I give a number of talks, lectures, after-dinner speeches, and bookstore presentations
each year. Send me email
for terms
and a list of talk topics. Radio, TV, and bookstore events related to a book can be
arranged either with me or my publisher.
List last updated: March 14, 2025.
Talks in 2025:
- January 8. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, discussion panel, moderator and panelist.
- April 2-4. Critical Issues in Mathematics Education (CIME) workshop: "K-12 Mathematics Literacy for 21st Century Citizenship", SLMath Institute, Berkeley, CA, invited speaker
- April 28-May 24. In residence at Southern Denmark University in Odense, Denmark, as Visiting Adjunct Professor of Mathematics.
Talks in 2024:
- March 8. 34th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), New Orleans, LA, keynote address.
- May 5-31. In residence at Southern Denmark University in Odense, Denmark, as Visiting Adjunct Professor of Mathematics.
- "Counted Out" movie screening, SLMath Institute, Berkeley, CA, panelist
Talks in 2023:
- March 13. Leadership Garage, Stanford University, CA, invited seminar presentation. [CLOSED EVENT]
- April 14. Camden College, Blackwood, NJ, Data Science Symposium, keynote presentation.
- April 19. Mathematics Colloquium, Sonoma State University, invited talk
- April 27. Global Academy of Science and Arts (GASA), The Computer Museum, Mountain View, CA, invited talk. [CLOSED EVENT]
- May 3. The Sequoias (retirement community), Woodside, CA, invited talk. [CLOSED EVENT]
- June 28. The Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), New Yory, NY, invited talk in the mini-series "The Buck Stops Here". [ONLINE EVENT]
- September 6-22. In residence at Southern Denmark University in Odense, Denmark, as Visiting Adjunct Professor of Mathematics.
- September 13. Inaugural Lecture as Visiting Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Southern Denmark University, Odense, Denmark. [LIVE EVENT WITH GLOBAL STREAMING]
- September 26. University of Lapland "Media Education Conference 2023" (MEC23), Salla, Finland, keynote address.
- October 9. Leadership Garage, Stanford University, CA, invited seminar presentation. [CLOSED EVENT]
- November 13. Workshop on "Mathematics: Evolved or Eternal?", Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, invited talk.
Talks in 2022:
- September 21. Southern Denmark University, Odense, Denmark, university-wide lecture [ONLINE PRESENTATION]
- September 26. Leadership Garage, SAP headquarters, Palo Alto, CA, invited presentation [CLOSED EVENT]
Talks in 2021:
- No engagements this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and personal circumstances.
Talks in 2020:
- January 17. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, panelist. [Conference resistration required]
- March 9. Leadership Garage, Stanford University, invited speaker. [Closed event]
- March 27. Mathematical Association of America Texas Section Annual Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, keynote speaker. [CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC]
- April 23. "21st century math: Engaging online students in Multi-sensory learning", IES/MidSchoolMath online conference for math teachers. Opening keynote speaker. [Online event]
- April 27 - May 15. Fulbright Specialist Speaker in Estonia, hosted by the University of Tartu. Various talks around Estonia. [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-10 PANDEMIC]
- July 30. Mexican Mathematics Teachers National Conference, Mexico City, keynote speaker. [CONFERENCE MOVED TO ONLINE DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC]
- October 22. World Learning Summit, Agder University, Kristiansand, Norway, keynote speaker [ONLINE EVENT]
Talks in 2019:
- January 7-9. Nueva School Intersession, instructor, Nueva School, San Mateo, CA. [Closed event]
- February 7. Assoc. of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey Annual Conference, Monroe, NJ, keynote speaker.
- February 14,am. Business Finland, Stanford Visitors Alumni event, Helsinki, Finland, keynote speaker.
- February 14,pm. CLIC Event, "The possibilities and challenges of using artificial intelligence in knowledge creation in companies", Helsinki, Finland, speaker.
- February 15. Helsinki-Beijing-Stanford Research Triangle Workshop on AI in Education, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, participant.
