We focus here on a particular (and deadly) type of levee failure that is characteristic of California rivers and displays the following characteristics:
-associated with landside seepage and sand boils, often at considerable distance from toe, during floods;
-failure at up to one day after flood peak;
-boils at levee toe enlarging in the last hour before failure to large sand spouts;
-loss of levee toe by sinking or sliding followed by levee subsidence and overtopping.
flood vtech:2.5:lf106x.gif:363
California's Central Valley and delta region is
a nice fit to this geographic pattern of levee failure. (Is the delta region really a
"delta"? Not exactly in the original "shape" sense of the word, coined by Herodotus when he
realized that the form of the Nile delta was a giant greek letter delta. But
geomorphically the place is in fact a delta, that is an accumulation of flat sediments on the
edge of a basin, in this case the hill-pinched upper estuary of San Francisco Bay. Which
means that it shares much of the history and stratigraphy of other deltas and estuaries of the
world, and has conditions that match the pattern we shall adduce here.)
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Interesting similarity: Genesis 1 states that
Eden (Sumerian for "plain") is sited at the meeting point of four rivers. The Gihon
(present-day Karun) winds through Cush (Kasibites, Iran) and the Pishon now is a dry
wadi from Havilah (now Arabia.) Today the junction is a vast marsh a hundred miles
inland of the Persian Gulf, inhabited by the Shiite marshland Arabs, scene of the ancient
cities of Ur, Uruk, and Eridu, and more recently the site of the Gulf War.
oaks x vtech:2.7:lf61.gif:205
A classic geographic urban pattern beginning
with the ancient Sumerian city of Ur (of the Chaldees, of biblical fame) and carrying on to
Tokyo, San Jose California, Galveston Texas etc. involves urbanization of lower floodplains,
diversion and diking of rivers, and (especially in recent times) extraction of groundwater
leading to subsidence. River and tidal surfaces end up well above ground levels in cities,
creating problems of both underground flooding (affecting underground space and destabilizing
the ground) and surface flooding of the depressed urban basin arising from levee breaches in
susceptible areas upstream.
flood prevent vtech:3:lf140.gif:353
Certain patterns of subsurface geology and
seepage coincide with this history, as demonstrated in the 1940s by Fiske for the Mississippi
River and elaborated by other research on levee failures and flow slides conducted by the
Corps of Engineers over the years. Holocene evolution of lower valleys in California is
somewhat different than in the Mississippi because of smaller watersheds, tailings deposition,
and tectonically defined coasts. Nonetheless mid-Holocene river evolution still gives rise
to a classic fine-grained topstratum with effective thickness of 20 ft. or so. Depending on
local conditions, high upward seepage pressures with associated instability may develop at
relatively shallow depths beneath the toe (and throughout the landside floodplain) during or
shortly (up to 36 hours) after high water.
flood geo prev vtech:4:lf138.gif:355
The Sacramento Riverconsidered
longitudinally: Pleistocene gravel channels are found 25 feet below the ground in the
floodplain. The gravel was deposited in fast moving braided streams when the sea was 300 feet
lower (until about 7000 years ago). When sea level stabilized, a delta formed and the rivers
switched to a meandering pattern, blanketing the gravels with silt.
flood geox vtech:4.5:profile2.gif:209
Notice the similarity to the stratigraphic
section of the Holocene deposits in the lower Tigris-Euphrates basin
flood vtech:4.6:icoast1.gif:369
A longitudinal profile of a 20 mile stretch
of the Feather River centering on the Arboga failure at Country Club Road. Notice that at both
the Country Club Road and Linda areas (where notable levee failures occurred in 1997 and 1986
respectively, each causing on the order of 1/2 billion dollars in damage) the levee is built
on a silt (and tailings) layer (brown color) which is roughly as thick as the levee is high.
Beneath this silt and tailings is the coarser and more pervious gravel from the Pleistocene.
flood geo vtech:5:profile1.gif:171
Claim: The failure behavior of the levees during
flooding demonstrates that the upwardly fining gravel layers (Laguna Formation?) at 20-30 ft
beneatht the floodplain (which is deeper than usually explored in California levee safety
investigations) play a critical role in failure. High seepage pressures and ample flow
delivery capacity is brought to the levee toe behavior and beyond.
flood geo vtech:6:lf7.gif:195
Supporting evidence: this is the only way that
sand boils and collapse features could occur hundreds or thousands of feet on the land side of
failure-prone levees. Here is one (discovered by my 11 year old son Kevin) being photographed
for KPIX a few hundred feet downstream from the Arboga collapse of January 1997 (video
available). Ours were the first footprints in this orchard, many weeks after the failure.
flood geo vtech:8:crew.gif:196
Implication: The repressurized gravel layer
pushes the potentials toward the landside and up into the sensitive foundation area. Seepage
conditions in flood time are not as often assumed in (a), but as shown in (b). The
gradients increase progressively with time. When they exceed 0.5 sand boils become active and
the toe foundation and lower slope become mushy and unstable, effectively forming quicksand.
flood mech vtech:8.5:lf79.gif:220
In anticipating failure D, the fatal combination occurs where the levee is built over the floodplain, and is built on a silty cap (covering old gravel), that is relatively thin. These areas are marked by low ground and high groundwater, C.
