
Who were the Frisians? Simple, boggish folk who lived in the coastal Netherlands, they had been the laughing stock of the ancient world since Pliny the Elder visited them in the year 47 and reported that they were like the Irish, not worth conquering. They loved their oak trees and were given to holding religious services beneath them followed by drinking parties in which they consumed what Mediterranean sophisticates called "mouldy grain."

By far the most successful missionaries in Frisland were the Irish who quickly went native, talked with angels, and regaled the natives with tall tales of miracles and oak tree prophecies.

One of them, a certain Aldebert, especially detested by Boniface, was wildly popular among them. Aldebert explained that he had been born following an annunciation by a calf, from his mother's side like the Virgin and he showed them the letter that Jesus Christ had written to him. He gave them instructions in ancient Celtic practices such as fighting the waves of the invading sea. His ancestors had lived and worshipped in the bogs and woods, he said, and they understood when natural forces must be bravely resisted and when destiny required submissions to the natural world.

Serious missionaries like Boniface were eager to tell The Holy Father about the evil doings of their successful Irish competitors. In the year 752 Boniface received permission from Pope Gregory to excommunicate the Irish and return to Germany to save the Friisians from their pagan ways.

His Holiness granted Boniface a letter to the barabarian king Charles Martel. No one knew whether the Saint would ever be seen again

Boniface returned to Germany. By day the Frisians prayed to the new Christian God.

Nighttime was a different story altogether. Boniface suffered greatly thinking about their pleasurable orgies beneath the oak trees. He could not bear the thought of the pains of hell that these simple folk would suffer in consequence of the fun they were enjoying.

For miles around the Frisians gathered to witness the Christian hack away at their pagan god.

Max Mallowan was required to give Mrs. Woolley massages while Sir Leonard, exhausted from the day's excavations, slept in the enxt room, and outside, in the blazing sun of late afternoon, hundreds of Iraquis excavated the Royal Tomb. Mrs Woolley refused to sleep with her husband but kept a string tied around his toe to wake him if she had one of her terrible nightmares.

Sideru the barmaid told Gilgamesh that he'd better learn to enjoy the fleeting pleasuers of life, a wifwe and kids, because that was about all he was going to get.

Farsis? Took his sick son to Moses who cured the boy. F told Moses that from ever on the Jews would be welcome in a small green island to the north, and so they were, up to and including James Joyces celebrated Bloom.

By arranging all the pieces of oak in correct chronological order the Germans were able to develop a complete sequence of rings going back fourteen thousand years. Each ring contained a history of its times.

The walls of the hut were whispering in the evening breeze. They seemd to be saying that Upnapishtem should get rid of his consumptive life style and biuld a big boat.

Aldebert told the Germans how in his native Ireland a man who stole the bark off an oak tree to tan his girl's shoes must be made to place a poultice of clay and mild and butter over the tree to nurse it back to good health.

Oak trees fell intot the bogs and creeks and rivers and some of them washed down into the Rhine where they can still be found today, buried in the gravel.

It was a happy androgenous world without wars and kings and status symbols and a temperature that was three degrees warmer than today.

Archaeologist Bocek insisted that Gerow's collections were loote "sacred objects" that must be "repatriated" t their native American descendants.

Gerow explained how the big tall felows would lurk around the villages playing on bone whistles. The girls would come out to hang around with them and the local guys were afraid of them.

The boatman carries Gilgamesh to a distant shore where they meet Upnapishtem, the man who lived forever. Her is the Sumerian Noah.

According to Harvard's Barry Fell, who explores prehistoric connections between Europe and the Americas in is book America B.C. evidence of a prehistoric Maritime Red Paint culture is found from Scandinavia to Newfoundland to New England, dated at 5000-5500 B.P.

One clue to this and (we shall see) more relevant mysteries is the Egyptian practice of worshipping beetles.

Here is a beetle scarab, dated 2500 BC.

Notice the connection between:

  • beetles
  • accumulation of wealth (as in jewelry): and
  • women.

    One of the first pieces of art that we associate with the first organized society of early bronze age is the stone relief showing the Egyptian King XXX fixing a levee. By controlling water one raised more rice than needed, saved wealth built temples, invented accounting and lawyering. Hence Mesopotamia, Egypt, New York, Sacramento.

    Was all of this the invention of power hungry kings or greedy queens?

    One clue to this and other even more relevant mysteries. The Egyptians soon took to worshipping beetles.

    Expelled from Eden for original sin, the sons of Adam and Eve fought jealously ending in the banishment of the agriculturalist Cain after he murdered his pastoralist brother Abel. God's displeasure was a chronic condition; it wasn't long before women were dating immortals, like local girls at spring training, and Yahweh was announcing a 120 year advance warning of disaster.