- March 19 - April 5. Seelye Fellow, University of Aukland, New Zealand, miscellaneous engagements.
- April 24. Christie's Special Event, public talk on Luca Pacioli's landmark text "Summa de arithmetica", Minnesota Street Project, 1275 Minnesota St., San Francisco, CA.
- May 13-17. Set Theory Conference, University of Toronto, Canada, invited speaker.
- May 15. Fields Institute Public Lecture, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada.
- June 5-12. World Learning Summit 2019, Kristiansand, Norway, invited participant.
- June 13-14. Mexican Mathematics Teachers National Conference, Mexico City, keynote speaker [by video].
- September 23 - December 13. Leverhulme Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Huddersfield, England. Evening public talks on October 23 and November 13.
- December 2. The British Academy, London, UK, Evening public panel discussion on STEM education.
- December 4. The Knowledge Lab, London, UK, Research seminar on game-based learning. [CANCELLED]
Talks in 2018:
- January 3-5. Nueva School Intersession, instructor, Nueva School, San Mateo, CA. [Closed event]
- January 12. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA. Panelist.
- February 26 - March 1. Belgrade, Serbia. Public Lecture Series, sponsored and supported by the Embassy of the United States.
- March 15. Cafe Scientifique Silicon Valley, invited Public Talk, HanaHaus, Palo Alto, CA.
- March 21-25. World Science Festival – Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, guest speaker
- April 21. A Company of Authors, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford, CA, invited author/speaker
- May 25. Global Conference on "Mathematics for the 21st Century", International School of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, keynote speaker
- June 5-8. Education planning summit (closed event), University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, invited participant
- June 12. Future Insight 2030, major world trends in technology, Oslo, Norway, invited speaker.
- June 13. World Learning Summit, 2018 Oslo Roundtable, Oslo, Norway, invited speaker.
- September 20. TalTechDigital Conference, Estonian Republic 100th Anniversary Celebration, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, invited TED-style talk.
- September 21. Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia, public talk.
- October 6. Global Math Week 2018, Kickoff Event, San Jose, CA. Introductory remarks.
- November 10-11, Workshop on Diagrammatic Reasoning, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Keynote address.
- November 12-16, Invited Lecture Mini-series on Mathematical Thought, Priority Research Centre for Computer-Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
Talks in 2017:
- February 12. Situation Theory Mini-Conference, CSLI, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, speaker.
- February 19. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Featured Presentation, Boston, MA
- February 27. Symbolic Systems Forum, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, invited seminar talk
- March 7. Leadership Garage, invited workshop presentation, Stanford, CA. [Closed event]
- March 8. Google Book Talk, Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA, invited talk. [Google personnel only]
- March 17. Splunk weekly talk series, Splunk HQ, San Francisco, CA. [Closed event]
- March 21. Book talk - Finding Fibonacci, Keplers Books, Menlo Park, CA
- May 2. The James H. Fogelson Memorial Symposium, Trinity School, New York, NY, Symposium Keynote Address [Closed event]
- May 9-11. May Month of Mathematics (M3), Belgrade, Serbia, Opening Address and other events.
- May 22-23. New Directions in Elementary Mathematics Education Symposium, University of Southern California, invited speaker
- June 6-9. Future Learning Lab Annual Summit, Kristiansand, Norway, invited speaker
- June 17. Museum of Mathematics, Manhatten, public talk and book signing (Finding Fibonacci), New York, NY
- August 10. The Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, public talk and book signing (Finding Fibonacci), San Francisco, CA
- September 21-23. St Peters College, Adelaide, Australia, classroom visits [Closed event]
- September 25-29. Jonathan Borwein Commemorative Conference, keynote speaker, Newcastle University, Newcastle NSW, Australia
- October 3. Public lecture, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- October 12. Invited public talk, Mathematical Association of America, Washington D.C.
