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Last Revised:
May 1, 1999
Copyright © 1998
Joy P. Ku

Spring Break 1999: Italy

I had not been planning to go abroad for spring break, but the free airline ticket (courtesy of my generous sister Mary!) plus the fact that my friends had already planned all the details of the trip changed my mind. I officially reserved my airline ticket a mere 5 days before I left!

gladiator First stop: Rome with its many ruins and gladiators from 2000 years ago

Florence was a sharp contrast to Rome. Countryside. Gothic architecture. Renaissance era. Art.....
We especially appreciated the art. This piece is called "Three Grotesque Figures" and is in the Boboli Gardens.
venice Last stop: My favorite city was Venice.

lunch entertainment Venice is famous for its gondolas (expensive!) and glass-making. I also discovered some talented entertainers. Do you know whom they are imitating (left)?

train station By coincidence, I ran into my cousins at the Rome train station as I was heading back to the States. What a small world it is after all!

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