Areas of Specialization
Academic Appointments
Administrative Appointments
Courses Taught
Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Grants
Committee Work
Conference Papers
Fiction Readings
Other Professional Activities
Professional Affiliations
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- B.A. English/Creative Writing,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1976
- M.F.A. Creative Writing/Fiction,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1983
- Graduate Course Work in Rhetoric,
Composition, and Literature, University of Arizona, 1984
- Writing Program Administration
- Writing Center Administration
- Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing
- Creative Writing/Fiction/Creative
Writing Pedagogy
- Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Co-Director of Stanford Introductory Studies for the Program
in Writing and Rhetoric and September Studies, Stanford University, 2008-date
- Associate Director, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, Stanford University, 2000-2009
- Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate
Education, Stanford University, 2001-2008
- Director and Associate Writing
Specialist, University Composition Board, University of Arizona,
1997- 2000
- Acting Senior Coordinator, University
Composition Board, University of Arizona, 1992-1997
- Assistant Coordinator, University
Composition Board, University of Arizona, 1989-1992
- Lecturer, Department of English
and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, 1987-89
- Adjunct Lecturer, Department
of English, University of Arizona, 1986-87
- Teaching Associate, Department
of English, University of Arizona, 1984-86
- Graduate Assistant in Teaching,
University of Arizona, 1980-84
- Instructor, Undergraduate Specials
Program, Stanford University, 1976
- Assistant Director of Composition,
University of Arizona, 1985-87, 1990-94
- Composition Coordinator, New
Start Summer Program, Office of First-Year Programs, University
Learning Center, and Minority Student Services, Dean of Students
Office, 1985-87, 1990-1998
- Head Supervisor and Course Director
for First-Year Composition, University of Arizona, 1985-87
- Assistant to the Director, Composition
Program, University of Arizona, 1982-85
At Stanford University (1976, 2000-date):
- Undergraduate Special 78: The
Fiction of J.D. Salinger
- PWR 3: The Uses of Classical
and Contemporary Rhetoric; Purposeful Laughter--The Rhetoric of
- PWR/English 191: Expository Writing/Creative
Non-Fiction Genres
- PWR 195: Peer Writing Tutor Training
- English 397A: Pedagogy Seminar
For Stanford Continuing
- Egl 121: Intermediate/Advanced
Fiction Writing
- Egl 229: Jewish American Short
Fiction, 1950-2000
- Com 07: Purposeful Laughter:
The Rhetoric of Comedy
- Com 12: Make 'Em Laugh: A Comic
Writing and Performance Workshop
- Com 17: Laughing Matters: Comedy
at Work and Play
- Lit 124: Mysteries and Manners:
Crafting the Short Story Tradition
At University of Arizona (1980-87,
- English 100 (Basic Writing)
- English 101 (Expository Writing)
- English 102 (Critical Essays
About Literature)
- English 103 (Honors: The Rhetoric
of Argumentation)
- English 104 (Honors: The Rhetoric
of Interpretation)
- English 197a (Thinking and Writing
the University)
- English 207 (Sophomore Composition)
- English 210 (Introduction to
Fiction Writing)
- English 301 (Creative Non-Fiction)
- English 304 (Intermediate Fiction
- English 306 (Advanced Composition)
- English 404 (Advanced Fiction
- English 393/493 (Internship--Writing
Center Peer Consultants)
- English 591A (Methodology of
Teaching Essay Writing)
- English 595A (Rhetoric of Exposition)
- English 591B (Methodology of
Teaching Critical Reading and Writing)
- English 595B (Rhetoric of Literature
and Critical Writing)
- English 596H (Modern Literature:
The Teaching of Creative Writing); taught collaboratively with
Debra Gregerman
- Summer Programs Seminar: Gender
and Conflict in 20th Century Literature
- Humanities 245 (Race and Ethnicity
in the United States: A Regional Perspective, taught collaboratively