- October 14. Fibonacci Conference, Bucknell University, PA, keynote address
- October 17. Stanford Continuing Studies Public Lecture, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
- October 20. Innovative Learning Conference, Nueva School, Hillsborough, CA, invited speaker
- October 24. Museum of Mathematics Gala Banquet, New York City, NY, featured event, "The Unfiltered Math Guy," with NPR Weekend Edition host Scott Simon [invitation only]
- November 2. 2017-18 Annual Serge Lang Lecture, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- November 27-28. Media Education Conference (MEC 2017), keynote talk, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
- November 29, CICERO Meeting, invited talk, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
- November 30, invited talk, University of Tampere at Pori, Pori, Finland
Talks in 2016:
- January 21. Silicon Vikings, "EdTech Journeys: Future Perspectives of Experienced Practitioners" Palo Alto, CA, panelist.
- February 22. Palo Alto Rotary Club, Palo Alto, CA, invited speaker.
- February 24, BrianPop webinar, Internet presentation on game-based learning, presenter.
- March 11-12. Teaching & Learning 2016, Washington D.C., invited speaker.
- April 11. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Annual National Meeting, Oakland, CA, keynote address.
- April 26. Swarthmore College, annual "Kitao Lecture," Swarthmore, PA, invited lecture.
- May 4. Silicon Valley Innovation Center, "Education Disrupted: Turning Technology Threats Into Innovation Opportunities", Palo Alto, CA, panelist.
- May 11. "The Arithmetic of Uncertainty", Probability Management Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, CA., invited talk and panelist.
- May 12. Southern Oregon University, annual "Harry S Kieval Lecture", Ashland, OR, invited lecture.
- June 14-16. Sixth Annual Future Learning Lab Conference, Kristiansand, Norway, Keynote Address.
- October 9. Screening of the movie
The Man Who Knew Infinity with an introduction by me and audience discussion to follow. A Wonderfest presentation at the Cameo Theater in St Helena, Napa Valley, CA, starting at 3:00pm.
- October 12. mediaX Workshop, Stanford, CA, presentation and discussion on Mathematical Thinking (closed event).
- November 26. Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25th Anniversary Conference, invited address.
- December 9. "Towards engagement and well-being in learning and education", CICERO Learning 2016 Conference, Helsinki, Finland, keynote address.
- December 14. White House Summit on Educational Games, The White House, Washington, D.C., invited participant.
- December 15-16. US Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences invitational workshop, Washington, D.C., participant, poster presenter, and panelist.
Talks in 2015:
- January 9. "Stanford interactive media and games" seminar series, Stanford, CA, invited presentation and discussion.
- January 10. "Poets and Writers" public event, San Francisco, CA, panelist.
- February 26. Weber State University, Ogden, UT, annual Ritchey Lecture.
- March 4. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Learning Sciences Institute colloquium.
- March 13-14. Teaching & Learning Conference, Washington, D.C., Invited Address.
- March 19. Annual Festival of Learning, Teesside University, UK, Keynote Address.
- April 16. Annual mediaX Conference, Stanford, CA, panelist.
- April 20. CICERO Learning Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, panelist.
- June 2-3. OECD Conference, Mathematics for PISA 2021, Havard University, Cambridge, MA. Invited participant (closed event).
- October 16. Neuva Innovative Learning Conference, Nueva School, Hillsborough, San Mateo, CA, invited speaker.
- October 23. Class Without Quizzes, Stanford University Alumni Weekend, invited class instructor.
- December 1. Fair Haven School District, Fair Haven, NJ, invided talk.
- December 4. Princeton University Math Club, Princeton, NJ, invited talk.
- December 10. Henry Hudson Regional High School, Highlands, NJ, invited talk.
Talks in 2014:
- January 17. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, Public Face of Mathematics panelist.
- January 18. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, Mathematics MOOCs panelist.
- January 18. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, Museum of Mathematics panelist.
- February 28. MSRI Berkeley, CA. Invited talk.
- March 14-15. Teaching & Learning Conference, Washington, D.C., Invited Address.
- March 27-28. MidSchoolMath Conference, Santa Fe, NM. Featured Speaker (3 talks).
