This course is offered to graduate and undergraduates who are concerned with the educational welfare of language minority students. Language matters in California and the nation have complex political and educational ramifications, which we shall explore through a host of diverse resources. The essential structure of the course is divided into six components, identified below:
Historical issues relating to linguistic developments resulting from the African slave trade |
Historical issues corresponding to US immigrants (other than involuntary African slaves) who arrived speaking a language other than English |
Contemporary issues that correspond to language and education of African American students in California (with implications for other regions) |
Contemporary issues corresponding to language and education of children for whom English is not native. |
Future implications that are relevant to African Americans, recognizing diversity within the US African American population |
Future educational and policy implications pertaining to citizens for whom English is not their mother tongue |
See Baugh and Rickford for African American Language
See Hakuta and Crawford for Bilingualism and related topics
Language diversity remains pervasive throughout the United States and it will become more so in the foreseeable future. Stanford students come to this topic from different backgrounds, with various interests, and the readings and assignments are intended to allow active participation regarding topics that are of primary personal concern. This procedure ensures that students are introduced to a broad array of research, legal cases, and corresponding policies that focus on minority language groups. We seek to balance exposure to a combination of legal and linguistic readings that share relevance to education and educational policies.
Requirements: All written assignments should be submitted through email: Word files or PDF files to
a) Research Abstract: Specification of term paper foci: 10%
On January 31 students will submit a 1-to- 2 page description of their proposed research topic. This abstract should describe the plan for organizing your paper, including identification of the specific issue(s) that will be addressed in the term paper. The abstract should also provide brief accounts of the anticipated sources of evidence, and well as a sense of the relevance of these materials to the specified issue(s). Please submit copies of this assignment to John Baugh and all other members of the class by email.
b) Annotated review of relevant material. = 15%
An annotated review ( 2 to 3 pages) of substantial contributions to language usage within the United States will be completed by February 14. The content and formulation of these annotated reviews will be discussed more fully during class meetings; however, the basic assignment consists of students' identifying a significant body of informative material relating to one or more of the six language categories outlined on the syllabus. Some students will prefer to concentrate on legal issues, while others may focus on education, or linguistics. Others may choose works that have attempted to integrate two or more of these categories. These assignments should also be distributed via email to all other members in the class.
c) Presentation/Discussion: 25%
Each student will make a presentation as an indiviual or as a member of an organized group discussion corresponding to topics that roughly correlate to the six heuristic categories, which may be (but need not be) identical to those categories corresponding to the annotated reviews. Under ideal circumstances focus groups will be composed of a combination of graduate and undergraduate students who bring different expertise to a common topic. Logistics for group formation will be reviewed on January 17.
d) Electronic term paper: 50%
Under ideal circumstances we should be able to conduct all correspondence for this class electronically, thereby eliminating the need for hard copies of any documents. The final term paper will be a 15 -to 20 page (double spaced) discussion of a topic, previously specified under (a) above (and in consultation with John Baugh). Papers should resemble drafts that might otherwise be submitted for publication to a scholarly journal.
Baugh, John. 2000. Beyond Ebonics: Linguistic Pride and Racial Prejudice. New York: Oxford University Press.
Antonia Darder, Rodolfo D. Torres, Henry Gutiérrez (eds.) 1997.Latinos and Education: A critical Reader. New York: Routlege Press.
Ana Celia Zentella. 1997. Growing Up Bilingual: Puerto Rican Children in New York. Malden, MA.: Blackwell Publishers
Additional readings are identified in the course schedule.
"Students with documented disabilities: Students who have a disability which may necessitate an academic accommodation or the use of auxiliary aids and services in a class must initiate the request with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend appropriate accommodations, and prepare a verification letter dated in the current academic term in which the requests being made. Please contact the DRC as soon as possible; timely notice is needed to arrange for appropriate accommodations. The DRC is located at 123 Meyer Library (phone 723-1066; TDD 725-1067)."