Education 175/275
Winter 2004
Thursdays, 4:15
Bldg. 250: Room 252A
This course explores the linguistic and educational consequences of the African slave trade in relationship to the education of African American students who reside within the United States. As such the course covers a combination of topics, including the linguistic history of African American lingusitic behavior, corresponding educational policies and relevant legal statutes, as well as teacher education, language attitudes, and controversies that result from uninformed racial and linguistic stereotypes that have been perpetuated since the inception of slavery. Students who enroll in this course are not expected to have a background in linguistics, but it will be necessary to consider linguistic concepts and the nature of pidginization and creolization in order to fully appreciate the history and evolution of African American language as it corresponds to the array of educational experiences that African American students encounter.
We anticipate that every student will be allowed to pursue specialized topics for their individual term paper; that is, depending upon spcial interests. These projects will be developed in tutorial sessions with John Baugh as part of term-paper preparation. Depending upon class enrollment, students may make in-class presentations based on the term paper topic.
Mid-term take home examination 25%
Attendance and Class participation 10%
Research Abstract 10%
In-class presentation- dependent upon class enrollment
Final Term Paper 55%
Baugh, John. 1999. Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice.
Baugh, John. 2000. Beyond Ebonics: Linguistic Pride and Racial Prejudice.
Wolfram, Walt and Erik Thomas. 2002. The Development of African American English.
Other texts and readings will be provided on an individualized basis depending upon areas of specialized interest.
Office Hours: By appointment. Please email ( or phone (725-1249) indicating 2 or 3 times that would be ideal for a meeting.
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"Students with documented disabilities: Students who have a disability which may necessitate an academic accommodation or the use of auxiliary aids and services in a class must initiate the request with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend appropriate accommodations, and prepare a verification letter dated in the current academic term in which the requests being made. Please contact the DRC as soon as possible; timely notice is needed to arrange for appropriate accommodations. The DRC is located at 123 Meyer Library (phone 723-1066; TDD 725-1067)."
No incomplete grades will be given. Final course grades will be assigned based on work that is completed by the last day of the quarter.