- April 21. Evnin Public Lecture, Princeton University, NJ.
- June 6-8. Miller Symposium, Marconi Conference Center, Tomales Bay, CA. Invited Discussant (closed event).
- June 12-13. Fourth Annual Future Learning Lab Conference, Kristiansand, Norway, Keynote Address.
- August 7. MAA MathFest, Portland, OR, MAA Invited Address.
- August 8. MAA MathFest, Portland, OR, Pi Mu Epsilon Sutherland Frame Lecture.
- September 20. MATRIX Conference on the Popularization of Mathematics, Dresden, Germany, Invited Address.
- October 8. Stanford University, CA,mediaX Research Conference, invited presentation.
- November 12. University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. Phi Beta Kappa Lecture.
- November 27. Game Development Day, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, invited lecture.
- December 1. Creative Learning Through Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland, invited lecture.
- December 8-9. Center for Curriculum Redesign, Boston, MA. Invited panelist (closed event).
Talks in 2013:
- January 7. Media X Conference, Stanford University, invited address.
- January 9. Joint Mathematical Meetings, San Diego, invited SIG address.
- January 28-February 11. Invited lecture tour in Australia as part of Mathematics of Planet Earth Year.
- February 15. Conference on Fostering Creativity and Thinking Skills in Students for the 21st Century, San Francisco,CA, invited address.
- February 26. IEEE CogSIMA Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, keynote address.
- April 2. Butler University, Indianapolis. James J. Woods Lecture Series, invited lecture.
- April 8. University of Montana, Annual President's Lecture plus a faculty seminar.
- April 18-19. 3rd Annual Future Learning Lab Roundtable, University of Kristiansand, Norway. Invited address.
- April 22-24. Center for Curriculum Redesign Conference: “What should students learn in the 21st Century?”, Stockholm, Sweden, invited talk.
- May 20. MOOC Madness: Panel on Online Education, Technapex, San Francisco, CA.
- May 31 - June 2. World Science Festival, New York City, NY, various events.
- June 20. Silicon Vikings Entrepreneurship and Learning SIG, Panel discussion on the Future of Higher Education, Palo Alto, CA.
- June 29. digi.lit. Panel discussion on digital publishing for authors, San Francisco, CA.
- August 5-7, NBE 2013, Pyhätunturi, Finland, keynote address.
- August 15. Media X, Stanford university, Opening keynote (closed event).
- August 23. Valparaiso University, Indiana, Fall Faculty Workshop, keynote lecture.
- August 26. Enterprise Learning Conference & Expo, Anaheim CA, invited address.
- September 11. Adobe Systems Conference, San Francisco (closed event), panel discussant.
- October 9. MSRI Public Events, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, CA, public talk (admission free).
- October 14-15. Maths Week Ireland, public talks in Dublin and Belfast.
- October 25-26. American Mathematical Society, Committee on Education, Washington, D.C., invited presentation (closed event).
- October 27-30. National Academy of Engineering, Fifth Frontiers of Engineering Education symposium, Irvine, CA, invited panelist (invitation only).
- November 12. Ohio University, Athens, OH, Public Lecture.
- November 16. UMERC, Umeå University, Sweden, Sonja Kovalevsky Days events, public talk.
- November 18-19. UMERC, Umeå University, Sweden, invited talks.
Talks in 2012:
- January 10. edWeb live, interactive webcast, www.edweb.net/gaming, 4:00 PM EST.
- January 13. Metropolitan Mathematics Club of Chicago, invited talk.
- January 14. Payton Citywide Math Circle, Chicago, invited talk.
- January 17-18. Finnish-Stanford Education Summit, Stanford University, organizer, presenter, and panelist.
- January 19. Finnish-Stanford Education Research workshop, Stanford University, organizer.
- February 14. Leonardo da Vinci Society of San Francisco, Museo Italo Americano, Fort Mason Center, Building C, San Francisco, CA, public talk
- February 20-22. The Future of Math Education in Ohio, Columbus, OH, invited address and panelist. (Advance registration required.)