with Oscar Martinez, History, and Liz Bailey, Communications,
for Transfer Summer Institute)
- LRC 197a (Investigating the University,
for Fall Transition Program)
- LRC 493 (Internship--Undergraduate
Research Projects)
Non-Credit Courses at Writing Works
Center, Extended University
- Intermediate Fiction Writing
- Legal Writing
- Crafting the Short Story
- Fiction Workshop: Invention and
At San Diego State University (1987-89):
- English 220 (Introduction to
- English 280 (Introduction to
Creative Writing)
- English 500W (Advanced Composition)
- English 509 (Introduction to
the Teaching of Writing)
- English 573 (Techniques of the
- English 581W (The Writing of
- Tuition Fellowship, Stanford
University, 1973-76
- Graduate Tuition Fellowship,
University of Arizona, 1982
- Grant from University of Arizona
Foundation to Fund Publication of Sonora Review, 1983
- Meritorious Performance as a
Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona Foundation, 1983
- Nominee for FiveStar Faculty
Award, Honors Program, University of Arizona, 1985, 1999
- Second Prize, Teachers as Writers
Creative Non-Fiction Contest, Arizona English Teachers Association,
- First Prize, O. Henry Festival
Stories Competition, 1987
- SemiFinalist, University of
Iowa Press Short Fiction Awards, 1987
- O. Henry Festival Stories Competition,
- Semifinalist, PEN/Syndicated
Fiction Competition, 1990
- O. Henry Festival Stories Competition,
- Honorable Mention, American
Fiction '91, 1991
- Outstanding Contribution to Minority
Student Education, University of Arizona Office of Minority Student
Affairs, 1992
- Grants from Extended University
Multicultural Summer Programs Committee to fund Writers Series,
"Writers in the University and Community: Multicultural Perspectives,"
- First Prize, O. Henry Festival
Stories Competition, 1993
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished
Leadership Award, University of Arizona, 1992
- Outstanding Service Award, Center
for Transfer Students, University of Arizona, 1992-93
- Award for Excellence, University
of Arizona Staff Advisory Council, 1994
- APEX Apple Award, APEX Early
Outreach Program, 1996
- Distinguished Achievement in
Humanities Outreach and Education, College of Humanities, 1997
(awarded to University Composition Board)
- First Place (tie), Teachers
as Writers Fiction Contest, Arizona English Teachers Association,
- Composition Program Advisory
Committee, University of Arizona, 19821987, 19891995, 1996-1998,
- Committee to Revise Honors Curriculum
in Freshman Composition, 1983
- Graduate Student Representative
to Creative Writing Program, 1982-83
- Graduate Student Representative
to English Department Council, 1983-84
- Chair, Committee to Revise Evaluation
Procedures for First-Year Teachers, 1985
- Chair, Textbook Selection Committee
for Freshman Composition, 1986
- Chair, Syllabus Committee for
Freshman Composition, 1986-87
- State of Arizona Language Arts
Textbook Committee (Grades K8), Arizona Department of Education,
- Co-Chair, Task Force to Revise
Library Skills Program and Workbook for First- Year Composition,
- Creative Writing Committee,
Department of English, San Diego State University, 1987-1989
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
Committee, University of Arizona, 1990-1993
- Graduate Writing Initiative Committee,
Graduate College, University of Arizona, 1991-93
- Commission on Critical Thinking
and Learning Strategies, University of Arizona, 1992
- Intercollegiate Writing Committee
(ex officio), University of Arizona, 1992-2000 (Chair of Subcommittee
to Evaluate UDWPE)
- Faculty of Humanities Strategic
Long-Range Planning Committee, 1993-94
- Dean's Academic Advisory Committee,
College of Humanities, 1994-96 (Diversity, Strategic Planning,
and GAT Issues Subcommittees)
- Provost's Core Curriculum Planning
Committee, 1994-95 (Skills Team, Alternative Delivery Sub-Team)
- Appointed Personnel Organization
Council, 1995-96
- Task Force on the Undergraduate
Writing Experience, Office of Undergraduate Education, 1996
- Search Committee for Associate
