Democracy, Political Theory, and Political History
2008. "The Original Meaning of 'Democracy': Capacity to Do Things, not Majority Rule." CONSTELLATIONS 15.1:3-9.
2008. "What the Ancient Greeks Can Tell Us About Democracy." ANNUAL REVIEWS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 11:67-91.
2007. "Toward Open Access in Ancient Studies. The Princeton-Stanford Working Papers in Classics." (by J. Ober, W. Scheidel, B. Shaw, and D. Sanclemente). HESPERIA 76: 229-42.
2007. "Natural Capacities and Democracy as a Good-in-Itself." PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES 132: 59-73.
2007. "From Epistemic Diversity to Common Knowledge: Rational Rituals and Publicity in Democratic Athens." EPISTEME. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY. 3.3: 214-33.
2007. "'I Besieged that Man.' Democracy's Revolutionary Start." In K. Raaflaub, J. Ober, and R. Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (University of Calfornia Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles), 83-104
2007. "Democratic Athens (508-322 B.C.): An Exemplary Historical Narrative and the Project of Political Theory." In A. Creager et al. (eds.) Science Without Laws: Model Systems, Cases and Exemplary Narratives. Duke University Press.
2006. "Thucydides and the Invention of Politial Science." In Brill Companion to Thucydides. (E.J. Brill: Leiden), 131-59
2006. "Solon and the Horoi." In J. Blok and A. Lardinois (eds.), Solon: New Historical and Philological Perpectives (E.J. Brill: Leiden), 441-456
2005. "Law and Political Theory." In Michael Gagarin and David Cohen (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Greek Law. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 394-411.
2005. "Aristotle's Natural Democracy." In R. Kraut and S. Skultety (eds.), Aristotle's Politics: Critical Essays Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield), 223-243.
2005. "A Judicious Study of Discernible Reality." Review article on G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, Athenian Democratic Origins. POLIS 22.2
2005. "Democracy, Knowledge, and Moral Change (A Response to Euben and Lebow)," HISTORICALLY SPEAKING. THE BULLETIN OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 6.6 (Jan./Feb.), 26-28.
2006. "Choice, Knowledge, Commitment... Democracy." The Brigance Forum.
2004. Classical Athenian Democracy and Democracy Today: Culture, Knowledge, Power." In J. Morrill (ed.), The Promotion of Knowledge: Essays to Mark the Centenary of the British Academy, 1902-2002 = PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY 122, 145-61.
2003. "Postscript: Culture, Thin Coherence, and the Persistence of Politics." In C. Dougherty and L. Kurke (eds.) The Cultures within Greek Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 237-55.
2003. "Tyrant-killing as Therapeutic Stasis: A Political Debate in Images and Texts," in K. Morgan (ed.), Popular Tyranny: Sovereignty and Its Discontents in Ancient Greece (Austin: University of Texas Press), 215-50.
2002. "History, Philosophy, and Democracy." Review article: John Wallach, The Platonic Political Art. POLIS 19, 145-56
2002. "Social Science History, Cultural History, and the Amnesty of 403," TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERCIAN PHILOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 132, 127-37. [PDF]
2002. "Conditions for Athenian Democracy, " in T. Rabb and E. Suleiman (eds.). The Making and Unmaking of Democracy: Lesssons from History and World Politics. (London and New York: Routledge), 2-21.
2001. "Thucydides Theoretikos/Thucydides Histor: Realist Theory and the Challenge of History," in D.R. McCann and B. S. Strauss (eds.), Democracy and War: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War (Armonk, N.Y. and London: M.E. Sharpe), 273-306.
2001. "The Debate over Civic Education in Classical Athens," in Yun Lee Too (ed.) Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity. (Leiden: E.J. Brill), 273-305.
2000. "Political Conflicts, Political debates, and Political Thought," in R. Osborne (ed.), The Shorter Oxford History of Europe I: Classical Greece (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 111-38.
2000. "Quasi-Rights: Participatory Citizenship and Negative Liberties in Democratic Athens." SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY 17, 27-61.
2000. "Living Freely as a Slave of the Law: Notes on Why Socrates Lives in Athens," in P. Flensted-Jensen, T.H. Nielsen, and L. Rubinstein (eds.), Polis and Politics: Studies in Greek History [Festschrift for M.H. Hansen]. (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press), 541-52.
2000. "The Orators," in C. Rowe and M. Schofield (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 131-41.
1999. "Conquest Denied: The Premature Death of Alexander the Great," in Robert Cowley (ed.), What If: The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1999), 37-56.
1998. "Revolution Matters: Democracy as Demotic Action (Response to Kurt Raaflaub)," in K. Raaflaub and I. Morris (eds.), Democracy 2500? Questions and Challenges. Archaeological Institute of America, Colloquia and Conference Papers 2 (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt), 67-85
1998. "Democratie Directe," in R. Darnton and O. Duhamel (eds.), Democratie (Paris: Editions du Rocher), 145-51.
Ancient Democracy and Modern Organizations: What Can we Learn from Athens? The First President's Lecture of Soongsil University.
