List of Illustrations with Links


A few photos may provide a little color for the policy themes in the speeches and testimony


G7 Meeting, April 15, 2005

Photo shows U.S. Delegation: Alan Greenspan, John Snow, and John Taylor. The Agenda for Growth and the current account (see item 10 in Chapter 1) were the main focus of this session.


Taylor’s Convoy and Escort in Herat, Afghanistan September, 2002

Troops provided by Governor Ishmal Kahn.  This picture was taken from the vehicle that Kahn and Taylor were riding in while they discussed sending customs revenue back to the central government.


Advising Finance Ministry in Kabul, Afghanistan September, 2002

Photo Shows from left to right Finance Minister Ghani, payroll manager, Taylor, Paul Speltz, Executive Director at Asian Development Bank (see Chapter 3)


Elementary School in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2004

Photo taken on “Grants Tour” of Africa for a front-line inspection of projects under President Bush’s World Bank Grants Initiative


Rwanda Coffee Project, March 2004

Photo taken on “Grants Tour” while Taylor assessed “measurable results” on a USAID project


Press Conference in Turkey, December 2002

On mission to discuss financial assistance package for Turkey in the event of a war in Iraq.

Photo shows Marc Grossman of State and William Luti of Defense behind Taylor


Iraqi Currency Exchange, Fall 2003

Iraqi’s lining up to exchange old Saddam Dinars for New Iraqi Dinars


Farewell in Dominican Republic, July 2004

President Mejia saying goodbye at end of Taylor’s second visit (during the transition to the new government) to follow up on his earlier financial crisis work

Photo taken at U.S. Ambassador’s house