Director, Minority Student Services, University Learning Center,
1996 English Department Council, 1995-97
- English 101 Curriculum Committee,
- Self-Study Committee, Academic
Program Review, Department of English, 1997-98
- Search Committee for Assistant
Director, APEX Early Outreach Program, 1998
- Search Committee for Associate
Director, University Teaching Center, 1998
- Upper-Division Writing-Proficiency
Exam Revision Committee, 1998-99
- Search Committee for Associate
Dean/Director, Department of Multicultural Programs and Services,
Dean of Students Office, 1999
- Search Committee for Assistant
Director of Development and External Affairs, College of Humanities,
- "Minkoff's Wife," Cimarron
Review, Number 79, April, 1987
- "Minkoff's Wife" also appears
in O. Henry Festival Stories 1987, TransVerse Press, April, 1987
- "The Shakes," ColoradoNorth
Review, Volume 28, Number 1, 1987
- "Universe of Animus and Remorse,"
Other Voices, Number 8, 1988
- "Reparations," Beloit Fiction
Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, 1988
- "Falls," Oxford Magazine,
Spring/Summer, 1988
- "Leneeta and Charity Meet the
Xerox Man," The Fiction Review, Volume 2, Number 2, Summer,
- "In the Heart of the Cold, Cold
City," O. Henry Festival Stories, 1989, TransVerse
Press, April, 1989
- "Reprise," Tucson Guide Quarterly,
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 1990
- "Forbrengen," American Fiction
'91, Birch Lane Press, April, 1991
- "Okeechobee Deli," O. Henry
Festival Stories 1991, TransVerse Press, April, 1991
- "Waking My Wife to Talk," Pleiades,
Volume 2, March, 1992
- "Window Dressing," CPU Review,
Volume 2, Number 1, October, 1992
- "The Uses of Wit," Tucson
Guide Quarterly, Volume 11, Number 1, March, 1993
- "Max's Golem," O.Henry Festival
Stories 1993, Trans-Verse Press, April, 1993
- "The Marriage of Earth and Sky,"
Tucson Guide Quarterly, Volume 12, Number 1, March, 1994
- "Angels Camp," Tucson Guide
Quarterly, Volume 15, Number 2, June, 1997
- "Mystery and Manners," In
Praise of Pedagogy: Poems, Flash Fiction, and Essays on Composing,
edited by Wendy Bishop and David Starkey, Calendar Islands Publishers,
- "Huntington House," O. Henry
Festival Stories 2000, Webcom Limited, 2000
- "The Workshop Elf,"
Writing on the Edge, Volume 12, Number 2, Spring/Summer
- "Bar Mitzvah Lessons," In
Praise of Pedagogy: Poems, Flash Fiction, and Essays on Composing,
edited by Wendy Bishop and David Starkey, Calendar Island Publishers,
- Laughing Matters, Pearson Longman, 2009
- Crafting Fiction: In Theory,
In Practice (with Clyde Moneyhun), Mayfield/McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, 2001
- Living Languages: Contexts
for Reading and Writing (with Nancy Buffington and Clyde Moneyhun),
Blair Press of Prentice Hall, 1997
- A Student's Guide to Freshman
Composition, fourth edition (with Clyde Moneyhun), Burgess,
1983; fifth edition (with Leslie Johnson and Clyde Moneyhun),
Burgess, 1984; sixth edition (with Leslie Johnson and Paul Malone),
Bellwether Press, 1985; seventh edition (with Paul Malone and
Stacey Shropshire), Bellwether Press, 1986
- "Aristotle and the Declaration
of Independence," (with Clyde Moneyhun), in Literature: News
That Stays News, edited by Candy Carter, NCTE, 1984
- Commentary on Three Student
Essays, in A Student's Guide to Freshman Composition, eighth
edition, edited by Stacey Shropshire, et al, Bellwether Press,
- A Teacher's Guide to Freshman
Composition (with Moneyhun, 1982; with Johnson and Moneyhun, 1983;
with Malone and Johnson, 1984; and with Shropshire and Malone,
1985), Inhouse Publication,
- Composition Program, University
of Arizona "Recommended Reading List for CollegeBound High School
Students," (with Johnson), Publication of Outreach Program, University
of Arizona, 1985
Journal Articles
- "Questions for a Reader/Critic,"
(with Duane Roen and Clyde Moneyhun), The Writing Instructor,
Spring, 1984
- "Aristotle in the Composition
Classroom," (with Clyde Moneyhun), Arizona English Bulletin,
Volume 26, No. 2, Winter, 1984
- "Hermeneutics From the Inside
Out," Arizona English Bulletin, Volume 27, No. 3, SpringSummer,