1994. "How to Criticize Democracy in Late Fifth- and Fourth-Century Athens" in P. Euben, J. Wallach, J. Ober (eds.), Athenian Political Thought (Ithaca: Cornell U.P.), 149 171
1994. "Civic Ideology and Counterhegemonic Discourse: Thucydides on the Sicilian Debate," in A.L. Boegehold and A.C. Scafuro (ed.), Athenian Identity and Civic Identity (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press), 102 126.
1994. "What Democracy Meant to the Athenians," HISTORY TODAY 44.1 (January 1994), 22 27[History Today link]
1993. "Thucydides' Criticism of Democratic Knowledge," in R.M. Rosen and J. Farrell (ed.), Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), 81 98.
1993. "The Polis as a Society: Aristotle, John Rawls, and the Athenian Social Contract," in M.H. Hansen (ed.), The Ancient Greek City State: Historisk filosofiske Meddelelser 67 = Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre vol. 1 (Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters), 129 160.
1993. "The Athenian Revolution of 508/7 B.C.E: Violence, Authority, and the Origins of Democracy," in C. Dougherty and L. Kurke (ed.), Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece: Cult, Performance, Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 215 232.
1993. "Public Speech and the Power of the People in Democratic Athens," PS: POLITICAL SCIENCE AND POLITICS (September), 481 485.
1991. "Response to Edward Cohen (on Banking as a `Family Business')," in M. Gagarin (ed.), Symposion 1990: Vortrage zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Bohlau Verlag: Cologne), 265 271
1991. "Aristotle's Political Sociology: Class, Status, and Order in the Politics" in C. Lord and D.K. O'Connor (ed.), Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science (University of California Press: Berkeley and L.A.), 112 135
1990. "Drama, Political Rhetoric, and the Discourse of Athenian Democracy" (co authored with B.S. Strauss), in J.J. Winkler and F.I. Zeitlin (ed.), Nothing to Do with Dionysos? Athenian Drama in Its Social Context (Princeton U.P.: Princeton), 237 270
1989. "Models and Paradigms in Ancient History," ANCIENT HISTORY BULLETIN 3, 134 137
War, Military, and Architecture
1995. "Greek Horoi: Artifactual Texts and the Contingency of Meaning," in D. Small (ed.), Methods in the Mediterranean: Historical and Archaeological Views of Texts and Archaeology. Mnemosyne Supplement 135 (Leiden: E.J. Brill), 91 123.
1994. "Classical Greek Times," in M. Howard, G. Andreopoulos, and M.R. Shulman (eds.), The Laws of War: Constraints on Warfare in the Western World (New Haven: Yale U.P.), 12 26, 227 230.
1992. "Towards a Typology of Greek Artillery Towers: The First and Second Generations (c.375 275 B.C.)," in S. Van de Maele and J.M. Fossey (ed.), Fortificationes Antiquae. McGill University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History 12 (G.C. Gieben: Amsterdam), 147 169 1992. "Towards a Typology of Greek Artillery Towers: The First and Second Generations (c.375 275 B.C.)," in S. Van de Maele and J.M. Fossey (ed.), Fortificationes Antiquae. McGill University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History 12 (G.C. Gieben: Amsterdam), 147 169
1991. "Hoplites and Obstacles," in Victor D. Hanson (ed.), Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience (Routledge: London and New York), 173 196.
1991. "National Ideology and Strategic Defense of the Population, from Athens to Star Wars," in N. Lebow and B. S. Strauss (ed.), Hegemonic Rivalry: from Thucydides to the Nuclear Age (Westview Press: Boulder), 251 267
1989. "Defense of the Athenian Land Frontier, 404 322 B.C.: A Reply," PHOENIX 43, 294 301[JSTOR link]
1989. "Defense of the Athenian Land Frontier, 404 322 B.C.: A Reply" PHOENIX 43, 294 301 [PDF file]
1987. "Pottery and Miscellaneous Artifacts from Fortified Sites in Northern and Western Attica" HESPERIA 56, 197 227 [JSTOR]
1987. "Public Opinion and the Role of Sea Power in Athens, 404 322 B.C." in D.M. Masterson (ed.), Naval History. The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy (Wilmington, Delaware), 26 32
1987. "Public Opinion and the Role of Sea Power in Athens, 404 322 B.C." in D.M. Masterson (ed.), Naval History. The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy (Wilmington, Delaware), 26 32
1985. "Thucydides, Pericles, and the Strategy of Defense," in Eadie and Ober (eds.), Essays in Honor of Starr, 171 88
1983. "Two Ancient Watchtowers above Aigosthena in the Northern Megarid," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 87, 387 92
1982. "Edward Clarke's Ancient Road to Marathon, A.D. 1801," HESPERIA 51, 453 58
1982. "Tiberius and the Political Testament of Augustus," HISTORIA 31, 306 28
"Rock Cut Inscriptions from Mt. Hymettos," HESPERIA 50, 68 77
2006. "Learning from Athens: Success by Design." Boston Review 31.2 (March/April), 13-17.
2006. "Rhetoric (Greek)" and "Thucydides" for Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization. Cambridge University Press.
