NSF Decentralization Conference: 
April 19-21, 2002
Georgetown University
Washington DC

Conference Program: (speakers in red)

Friday, April 19 , Marriott Conference Center (Leavey Center), Salon F

8-9 Continental Breakfast

9-10:15  Nabil Al-Najjar, Luca Anderlini, and Leonardo Felli,   "Unforeseen Contingencies"

10:15-10:30   Coffee Break

10:45-12:00  Armando Gomes and Philippe Jehiel, "Dynamic Processes of Social and Economic Interactions: On the Persistence of Inefficiencies" 

12:00-1:30 Lunch provided at the Conference Center

1:30-2:45  Luis Araujo and Braz Camargo, "Monetary Equilibrium with Decentralized Trade and Learning" 

2:45-3:00 Coffee Break

3:00-4:15 Lones Smith and Ennio Stacchetti, "Aspirational Bargaining" 

4:15-4:30 Coffee Break 

4:30-5:45  Alessandro Lizzeri and Nicola Persico, "The Self-Interested Rationale for Franchise Expansion"

Saturday, April 20, 103 Healy Building (*please note the change in venue)

8-9 Continental Breakfast 

9-10:15   Sandro Brusco  and Giuseppe Lopomo, "Simultaneous Ascending Bid Auctions with Budget Constraints" 

10:15-10:30   Coffee Break 

10:30-11:45  Michael Peters and Sergei Severinov, "Internet Auctions with Many Traders"

11:45-1:30 Lunch (on your own)

1:30-2:45  Thorsten Koppl, "Optimal Dynamic Risk Sharing when Enforcement is a Decision Variable" 

2:45-3:00 Coffee Break

3:00-4:15  Nabil Al-Najjar and Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, "Trust and Discretion in Agency Contracts"

4:15-4:30 Coffee Break

4:30-5:45  Ilya Segal, "Optimal Pricing Mechanisms with Unknown Demand."

7:00 Conference Dinner in the Intercultural Center (ICC) Galleria

Sunday, April 21, 103 Healy Building

8-9:15 Continental Breakfast 

9:15-10:30  Andrew Schotter and Barry Sopher, "Social Learning and Coordination Conventions in Inter-Generational Games: An Experimental Study" 

10:30-10:45   Coffee Break 

10:45-12:00  Dean Foster and Peyton Young, "Learning, Hypothesis Testing, and Nash Equilibrium"