- "Transactional Evaluation: The
Right Question at the Right Time," (with Duane Roen and Clyde
Moneyhun), Journal of Teaching Writing, Volume 5, No. 1,
Spring, 1986
- "Creating the Profession: GAT
Training Programs," (with Duane Roen and Jan Swearingen), Writing
Program Administration, Volume 10, Numbers 12, FallWinter,
- "The CTeam," (with Duane Roen),
Teaching English in the TwoYear College, Volume 14, Number
2, May, 1987
- "CCCC: Voices in the Parlor,"
(with six cowriters), Rhetoric Review, Volume 7, Number
1, Fall, 1988
- "The Rhetoric of Blues" (song
lyrics), included in Making and Unmaking the Prospects of Rhetoric,
proceedings of the Rhetoric Society of America conference, Erlbaum,
- Review of Hearts, by
Hilma Wolitzer, and A Philip Roth Reader, by Philip Roth,
in Sonora Review, Number 2, Fall, 1981
- Review of The Phototropic
Woman, by Annabel Thomas, in Sonora Review, Number
3, Spring, 1982
- "On Being On Base," Arizona
English Bulletin, Volume 28, No. 3, Spring, 1986
Edited Journals
- Sonora Review Fiction
Editor (Numbers 3 and 4);
- Managing Editor (Numbers 5 and
6) Arizona English Bulletin
- Guest Editor (with Clyde
Moneyhun), Volume 27, Number 3, SpringSummer, 1985; Issue Theme:
Teaching Literature and Creative Writing Faculty Advisor for Pacific
Review, 1989
- "The Uses of Published Student
Writing," Conference on College Composition and Communication,
New York, March, 1984
- "The Interpretive Community in
the Composition Classroom," CCCC, Minneapolis, March, 1985
- "Two Curricular Strategies for
Creating the Interpretive Community," Wyoming Conference on Freshman
and Sophomore Composition, Laramie, June, 1985
- "Towards Models of Advanced Composition:
Bergson's Theory of Laughter," CCCC, Atlanta, March, 1987
- "Heteroglossia and Standards
of Literacy: Consequences for Composition," Wyoming Conference
on English, June, 1987
- "Hermeneutic Potential and the
Epistemology Gap," Speech Communication Association Conference
(panel sponsored by International Society for the History of Rhetoric),
Boston, November, 1987
- "Politics and the Voices of CCCC:
Language, Awareness, and Reform" (panel discussion), CCCC, St.
Louis, March, 1988
- "Her Master's Voice: Gender and
Rhetorical Power in Singin' in the Rain," Rhetoric Society of
America, Arlington, Texas, May, 1988
- "Prolonged Deviance: Freud's
Masterplot and Narrative Writing," CCCC, Seattle, March, 1989
- "The Ideology of Detail in the
Writing of Fiction," Wyoming Conference on English, Laramie, June,
- "Representation, Tradition,
and Gender in the Teaching of Fiction Writing," Rocky Mountain
MLA, Phoenix, October, 1991
- "Exploring a New Context for
Writing Across the Curriculum: The Graduate Minority Writing Program,"
CCCC, Cincinnati, March, 1992
- "Rereading Adrienne Rich: Gendered
Culture and 'Aboutness' in the Feminist Classroom," RMMLA, Ogden,
Utah, October, 1992
- "Fear of the Borg: Star Trek
and the Postmodern Challenge to Humanism," Far West Popular Culture
Association, Las Vegas, January, 1993
- "Constructing Heroes and Villains
in the Drama of Political Correctness," CCCC, San Diego, April,
- "Crisis and Change: Composition
in the 21st Century," discussion leader, Oxford, Ohio, October,
- "Canon Go Boom: Multicultural
Composition Readers," CCCC, Nashville, March, 1994
- "Cultural Studies and Composition,"
NCTE, Orlando, November, 1994
- "The Board and the Dammed: A
Case Study in the Forms and Value of Service," WPA Summer Conference,
Oxford, Ohio, August, 1996
- "Illuminating Academic Culture:
A Curriculum for Connecting 'New' Students to 'Old' Institutions,"
NCTE Southwest Regional Conference, Mesa, October, 1996
- "Portfolios from F to S: Writing
Your Way from First-Year to Senior Year at the University of Arizona,"
NCTE Southwest Regional Conference, Mesa, October, 1996
- "Writing Center Satellites and
WAC: To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before," Rocky Mountain
MLA, Albuquerque, October, 1996
- "A Modified Smiley: Revision,
Craft, and Analytic Method in the Writing Workshop," NCTE Conference
