Please be polite! By Les Earnest

Originally published in the April 1985 issue of Cyclops USA


If the newspaper reports distributed nationally on February 27 are accurate, National Coach Eddie Borysewicz may not yet have gotten the message that the Board of Directors thought they communicated to him in January (see article below) Mr. B. is quoted as saying "Blood doping is a legal thing" and "To even ask the question I think is not polite."



San Jose Mercury News, 2/27/85

Sports Digest

U.S. cycling coach defends blood doping

Mercury News Wire Services

Blood doping is legal and should be a personal matter left to the individual athlete, the coach of the U.S. Olympic cycling team says.

"Blood doping is a legal thing. When it's legal, why does the media make it a big problem?" asked Olympic team coach Edward Borysewicz, who also is national coaching director of the U.S. Cycling Federation.

Blood doping, also known as blood packing or blood boosting, is a procedure in which an individual receives transfusions of his own or a relative's blood. The technique is aimed at increasing an athlete's red-blood-cell count and oxygen level, thereby increasing stamina.

Some doctors and members of the U.S. Olympic Committee have claimed that some cyclists received such transfusions before their Olympic events.

"It's legal; it's not illegal," Bory­sewicz said in Honolulu. "So when it's legal, then whose business is it

who's getting the injections?

"To even ask the question I think is not polite," he said. "That is an invasion of privacy, and that is not polite, and it's illegal."


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