Remember, all you need to do is make sure that the reference to your counter in the script call matches one of the counters in your counter file.
Here's the line that made the odometer thingy appear:
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/counter.prl/~meehan/donnellyr/counter.html?x" ALT="[counter]">
and here's the counter.log (with a few additional examples) :
/~damon/samples/counter.html:756 /~damon/index.html:18 /~damon/ddc/ddc.html:226 /group/dcg/:122 /group/dcg/samples/sample-data.html:7The script calls for the last four would be:
<IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/counter.prl/~damon/index.html> <IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/counter.prl/~damon/ddc/ddc.html> <IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/counter.prl/group/dcg/> <IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/counter.prl/group/dcg/samples/sample-data.html>