- February 25. MAA Golden Section Meeting, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, invited address.
- March 6. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, invited lecture.
- March 7. Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden, invited lecture.
- March 16-17. WNET Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York City, NY, invited address.
- March 25. Humanist Community of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, CA, invited talk.
- April 12. University of California at Irvine, Mathematics Colloquium talk.
- April 23. West Chester University, Pennsylvania, Mathematics Colloquium talk.
- April 25. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, panelist.
- April 26. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Joseph D. Moore Distinguished Lecture.
- May 3. The Vi in Palo Alto. Invited talk. (Closed event.)
- May 9. SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA. Invited public lecture.
- May 11. Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, Oregon. Invited web talk. (Closed event.)
- May 27. The Tech Museum, San Jose, CA, in conjunction with the Commonwealth Club. Invited public talk.
- July 10. MICDS Summer Teaching Institute, St Louis, MO. Invited lecture.
- October 5-6. Baylor University, Waco, TX. Baylor Undergraduate Lecture Series in Mathematics. Invited lectures..
- November 5. Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, 2012-2013 H.B. Johnson, Jr., ’26 Distinguished Lecturer.
- November 8. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Annual Conference, Rye Brook, NY. Keynote Lecture.
- November 10. American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Invited breakfast speaker.
- November 18. The Tech Museum, San Jose, CA. Public talk.
- November 21-23. University of Helsinki, Finland. Invited lecture.
- November 24-28. Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Invited lectures.
- December 7-8. California Mathematics Council for Community Colleges, Monterey, CA. Keynote lecture.
- December 16. The Tech Museum, San Jose, CA. Public debate.
Talks in 2011:
- January 8. Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, SIG Philosophy of Mathematics. Keynote address.
- February 25. MAA Regional Section Meeting, Oxford, Mississippi. Keynote address
- March 7-9. University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, Invited lecture.
- March 14-17. Fields Institute, Toronto.Workshop on semiotics, linguistics, cognitive science, and mathematics. Invited lecture.
- March 18-19. Channel Thirteen Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York City, Invited address.
- April 6. Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA. Public lecture.
- April 14-16. NCTM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Invited lecture.
- April 28-30. Recreational Mathematics Conference, Evora, Portugal. Invited lecture and banquet address.
- May 4. San Francisco State University. Mathematics Colloquium lecture.
- May 12-14. Ontario Association for Mathematics Education conference (OAME2011), Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Keynote address.
- May 31. Annual MIND Research Institute Symposium, Los Angeles, CA. Keynote address.
- June 3. World Science Festival, New York City. Invited panelist.
- June 12-30. Nokia Visiting Professor to Finland. Various lectures at Finnish universities.
- June 22. NBE 2011, Fourth international Network-Based Education Conference: "Social Media in the Middle of Nowhere", Salla, Finland. Keynote address.
- July 11-14. Triple Helix Conference, Stanford, CA. Speaker/panelist.
- August 9. Bay Area Fellowship Forum, Palo Alto, CA. Invited lunchtime talk.
- September 6, 7. Museum of Mathematics, New York City, Public lectures.
- September 19. MIND Institute educational video games workshop, Seattle, WA, Keynote address.
- September 20. MIND Institute educational video games workshop, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Keynote address.
- September 21. Imagine Education educational video games workshop, Taos, NM, Keynote address.
- September 28. St Michael's Episcopal School, San Mateo, CA, invited lecture.
- October 6. MIND Institute educational video games workshop, Portland, OR, Keynote address.
- October 7. MIND Institute educational video games workshop, Spokane, WA, Keynote address.
- October 16. Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science, Toronto, ON, Canada, Sunday Lecture (public).
- October 29. Viewpoint School, Calabasas, Los Angeles, CA, invited speech (closed event).
- November 10. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Science Journalism Laureates Conference, panelist.
- November 16. Stanford Alumni Association meeting, Portland OR, invited talk.
- November 30. Aalto University, Helsinki Finland, Invited Lecture (Nokia Visiting Professor to Finland).