2005. "Moral Authority, Democracy, and the Past." P-ROK: PRINCETON REPORT ON KNOWELDGE (Internet jounal). Spring.
2003. "Beyond Empowerment: Creating a Company of Citizens." HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (2003), 48-53.
1998. "Evil Empire [classical Sparta]." MHQ 10.4, 24-33
1998. "Alexander Dies Young [counterfactual]." MHQ 10.3, 74-75
1993. "Introductory Remarks I: The Athenian Revolution," in J. Ober and C. Hedrick (eds.), The Birth of Democracy (Princeton), 1 3
1993. "Athenian Democracy" (co authored with C. Vanderpool), PROLOGUE: QUARTERLY OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 25.2, 127 135.
1991. "Amazons" (co authored with A. Mayor), MHQ 3.4 , 68 77.
1991. "Fortress Attica: Defending the Athenian Frontier," MHQ 3.2 , 26 33
1990. "Hannibal: How to Win Battles and Lose Wars," MHQ 2.4 , 50 59
Book Reviews
2003. Goldhill, Who Needs Greek? CLASSICAL REVIEW, 239-42
2003. Hesk, Deception and Democracy. AM POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 166-67
2000. Wilson, Khoregeia. BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW.
1998. Too, Rhetoric of Identity in Isocrates, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 93, 83-86.
1994. Munn, Defense of Attica, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 98, 374 375
1998. Too, Rhetoric of Identity in Isocrates, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 93, 83-86.
1994.The Defense of Attica: The Dema Wall and the Boiotian War of 378-375 B. C. [JSTOR link]
1994.The Defense of Attica: The Dema Wall and the Boiotian War of 378-375 B. C. [PDF]
1994.Missiou, Subversive Oratory of Andokides, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 89, 278 281 [JSTOR link]
1994. Missiou, Subversive Oratory of Andokides, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 89, 278 281 [PDF]
1994."What Democracy Meant to the Athenians," HISTORY TODAY 44.1 (January 1994), 22 27[PDF]
1991.Euben, Tragedy of Political Theory POLITICAL THEORY, 19 , 477 80[PDF file]
1991.Euben, Tragedy of Political Theory POLITICAL THEORY, 19, 477 80[PDF file]
1991. "The Athenians and Their Democracy" (review article: Wood, Peasant Citizen and Slave: The Foundations of Athenian Democracy; Sinclair, Democracy and Participation in Athens; Farrar, The Origins of Democratic Thinking: The Invention of Politics in Classical Athens), ECHOS DU MONDE CLASSIQUE, 35, 81 96.
1990. Bugh, Horsemen of Athens, AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 95 , 463 64[JSTOR link]
1990. Bugh, Horsemen of Athens, AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 95, 463 64[PDF file]
1988. Whitehead, Demes of Attica and Osborne, Demos, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY, 83, 70 76[JSTOR link]
1988. Whitehead, Demes of Attica and Osborne, Demos, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY, 83, 70 76[PDF file]
1988. Sealey, Athenian Republic, MODERN GREEK STUDIES YEARBOOK 4, 309 312
1989.van Andel and Runnels, Beyond the Acropolis, ECHOS DU MONDE CLASSIQUE 33, 267 272
1989. "The Nature of Athenian Democracy (Hansen, Athenian Assembly)," CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 84, 322 334
1987. Pritchett, Greek State at War IV AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 92, 105[JSTOR link]
1987. "Public Opinion and the Role of Sea Power in Athens, 404 322 B.C." in D.M. Masterson (ed.), Naval History. The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy (Wilmington, Delaware), 26 32
1987. Pritchett, Greek State at War IV AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 92, 105 [PDF file]
1987. Lauter, Lathuresa, GNOMON , 183 85
1985. Hanson, Warfare and Agriculture in Classical Greece, HELIOS 12
1984. 91 101 Pritchett, Studies in Ancient Greek Topography III and IV, PHOENIX 38, 268 72
1983. Lawrence, Greek Aims in Fortification, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 78, 56 61[JSTOR link]
1983. Lawrence, Greek Aims in Fortification, CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 78, 56 61 [PDF file]
General Audiences and Occasional Pieces
2002. "Ethics and politics: Individual's responsibilities to communities." DAILY PRINCETON. [PDF]
2001. "Not by a Nose: The Triumph of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium, 31 B.C." in Robert Cowley (ed.), What If 2: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been (New York: G.P. Putnam, 2001), 23-47.
2000. The Athenian Instituion of the Khoregia: The Chorus, The City, and the Stage
1999. "Chester G. Starr" [obituary]. The Independent.
1996. "Responsible Popularization: An Introduction," CLASSICAL BULLETIN 72, 85-91
1993."The Origin of Strategy," MHQ: THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY 5.3 , 62 67
1990. (Remembering EV), in Anamneseis (Eugene Vanderpool memorial pamphlet. Princeton 1990, 15 18
1989."Cry Wulff" (Letter), The Economist. September 30, 6. Encyclopedia Americana: various articles, including "phalanx" and "Pelononnesian Wars"