was born on November 3, 1831. A chubby boy, I was possessed from the beginning
with an imagination on fire. My father, an Irishman from County Tyrone
(related, he claimed, to the O'Neils) was a peripatetic scholar and a dabbler,
a wit and a freethinker, who read Bacon and studied medicine but perished
of typhoid caught from his first patient. My mother
was an irishwoman as well, tough and hard as the breed
can be, but a lover of wit and irony and oratory; she insisted on the highest
achievement in Chaucer and Shakespeare, Milton and Spenser. Language was
the road to success in my day. Perhaps you no longer believe this to be
Once I wrote to Oliver Wendell Holmes, seeking his advice.
I received this reply from the great man, and I pass it on to you for its
I will give you then a little of the advice which you have
courted, with a free tongue but kind spirit. You have the inward adjustments
which naturally produce melody of expression and incline you to rhythmical
forms, of which you will easily become a master. You are a bright scholar,
who has read a good many books and perhaps have a little too much fondness
of ornamenting your own composition with phrases borrowed from what you
have read ---very fairly credited to your sources to be true, but perhaps
a little too freely interspersed. You have a quick eye and a smart wit
of our own dangerous gifts, which like young colts must be bitted and broken
before they can become trusted servants. Whether you have the higher requisites
which make up the true poetical character or not, I dare not undertake
to decide on the strength of a school exercise. .
Seventeen years old! What a blessed reach of future lies before you,
with talents and ambition to urge them on to excellence But you must remember
that you are in your pupilage now, and that what you write as a boy will
be judged of by the public without those allowances which friends and a
limited circle of acquaintances know bow to make. No judicious friend would
advise you to print this gay production of your boyhood, or youth, if you
choose to call it so. . . . No sir, I hope you are man enough to know that
if at your age youhave done well, in a few years you can do much better;
that study, reflection, the natural ripening of the crude juices will do
for you what they have done for all the great minds that have born fruit
worth gathering, Be patient-do not listen to partial friends, choose subjects
worthy of sincere effort, whether grave or gay,--- subdue the rank luxuriance
of your infancy and language by studying the pure models and by and by
we shall hear of Ignatius L. Donnelly.
Who today writes such letters? Do you find it amusing?
Do you believe that the elements of successful endeavor suggested by the
great man should today be replaced with "computer skills" and "marketing"?
So typical of Victorian Yankee advice? The belief in regularity,
probity, impartiality, to replace the evils of rank luxuriance!