phd students
Ria Kalluri
(PhD Computer Science 2024)
Kawin Ethayarajh (PhD Computer Science, 2024, now postdoctoral fellow at Princeton Language and Intelligence (PLI))
Isabel Papadimitriou (PhD Computer Science 2024, now Kempner Fellow, Harvard / incoming assistant professor, UBC Linguistics Sep 2025)
Federico Bianchi (Postdoc Computer Science 2023-2024, now Senior ML Scientist at TogetherAI)
Nay San (PhD Linguistics 2024, now at Rime)
Yiwei Luo
(PhD Linguistics 2023, co-advised by Beth Levin)
Peter Henderson
(PhD Computer Science 2023, now Assistant Professor, Princeton, Dept of CS and School of Public and International Affairs.)
Anjalie Field
(Computer Science and Stanford Data Science postdoc, co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor, CS Dept, JHU)
Lily Clifford
(Linguistics, at Rime)
Esin Durmus
(Computer Postdoc Science 2020-2, co-advised by Tatsu Hashimoto, now Research Scientist at Anthropic)
Eva Portelance
(PhD Linguistics 2022, co-advised by Michael Frank, now Assistant Professor, Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal)
Dora Demszky
(PhD Linguistics 2022, now Assistant Professor in Education Data Science, Graduate School of Education, Stanford)
Valentin Hofmann (Linguistics, visiting student Autumn 2022, now Young Investigator (Postdoc) at the Allen Institute and U Washington,)
Martijn Bartelds
(Linguistics, visiting student Autumn 2022, now postdoc at Stanford CS)
Michael Hahn
(PhD Linguistics 2022, co-advised by Judith Degen, now
Assistant Professor (W2) at the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University,
Justine Zhang
(Postdoc Computer Science 2021-2022 co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor of Information, University of Michigan)
Dan Iter (PhD Computer Science 2022, now at Fastino)
Dallas Card
(Postdoc Computer Science 2019-2021, co-advised by Dan McFarland, now Assistant Professor of Information, University of Michigan)
Eugenia Rho
(Postdoc Computer Science 2020-2021, co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech)
Urvashi Khandelwal
(PhD Computer Science 2021, now Research Scientist, Google Deep Mind)
Reid Pryzant
(PhD Computer Science 2021, now AI Scientist, Freestone Grove Partners)
Vivek Kulkarni
(Postdoc Computer Science 2019-20, co-advised by Dan McFarland, now at Grammarly)
Juan Ignacio Cases Martin
(PhD Linguistics, 2020, co-advised by Chris Potts), now Research Scientist at Orby AI
Kyle Mahowald
(Postdoc Computer Science 2019-20 (co-advised by Dan McFarland), now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UT Austin
Rob Voigt
(MA Asian Studies 2013, PhD Linguistics 2019, Postdoc Computer Science 2020, now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Northwestern University)
Nathan Dass (MS Computer Science 2019, now MS/MBA Candidate at Harvard)
Julia Mendelsohn (MS Computer Science 2019, now postdoc U Chicago and incoming Assistant Professor, University of Maryland)
Simon Todd
(PhD Linguistics 2019, now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara)
Ziang Xie
(PhD Computer Science 2018, now CEO at
Vinod Prabhakaran (Postdoc 2015-2018, now Senior Research Scientist at Google Research)
Will Hamilton
(PhD Computer Science 2018, now Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at McGill University and Senior Quantitative Researcher at Citadel LLC)
Jiwei Li
(PhD Computer Science 2017, now at and Zhejiang University)
Prateek Verma
(MS Electrical Engineering 2017)
Diyi Yang
(visiting PhD student, 2017; now Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Stanford)
Xiang Ren
(visiting PhD student, 2017; now Associate Professor, Computer Science, USC)
David Jurgens (Postdoc 2015-17, now Associate Professor, School of Information and Dept of CS and Engineering, U Michigan)
Yulia Tsvetkov (Postdoc 2016-17, now Associate Professor, University of Washington)
Raine Hoover
