Contact for Information: Debra Wheatley (
All sessions were held in Room 20 (lower level) of Alston Hall
10 - 10:50 am Mark R. Johnson (University of Alabama)
"Algebraic Complexity of Strategy-Implementing Semiautomatons for Repeated-Play Games"
11 - 11:50 am S. K. Chakrabarti (IUPUI)
"Pure Strategy Markov Equilibria in Stochastic Games with a Continuum of Players"
(co-authored with Jayasri Dutta (Cambridge University) and Heracles Polemarchakis (CORE))
" Equilibrium Selections"
3 - 3:50 pm Alberto Bisin (MIT)
" Walrasian Economies with Nonlinear, Individualized Prices"
4 - 4:50 pm Frank Milne (Queens University)
"The Existence of Equilibrium in Incomplete Markets and the Objective Function of the Firm"
Small effective groups will form for dinner
9:30 - 10 am Coffee and Rolls
"Ownership Structure, Liquidity Demand, and Shareholder Monitoring"
11 - 11:50 am Milton Harris (University of Chicago) (co-authored with Artur Raviv (Northwestern University)
"The Capital Budgeting Process, Incentives and Information"
2 - 2:50 pm Oliver Hart (Harvard University)
"Debt, Default and Renegotiation"
3 - 3:50 pm Peter DeMarzo (Northwestern University) (co-authored with Darrell Duffie (Stanford University))
" A Liquidity-Based Model of Security Design"
4 - 4:50 pm Richard MacMinn (University of Texas) (co-authored with Frank H. Page, Jr. (University of Alabama))
" Stock Options, Managerial Incentives, and Capital Structure"
7:30 pm - Billy Helms's House
9:30 - 10 am Coffee and Rolls
"An Experimental Study of Communication and Cooperation in Noncooperative Games"
11 - 11:50 am Mark Walker (University of Arizona)
(co-authored with James C. Cox (University of Arizona) and Jason Shachat (University of Arizona))
"An Experimental Test of Bayesian vs. Adaptive Learning in Normal Form Games"