Annotated Review for Education 289

The annotated review of scholarly research is a brief (2 page) assignment that provides a description of a significant piece of research on a topic of your choosing. The annotated review differs from other reviews in the sense that you should provide a description of the major study, along with brief accounts of related research that are relevant to your description.

For example, if one were to review Charles Ferguson's (1959) formulation of diglossia, that review would not only provide an account of Ferguson's original study, it would also acknowledge that others (e.g. Fishman) have adopted the same terminology, albeit with different interpretations. The annotated review not only cites these other works, but provides readers with truncated insights into the nature of these complementary analyses.

The brevity of this assignment is intentional. You are forced to select those topics that you find most salient, and you are also encouraged to direct readers to other citations for further clarification. Assignments of this kind can easily inflate beyond our intended goal to identify and share topics that are relevant to your primary and secondary research interests.

It is difficult to produce substantive reviews within limited space, and reviews that exceed the assigned length will not be rewarded. Please feel free to send questions or comments to me at

The annotated review is due on November 22 and should be distributed to the entire class via email no later than the beginning of class on that date.

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