(MS Computer Science 2017, now at Twitter)
Felix Muzny
(MS Computer Science 2017, now Clinical Instructor and Graduate Student, , CS, Northeastern University)
Ruihong Huang (Postdoc 2014-15, now Associate Professor, CSE, Texas A&M University)
Andrew Maas
(PhD Computer Science 2015; now at Apple)
Adam Vogel
(Computer Science; now at SignalFire)
Heeyoung Lee
(PhD Electrical Engineering 2015; at stealth startup)
Val Spitkovsky
(PhD Computer Science 2013; now at Google)
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
(Postdoc 2013; now Associate Professor, Department of Information Science, Cornell)
Dan Cer (PhD Computer Science UC Boulder 2011, Postdoc Stanford 2011-2013; now Research Scientist, Google Research)
Kevin Reschke (MS Computer Science 2013; )
Marta Recasens
(Postdoc 2011-2013; now at Google Research)
Uriel Cohen Priva
(PhD Linguistics 2012; now Associate Professor, Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences, Brown University)
Richard Futrell
(MA Linguistics 2012; now Associate Professor, Dept of Language Science, UC Irvine)
Nikhil Johri (MS Computer Science 2012; now Engineering Manager, Meta)
Steven Woonyeon Yoo (MS Computer Science 2012; now at Atlassian)
Ellie Ash
(BA Linguistics 2012; now doctoral student, BU)
Yves Peirsman
(Postdoc, 2010-2011; now co-founder and CTO, Deontic)
Justine Kao (BA Symbolic Systems 2011; now, post-PhD, Data Science Manager at Facebook AI)
Nate Chambers
(PhD Computer Science 2011; now Professor, Computer Science Department and Co-Director, Center for High Performance Computing, US Naval Academy)
Steven Bethard
(Postdoc, 2009-2010; now Associate Professor, College of Information Science, University of Arizona)
Yun-Hsuan Sung
(PhD Electrical Engineering 2010; now Research Director, Google Deep Mind)
Rajesh Ranganath
(MS Computer Science 2009; now Assistant Professor, Courant Institute/Computer Science and Center for Data Science, NYU)
Yuan Zhao D'Antilio
(PhD Linguistics 2009)
Inbal Arnon
(PhD Linguistics 2009; now Professor of Psychology, Hebrew University)
Rion Snow
(PhD Computer Science 2009)
David Hall
(MA Symbolic Systems; now Research Engineering Lead at Stanford CRFM / Stanford HAI)
Sebastian Padó
(Postdoc, 2007-2009; now Professor für Computerlinguistik ,
Institut für
Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung,
Universität Stuttgart)
Huihsin Tseng
(PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2008)
Jason M. Brenier
(PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2008, now Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Reverie Ventures)
Sharon Goldwater
(Postdoc, 2006-2008; now Professor, School of Informatics University of Edinburgh)
Thad Hughes
(MS Computer Science, 2007; now Member of Technical Staff @ Imbue)
Surabhi Gupta
(MS Computer Science, 2007; now CTO at Klaviyo, Board Member at GetYourGuide)
Ani Nenkova
(Postdoc, 2006-2007; now Principal Scientist at Adobe Research)
Florian Jaeger
(PhD, Linguistics, 2006; now Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester)
Connie Davidson (née Clarke) (Postdoc, 2005-2006)
Jiahong Yuan
(Postdoc, 2004-2005; now Professor at University of Science and Technology of China)
Noah Coccaro
(PhD Computer Science, CU Boulder, 2005; )
Mona Diab
(Postdoc, 2004-2005; now Institute Director and Professor, Language Technology Institue, CMU
Keith Herold
(MA Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; now Technical Program Manager, Meta)
Valerie Nygaard
(Linguistics, CU Boulder and Stanford; now Director of Product Management, Google)
Doug Roland
(PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; Now Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Michelle Gregory
(PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; now Head of Data Science and AI at Cengage Group)
Patrick Schone
(PhD Computer Science, CU Boulder, 2001; now principle engineering researcher at FamilySearch)