day by day: a blog
June 17, 2005
I am the Literary Executor of the Copyrights and Papers of the scholar, critic, poet and dance-impresario, Lincoln Kirstein (1907- 1996). Kirstein was the co-founder with George Balanchine of the United States' pre-eminent dance institutions, the New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet.
For my article on Kirstein's life and work, see "The Great Impresario", New Yorker, 74.8 (13 April 1998), 48-61. Or click this link for a brief biography of Kirstein on the New York City Ballet website.
Professor Martin Duberman of Lehman College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York has written Lincoln Kirstein's authorized biography. His book, The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein (Knopf), was published in April 2007, shortly before the 100th anniversary of Kirstein's birth in May 1907.
"The Last Tycoon", an essay I wrote on Kirstein's thoughts about a biography of him and on my own impressions of him as a biographical subject, appeared Raritan (Fall 2007) and in Nancy R. Reynolds, ed., Remembering Lincoln (New York: Ballet Society, 2007).
During the Kirstein centenary year I took part in an event centered on Kirstein's poetry, "Lincoln Kirstein Centennial Reading", in the Recital Hall of the Graduate Center, CUNY, at on 12 Oct. 2007, and in a panel discussion titled "Lincoln Kirstein: A Life in Art" at the Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, on 23 Oct. 2007.
Fresh information to share about Kirstein's life, work or writings? Questions about Kirstein's copyrights or papers? Please email.
Posted by njenkins at June 17, 2005 08:53 PM
With the exception of interspersed quotations, all writing is © 2007-09 by Nicholas Jenkins