Hence diagnosis of areas with acute failure risk is based on recognition of (a) levee
configuration on flood plain, (b) history of seepage symptoms, (c) details of Holocene and
man-made stratigraphy.
flood geo vtech:12:lf20.gif:149
Consider point (a): If you knew about the 1955 and 1986 failures, could you suggest where a future failure might be?
Notice how the levee extends well out into the floodplain (yellow) at the failure locations. This is a legacy of the "levee wars" of the late 19th century. Land owners hoped to push the river over into the other county. The situation became so unfriendly that levees were sabotaged by dynamiting.
These same areas have been subject to well-documented, flood-induced seepage (which damages
orchards) for decades.
flood geox vtech:14:usgs4.gif:359
We can see point (c) most dramatically in
another flood-prone river, the Pajaro River.
Note how the 1995 failure, shown on the news clip to the right, occurs at a
point where the county line (1890 river channel) crosses the river and the topstratum is
accordingly thin and vulnerable to seepage. Note that the floodplain at the failure area is at
50 ft above sea level.
paj1 vtech flood:14.1:compare.gif:97
Consider this: 1995 the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers planned to reinforce the levee at Country Club Drive. Nonetheless, laws required
that the work could not begin on the levee repair until an artificial pond was constructed
for environmental "mitigation" purposes.
corps vtech:14.6:lf53.gif:362
Here is visual comparison between the 1986 and 1997 levee failures and the location of pits dug in the floodplain near the levees. Both photographs are the same scale.
Artificial pits were present at both failure sites as shown in the photographs (same scale).
Pits are 1000 to 2000 ft. away from the failure points, in line with old channels that pass
beneath the levees.
flood mech4 vtech:16:linda.gif:28
General observation: areas of high risk oftenappear to correspond to areas that are
otherwise suitable for preventive strategies emphasizing targeted land use controls, floodway
purchase options, insurance, and controlled failure.
flood prevent vtech:17::349
Without these long-term measures flood prone lands will continue under heavy development pressure (as here, where the site of the 1955 levee failure (28 fatalities) at Yuba City is for sale to developers. The levee has not been improved.)
Note that flood insurance is not required, the site being outside the levee and therefore protected against flooding. Ironically, the history in the Yuba City-Marysville area demostrates that the return period for extremely dangerous flooding arising from levee failure is close to 15 years. (1955, 1986, 1997)
Nonetheless, vast tracts of land are scheduled for development in these high-risk areas.
flood shang vtech:38.5:sale.gif:46
It appears likely that the discrimination of high risk areas (most susceptible 10-20%
of levee reaches) is feasible with good reliability. Also, the proposed model should allow
for improved risk-stage relationships in this type of fluvial environrment
flood prevent vtech:90::358
Short-term or flood-fighting techniques suggested by these findings:
A stategy of pressure relief in susceptible levee reaches;
Identification of susceptible top strata (pressure, stratigraphy, defects, etc)
Improved and economical pressure relief installation and monitoring;
Legal and O&M issues;
Longer term possibilities: identification of criteria for land use strategies (floodway easements, etc)
Note that cutoffs and shallow toe drains will not be effective for the condition which we
claim to exist in the Central Valley of California. Deep drains and berms are more effective.
flood vtech:100:lf79a.gif:365
Quiz: now that you have learned all this, can
you tell why the pattern of levee failures of January 1997 is the way it is?
Would it help if you knew that the failures here (and at the Pajaro River in 1995) all took
place where the floodplain elveation was about 50 feet above sea level.
flood geo vtech:150:failmap.gif:360
A near-disastrous experience in 1963 in
Thailand led me to a source of wisdom: the famous engineer P.T. Bennett. Bennett showed me
how tampering with the upstream natural blanket could lead to disaster. This is what led to my interest
in levee failures. Richard L. Meehan
Richard Meehan has engineering degrees from M.I.T. and Imperial college,
University of London. Following service with the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers he began designing dams and levees in Southeast Asia in the
1960s, and then in the Western U.S. and South America. He has maintained
a consulting engineering practice in Palo Alto and taught at Stanford
University for the past twenty five years.
701 Welch Rd. #1120
Palo Alto Ca 94304
415-323-0525 Questions or Comments?
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