- December 2. University of Lapland, Finland, Invited Lecture (Nokia Visiting Professor to Finland).
- December 5. Tartu University, Estonia, Public Lecture.
- December 6. Tallinn University, Estonia, Public Lecture.
- December 7. Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, Public Lecture.
- December 9. Italian Cultural Institute, London. Public lecture on Leonardo Fibonacci.
- December 18. Tech Museum, San Jose, CA. Public lecture.
Talks in 2010:
- January 21. Stanford University Continuing Studies Public Lecture, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, open evening event.
- February 4. Wittenberg University, Ohio. Annual IBM Lecture. (Public event.)
- February 19. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, Special Session presentation.
- February 27. Stanford Alumni Association, Palm Springs, CA, luncheon talk.
- March 1. Media X Seminar Series, Wallenberg Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, lunchtime public talk.
- March 5-6. WNET/Channel 13 Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York City, NY, invited address.
- March 25. Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, Department of Mathematics, Logic Colloquium talk.
- March 26 . Regional Conference for Mathematics Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, opening address.
- April 10. MAA Texas Section, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, invited talk.
- April 30-May 1. University of Padova, Italy, Galileo Prize student presentation.
- May 11. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, annual Lonseth Lecture.
- August 19-27, International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad, India, invited presentation.
- September 8-11. 9th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Seoul, Korea, keynote address, Sept 11.
- September 28. Seven Hills School, Walnut Creek, CA, invited talk. (Closed event.)
- October 7. NCTM Regional Conference, Denver, CO, plenary address.
- October 19. Bay Area Executives Global Meetup event, "The Future of Games", Cisco Public Telepresence Suites, Santa Clara, CA, panelist. (
Ticketed event.)
- November 6. Wonderfest, Bay Area Science Festival, Stanford, CA, public lecture and discussion.
- November 9-12, Lecture tour of several Danish universities, Denmark.
- November 15-17, Lecture tour of several Estonian universites, Estonia.
- November 23. American River College, Sacramento, CA. Public lunchtime lecture.
- December 15. Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, Keynote Lecture, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. (Closed event.)
Talks in 2009:
- January 21. Kehillah High School, Palo Alto, CA, invited presentation, closed event.
- January 31. Kids Tech University @ Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, invited talk, closed event.
- February 10-12. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Public Lecture and Mathematics Colloquium talk.
- February 24. Castilleja School, Palo Alto, CA, invited presentation, closed event.
- February 28. John Wiley & Sons College Mathematics Education Workshop, Las Vegas, NV, plenary address.
- March 5. Princeton University, Science and Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series, invited talk.
- March 6-7. WNET/Channel 13 Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York City, NY, plenary address.
- March 27. Regional Conference for Mathematics Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, opening address.
- April 3-4. MAA Ohio Section, Bowling Green University, banquet address and invited talk.
- May 1. State of Louisiana Literacy and Numeracy Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, keynote address.
- May 15, 16, 17. 418 Project, Santa Cruz, CA. Performance of the mathematical music show "Harmonious Equations". Public event.
- May 28. Stanford Alumni Asociation, Palos Verdes, CA, invited talk.
- June 9. Sunnyvale Public Library, Sunnyvale, CA. Public talk (7:00PM).
- July 1. MAA Distinguished Lecture Series (Public event), MAA Carriage House, Washington, D.C.
- August 17-21. Science Center Hub, Borås, Sweden. Public Lecture at the opening of the Palace of Mathematics.
- September 10. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Kieval Lecture.
- September 23-26. 21C Transmedia Innovation Symposium, Seoul, Korea, invited talk.
- September 29. Seven Hills School, Walnut Creek, CA, invited talk. (Closed event.)
- October 6. Colby College, Waterville, ME, public lecture.
- October 22-23. Annual National Conference of the CIIM (Commissione Italiana Insegnamento della Matematica), University of Verona, Italy, invited lecture.
- November 12. Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, Nelson Lecture.
- November 20. Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, invited talk.