on Assigning, Responding to, and Assessing Writing, Sonoma County,
April, 1997
- "Crafting Stories, Stories of
Craft: Method and Revision in the Fiction Workshop," CCCC, Chicago,
April, 1998
- "The Full Service Writing Program
in the Full Service English Department in the Full Service Research
University," Council of Writing Program Administrators Annual
Summer Conference, Tucson, July, 1998
- "Humanizing the Invisible Process:
Portfolios, Placement, and Assessment," University Composition
Board panel, CCCC, Atlanta, March 1999
- "Narrative Writing and Rhetorical
Effectiveness: Generating Proofs from Experience," Stories in
the Classroom: Narration as Knowledge, NCTE Regional Conference,
Tucson, April 1999
- "Narration as Embodied Ethos:
Sharing Substance through Story," CCCC, Minneapolis, April, 2000
- "Crafting Creativity: The
Role of Guided Writing in the Imaginative Community," CCCC,
Denver, March, 2001
- "Comic Performance as a
Human (and Rhetorical) Activity," Writing as a Human Activity,
UCSB, October, 2001
- “Henri
Bergson’s ‘Laughter’ and the Rhetoric of Comic
Performance,” CCCC, Chicago, March, 2002
- “Ethos
Behind the Mask: Toward a Rhetoric of the Comic,” RSA, Las
Vegas, May, 2002
- “PWR
Couplings: A Writing Program’s Progress, Or, Life Beyond
English,” WPA, Park City, July, 2002
- “Ownership/Intellectual
Property: Our Definitions Are Not the Only Ones,” CCCC,
New York, March, 2003
- “Radical
Transformations: Administrative Shifts in Writing Program Administration,”
WPA, Grand Rapids, July, 2003
- "Purposeful Laughter: Toward a Rhetoric of Comic Appeals," CCCC, San Antonio, March, 2004
- "Working the Rooms of a Crowded House: The Writing Program and Undergraduate Education," WPA, Newark, Delaware, July 2004
- "Another Turn, Another Revolution: Current-Traditional Comic Rhetoric and the Rise of Boomer Humor," CCCC, San Francisco, March, 2005
- "Better Writing Assignments and
Better Assessment of Writing," Arizona English Teachers Association
Conference, Prescott, October, 1983
- "Creating Writing Assignments:
The Topic Is Not Enough," AETA, Phoenix, October, 1984
- "Assessing Student Writing,"
(seminar leader), Arizona State University High School/College
Articulation Conference, Tempe, April, 1985
- "Responding to Student Writing:
The Transactional Approach,
- " AETA, Tucson, October, 1985
- "Creating the Interpretive Community
in the Composition Classroom," (workshop leader), AETA, Tucson,
October, 1985
- "The Rhetorical Uses of Laughter,"
Gila/Pinal English Teachers Conference, Central Arizona College,
Coolidge, February, 1986
- "Approaches to Literacy," Conference
on Improving Writing in Arizona Schools and Colleges, Northern
Arizona University, Flagstaff, July, 1986
- "Revising English 101 at the
University of Arizona," AETA, Scottsdale, October, 1986
- "Writing From Experience Into
Understanding," (workshop leader), AETA, Scottsdale, October,
- "Prose Style: That Old Black
Magic or Window on the World," Gila/Pinal English Teachers Conference,
Central Arizona College, Coolidge, February, 1987
- "Humor in the Humanities: Strategies
for Teaching Cultural Literacy," AETA, Phoenix, October, 1990
- "Multicultural Education and
the Attack on Political Correctness," AETA, Coolidge, February,
- "Inventing Education: An Integrated
Program in Reading, Writing, and Researching the Text of the University,"
AETA, Chandler, November, 1992
- "Composing the Postmodern Self:
Screening the Si(gh)t(uation)e of Creativity," AETA, Chandler,
October, 1993
- "Exploring the Writer Within,"
National Organization for Human Service Education, Tucson, October,
- "Fiction Writing Workshop: Invention,
Craft, and Vision,"AETA, Phoenix, October, 1994
- "New Directions in Assessment
and Placement," Arizona English Articulation Task Force, Tucson,
September, 1998
- "'Nothing Can Happen Nowhere':
Setting in Fiction," AETA, Flagstaff, October, 1998
- "You Are Now: Simultaneity and
Synchronicity in Narrative Writing," AETA, Apache Junction, October,
- "Student Writing as Model Writing,"
Articulation Conference, University of Arizona, March, 1983
- "Current Composition Research
