Richard L. Meehan

Richard Meehan has civil engineering degrees from M.I.T. and Imperial College, University of London. Following active duty with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and construction experience in Southeast Asia in the early 1960s he worked on geotechnical and underground engineering projects in various urban areas and as a dam designer in California and abroad. From 1969 to 1985 he was president of Earth Sciences Associates, a consulting engineering firm specializing in facility siting, risk evaluation and correction of geotechnical problems. He has maintained a California-based consulting engineering practice and taught at Stanford University for the past thirty five years.

video on 12/12 review of Baldwin Hills fracking

Supplementary material on Inglewood fracking issue

Web Project on Geotechnical Failures

Publications  and  Book Reviews

Girls Algebra Project


Course taught at M.I.T. (Winter 2000):

Courses taught at Stanford (1975-):  
Current Research projects