Talks in 2008:
- January 27. Stanford Math Circles. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, student presentation.
- February 7. Santa Clara University, Student Film Presentation, Santa Clara, CA, presentation of a math documentary with commentary.
- March 7. WNET/Channel 13 Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York City, NY, plenary address.
- March 11. Mastercard Advisors Event: The Future of Commerce, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Orlando, FL, speaker/panelist. (Closed event)
- March 17. Ask a Scientist, Axis Cafe, 1201 8th St, San Francisco, CA. Film presentation and discussion, in cooperation with KQED-tv.
- April 22. Stanford Alumni Association, Austin, TX, guest lecture. (Closed event)
- June 4. Silicon Valley Education Forum, Santa Clara, CA, panelist.
- June 12. Stockwell Primary School, Hull, England. (Closed event)
- June 15.
Computability in Europe 2008 conference, Athens, Greece, Opening Address.
- June 23. Stanford University Office of Science Outreach Summer Research Fellowship Program for Teachers, Stanford, CA, invited lecture.
- July 2. MAA Distinguished Lecture Series (Public event), MAA Carriage House, Washington, D.C.
- June 30-July 3. MAA Workshop on Expository Mathematical Writing, MAA Carriage House, Washington, D.C., speaker/instructor.
- August 4-7. Stanford Summer Teachers Institute, Stanford, CA, plenary lecture and interactive workshop instructor.
- September 18. Seven Hills School, Walnut Creek, CA, invited talk. (Closed event.)
- September 30. Warwick's Bookstore, San Diego, CA, public presentation.
- October 1. University of California at San Diego Bookstore, La Jolla, CA, public talk.
- October 2. Google, Mountain View, CA, invited lecture.
- October 6. Powell's Books, Portland, OR, public talk.
- October 7. Town Hall Science Lecture Series, Seattle, WA, public lecture.
- October 8. Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, invited talk.
- October 8. Village Books, Bellingham, WA, public talk.
- October 10. Courses Without Quizzes lecture, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
- October 16. Davidson College, Davidson, N.C., The Annual Bernard Lecture.
- October 17. Tattered Cover Bookstore, Denver, CO, public talk.
- October 21. Kepler's Bookstore, Menlo Park, CA , public talk.
- October 22. Stacey's Bookstore, San Francisco, CA, public talk.
- October 23. Books Inc., Palo Alto, CA, public talk.
- October 30. American River College, Sacramento, CA, invited lecture.
- November 6-7. Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, annual conference, Baton Rouge, LA, two invited lectures.
- November 11. Stanford Parents Club, Tresidder Union, Stanford, CA, invited address and discussion.
- December 7. CMC-North Annual Conference, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA. Live performance of
Harmonious Equations, with Zambra choral group and dance by Karl Schaffer.
Talks in 2007:
- January 26. Willow Glen Middle School, San Jose, CA, guest presentation.
- February 21. Marin Academy, San Rafael, CA, guest presentation.
- March 8. French American International School, San Francisco, CA, Science and Mathematics Day, guest lecture.
- March 10. Science, Math and Technology Conference, Head-Royce School Oakland, CA, plenary address.
- March 23-24. WNET/Channel 13 Celebration of Teaching and Learning professional development conference, New York City, plenary address.
- March 25. Ask a Scientist, The Canvas Gallery, 1200 9th Ave (@ Lincoln) San Francisco, 7:00 PM, talk and discussion.
- April 3. Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, Student Research Conference, plenary address.
- April 30-May 3. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, Sweden, guest lecture.
- May 21-June 1. St. Peters College, Adelaide, Australia, Mathematician in Residence, including some public talks.
- September 20. Mission College, Santa Clara, CA, guest lecture.
- September 29. The Carmel Authors and Ideas Festival, Carmel, CA, speaker and guest author.
- October 30, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, colloquium lecture.
- November 2-3, Pi Mu Epsilon Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Saint Norbert College, De Pere, WI, featured speaker.
- November 8, CogLunch series, Cordura Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, colloquium speaker.
