Review of Reviews of the Auden and Isherwood 'Plays'", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 5 (Aug. 1990), 6-9
"Wendell Johnson", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 5 (Aug. 1990), 2-3
"In Memoriam: Lola Szladits", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 5 (Aug. 1990), 1-2
"Lost and Found", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 5 (Aug. 1990), 1
"Eleven Letters from Auden to Stephen Spender", and an appendix-essay, "Auden and Spain" in Katherine Bucknell and Nicholas Jenkins, eds., W. H. Auden: "The Map of All My Youth": Early Works, Friends and Influences, Auden Studies vol. 1 (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1990), 55-93
"Introduction" to W. H. Auden, Poems 1927-1929: A Facsimile (New York: New York Public Library, 1989), xi-xv
"The Queen's Masque", W. H. Auden Society Newsletter, 1 (April 1988), 2
"Undoing the Folded Lie" [review of Stan Smith, W. H. Auden and Alan Bold, ed., W. H. Auden: The Far Interior], Times Literary Supplement, 13 June 1986
"On the Way to China: An Unpublished Poem by W. H. Auden" ["Paris"], Oxford Poetry, 2.3 (Winter 1985), 86-7
"Poems by W. H. Auden (1927-1928)" [ten previously unpublished poems], Oxford Poetry, 1.3 (Spring 1984), 84-94
Posted by njenkins at June 3, 2005 09:38 PM
With the exception of interspersed quotations, all writing is © 2007-09 by Nicholas Jenkins