and Classroom Applications," Articulation Conference, University
of Arizona, February, 1985
- "Grammar and Usage in Journalism,
New Journalism, and BellesLettres," Editing Program for Minority
Journalists, University of Arizona, June, 1985
- "Prose Style in Journalism and
Academia," Editing Program for Minority Journalists, University
of Arizona, June, 1986
- "Revising English 101," Articulation
Conference, University of Arizona, March, 1987
- "Standard English," Editing
Program for Minority Journalists, University of Arizona, June,
- "Evaluating Student Writing,"
GTA Orientation, Department of English, San Diego State, January
and August, 1988
- "Gender and Usage: Who's In Charge
Here," Editing Program for Minority Journalists, University of
Arizona, June, 1990
- "NonSexist Language," Graduate
College/UTC Orientation Program, University of Arizona, August,
- "Martin Luther King, Jr. and
the Heroic Uses of Language,"(moderator), University of Arizona,
January, 1991
- "Developing Multicultural Perspectives
in the Composition Classroom," Project/IMPACT Diversity Conference,
April, 1991
- "Voice in Fiction," Southern
Arizona Writing Project, June, 1993
- "A Short History of Style,"
Editing Program for Minority Journalists, July, 1993
- "Notes on Jewish Humor," Hillel
Foundation, Graduate and Young Professionals Speakers Series,
November, 1993
- "Classical Rhetoric and Legal
Writing," Tucson City Attorney's Office, Continuing Legal Education
Program, December, 1993
- "Weaving Voices: Multiculturalism
and the Craft of Fiction,
- " TUSD Multicultural Education
Conference, April, 1994
- "Grammar, Style, and the Magic
of Rhetoric," Editing Program for Minority Journalists, June,
- "Strategies for Writing and
Teaching Fiction," Southern Arizona Writing Project, June, 1996
- "How Do We Read? Analyzing Texts,"
Tucson English Teachers, February, 1998
- "Reading and Writing Fiction
in the English Classroom," Department of English Spring Conference,
February, 1998
- "Creativity and Commonplaces:
A Rhetoric for Fiction Writers," Fundamental Controversies in
Composition and Rhetoric Conference, November, 1998
- "Why Theory? What Theory? How
Theory?", Department of English Spring Conference, February, 1999
- Writers at Work, Tucson, March,
- Living Writers Series, San Diego,
November, 1988
- Writers at Work, Judges Reading,
Tucson, May, 1992
- Sonora Review InsomniYakathon,
Tucson, February, 1994
- Stanford Continuing Studies Faculty
Reading, Stanford, April, 2001
- Outreach visits to school districts
in the state of Arizona to discuss writing with students and faculty
- Inservice orientation/workshop
for Ares Fellows (legal writing tutors), University of Arizona
College of Law
- Cofounder and facilitator of
Graduate Writing Improvement Program, University of Arizona Graduate
- College Inservice workshops on
the writing process and writing across the curriculum for university,
community college, and K12 faculty
- Writing Seminar for College of
St. Francis Health Arts Program
- Textbook and textbook proposal
reviews for St. Martin's Press, MacMillan, Harper Collins, Oxford
University Press, D.C. Heath, Holt Rinehart, Prentice Hall, Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, Mayfield Press, Blair Press
- Listed in Directory of Poets
& Writers, Inc.
- Coordinator, Teachers as Writers
Contest, Arizona English Teachers Association
- Judge, Writers at Work Fiction
Contest, University of Arizona Creative Writing Program
- Judge, ACT-SO Competition, Tucson
Chapter, NAACP
- Judge, NCTE Achievement Awards
in Writing
- Judge, Student's Guide to First-Year
Composition Essay Contest
- Reader and Table Leader, Educational
Testing Service, SAT-W Essay Exam
- Editorial Boards of WPA Journal and InReview
- Associated Writing Programs
- Conference on College Composition
and Communication
- National Council of Teachers
of English
- Association of Teachers of Advanced
- Council of Writing Program Administrators
- Poets & Writers, Inc.
- Rhetoric Society of America
- Modern Language Association
- International Writing Centers Association