- December 1. CMC-North Annual Meeting, Asilomar, CA, joint presentation with the choral group Zambra.
- December 1, CMC-North Annual Meeting, Asilomar, CA, invited address.
Talks in 2006:
- January 13. Joint Mathematics Meetings, plenary speaker, San Antonio, TX.
- January 27. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Mathematics Colloquium talk.
- January 28. Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Invited Address, Mathematics and the Media Conference.
- February 18. AAAS Annual Conference, Presenter, panelist, and symposium chair. St Louis, MO.
- April 26. Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, Mathematics Colloquium talk.
- April 29. American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting, San Francisco State University, session speaker.
- May 4, Unione Industriale, Turin, Italy. Invited talk.
- May 17-18. Information Theory Workshop, Munchenwiler Castle, Nr. Fribourg, Switzerland, invited speaker.
- May 31. De Anza College, Cupertino, CA, guest lecture.
- June 4-7. Elementary Mathematics Education Meeting EME06, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, plenary speaker.
- June 11-13. International Workshop on Human Centered Technology HCT06, Pori, Finland, plenary speaker.
- July 25. Summer Science Program, Ojai, California, guest speaker.
- September 14-15. Workshop on the Foundations and Applications of Mathematics, Berlin, Germany, plenary speaker.
- September 28. Mission College, Santa Clara, CA, guest lecture.
- October 5. Ebey Lectures, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee.
- October 11. North Star Academy, Redwood City, guest presentation.
- October 17. De Anza College, Cupertino, CA, guest lecture.
- November 3. The Dalrymple Lecture, University of Mississippi.
- November 8. The Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, luncheon speaker.
- November 24. Canadian Mathematics and Education Workshop, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, plenary speaker.
- November 30. CMC^3, Monterey, CA, plenary speaker.
Talks in 2005:
- March 8 - 11. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- March 31 - April 2. University of Puget Sound, Washington state.
- April 5. Cody's Bookstore, Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA (7:30pm).
- April 6. Stacey's Bookstore, Market Street, San Francisco, CA (12:30pm).
- April 7. Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Walnut Creek, CA (7:30pm).
- April 12. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- April 22. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
- April 25. Castilleja School, Palo Alto, CA.
- April 28. Kepler's Bookstore, El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA (7:30pm).
- June 2. PARC Forum, Palo Alto, CA (4:00pm).
- June 3. Canadian Mathematical Society, Plenary Address, Waterloo, Canada.
- September 15. Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah.
- November 2. San Jose State University, Physics Colloquium talk. (4:00 pm)
- November 7. Rotary Club of Palo Alto, Ming's Restaurant, Palo Alto, CA. (noon)
- November 11. AMATYC Annual Conference, Plenary Address, San Diego, California.
- November 17. Laney College, Oakland, California, Carnegie Foundation Teaching and Learning Series. (noon)
- December 7. Ask a Scientist, dinner/drinks and talk/discussion, The Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California St. San Francisco. (7:00pm)
- December 14. Blue Hills Elementary School, Cupertino, CA.
Talks in 2004:
- January 15. Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto.
- March 5. Cranbrook Kingswood School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
- March 10. YLEM Forum, McBean Theater at the Exploratorium, San Francisco,
- March 12. Marschalk Colloquium Lecture, UCLA, Los Angeles, California.
- March 24. City Businesswomen's Event, Iizuka City, Japan.
- March 31. Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, Michigan.
- April 7. San Jose State University, San Jose, California.
- April 13. Santa Clara University, San Jose, California.
- April 21. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual General Meeting,
Plenary Address, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- August 28. Annual Alumni Meeting, Duxx Graduate School of Business Leadership, Monterrey, Mexico.
- September 7. British Association for the Advancement of Science, University of Exeter, UK.
- September 10. International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic, Plenary Address, Manchester University, UK.
- October 14. Annual Georgia Mathematics Conference, Plenary Address, Rock Eagle, Georgia.
- November 4. Simon Fraser University, Invited Lecture, Vancouver, Canada.