    Eden (Sumerian for "plain") is sited at the meeting point of four rivers. The Ghhon (Karum) winds through Cush (Kasbites, Iran) and the Pishon now a dry wadi from Havilah, now Arabia. Today the junction is a vast marsh a hundred miles inland of the Persian Gulf, inhabited by the Shiite marshland Arabs, scene of the ancient cities of Ur, Uruk, and Eridu, and more recently site of the Gulf War.

    If the oak tree devastation was merely a scientific oddity, of much more lasting significance are two other notable events that seem to center on exactly the same time: 1) the mesolithic-neolithic transition, when the old hunter-gatherer stone age cultures (present in Ireland for about 7000 BC - 3000 BC or four thousand years) gave way to the Neolithic culture with it domestication of animals and agriculture. Although archaeologists have emphasized the gradual, non-invasive roots of this change, playing down the older vision of invasion and genocide in favor of scenarios like the spread of Thai food or wearing ones sunglasses on top of the head (reportedly started by Audrey Hepburn in 19XX) featured in mythology, even a contemporary scenario featured by the gradualist view seems remarkably sudden in the longer view of matters (figure XX). 2) The start of building of "court cairns" and "portal tombs" that dot the Irish landscape. 3) The arrival of "Celtic" (Indo-European culture in the British isles).
    Oaks bog decline:0::169

    The decline in bog oaks in Ireland's peat beds was dramatically sudden. What is more, the occurrence could well have even more catastrophic than the curve shown on figure XX suggests, since oak trees may live several hundred years. How can such an event like this be explained? The onset of an era of heavy rainfall would raise the water level in boggy ground, turning bogs into year-round ponds, with the fatal impact on trees that is evident to anyone who has seen a flooded forest. Evidently this is what happened in Ireland at about 3200 B.C. In fact, the shortage of bog oak in the period 5150-5250 (?) anywhere in the British isles was a problem for Bailie and his colleagues when they tried to fill the complete chronology. Baillie himself, not shy of taking the plunge, has suggested that something dramatic may have happened during this century.
    Oaks bog decline:0::168

    One internal site near Baltimore in County Cork was not discovered until 1993. So-called "The Lag," this site is a passage tomb had has apparently stood unrecognized for thousands of years. It is located on an island in a drowned estuary (Elizabeth Shee Twohig UCC).
    Oaks lag:0::170

    Bog wood, especially oak, is buried in peat throughout Ireland and has been used for full construction for hundreds of years. The harp of a famous 18th century musician was made from it, the better to produce tuneful echoes of Irelands past. On it was inscribed: In the time of Noah I was green. Since his flood I have not been seen. Until seventeen hundred and two I was found, by Cormac O'Kelly underground. He raised me up to that degree. That Queen of Musick you may call me. (The Bogs of Ireland, Grace O'Donovan, UCC).
    Oaks poem:0::171

    Moreover just as the oak rediscovery of oak-based knowledge has led to a unique cross disciplinary collaboration involving mythology, science and cultural studies (as for example, the current work centered on the ancient Irish site of Navan) so the new chronological sciences including are pouring new data and insights into journals, fueled in part by hints of global climate change as we enter an unstable era in the closing years of the Holocene. Startling findings include scientific confirmation of events that punctuated the great religions of the world and established the fundamental set of values of the Neolithic times, myths of creation, the Garden of Eden, a benign world in which mankind was given an opportunity of establishing harmony with the universe. What do the oaks tell us about the coming changes? The virtual certainty of change, the impotence of "command and control" management programs favored by western elites, calls for the need for new religious awe and sense of poetry, appreciation of chaos, catastrophe and fate. Case histories of an ascending series of disasters and the imperial assumptions that led to them, illustrate how the fundamental assumptions of specialists must be revised to enable us to cope with coming events.
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    Since the time of the Greek divination by oaks has been revered as a means of prophecy,and it is perhaps not surprising that the capacity of oaks to tell the past and future has now received stunning scientific confirmation through the establishment of oak chronologies in Germany and Ireland.
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    THE TESTIMONY OF THE OAKS: New ways of looking at earth processes (inspired in large degree by the deciphering of oak tree ring chronologies) suggest a world of discontinuities and "events" that is closer to traditional and pagan visions than the Victorian concepts that underlie our traditional "management" of natural hazards. My proposed book demonstrates and explores the implications of this trend through examination of notable and recent earthquakes, floods, etc.
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    4700 BP: Establishment of agricultural culture in Mexico by this date, though recent (1997) dating of domesticated squash indicates at least some us of agriculture as much as 4000 years earlier.
    Oaks squash, don squash:0::173

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