Program of the 2006 NSF/NBER Decentralization
Conference Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne April 6, 7,
& 8 Organizers: Frank H. Page, Jr. (C&BA,
University of Alabama) Jean-Marc Bonnisseau (Centre d’Economie de
la Sorbonne, University Paris-1) Hubert Kempf (Centre d’Economie
de la Sorbonne, University Paris-1), Sponsored by:
NSF, NBER, C&BA/EFLS University of
Alabama, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CES, CNRS,
Sessions will be held in Room 1, 12 place du Pantheon (on the
Pantheon Square in the 5th arrondissement)
Thursday, April 6 |
9-10 |
Coffee |
10-10:15 |
Welcome remarks by Cuong Le
Van, Head of the Centre d’Economie de la
Sorbonne |
Chair: Bernard Cornet
(cornet@univ-paris1.fr, CERMSEM, Paris 1) |
10:15-11 |
On Existence of Monotone Pure Strategy
Equilibria in Bayesian Games Phil Reny
(preny@uchicago.edu, University of Chicago) |
11-11:45 |
Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Competitive
Nonlinear Pricing Games with Incomplete Information
Paulo K. Monteiro (pklm@fgv.br, EPGE/FGV) |
11:45-12:30 |
Arbitrage Networks Jean-Pierre
Zigrand (j.p.zigrand@lse.ac.uk, LSE) |
12:30-2 |
Lunch |
Chair: Frank H. Page, Jr.
(Fhpagejr@cs.com, C&BA, Alabama) |
2-2:45 |
Asset Pricing Implications of Social
Networks Han N. Ozsoylev
(han.ozsoylev@said-business-school.oxford.ac.uk, Oxford) |
2:45-3:30 |
Efficient Dynamic Allocation with Uncertain
Valuations Thomas Weber (webert@stanford.edu,
Stanford University) |
3:30-4 |
Coffee |
Chair: John Ledyard
(jledyard@hss.caltech.edu, HSS, Caltech) |
4-4:45 |
Auctions with a Buy Price John
Wooders (jwooders@eller.arizona.edu, University of
Arizona) |
4:45-5:30 |
Asymmetric Auctions with Resale Isa
Hafalir (isaemin@psu.edu, Pennsylvania State
University) |
6-8 |
Reception |
Friday, April 7
9-10:15 |
Coffee |
Chair: Hubert Kempf
(Hubert.Kempf@univ-paris1.fr, EUREQua, Paris 1) |
10:15-11 |
Consensus Building: How to Persuade a Group
Jean Tirole (tirole@cict.fr, Toulouse) |
11-11:45 |
Long Persuasion Games Francoise
Forges (francoise.forges@dauphine.fr, Paris,
Dauphine) |
11:45-12:30 |
Sharing Information in Web Communities
Gabrielle Demange (demange@pse.ens.fr, EHESS,
PSE) |
12:30-2 |
Lunch |
Chair: Myrna H. Wooders
(m.wooders@vanderbilt.edu, Economics, Vanderbilt) |
2-2:45 |
Core and Periphery in Endogenous Networks
Daniel Hojman (Daniel_Hojman@harvard.edu, Harvard
University) |
2:45-3:30 |
Evolutionary Mechanisms in Infinite Horizon Pure
Exchange Economies Antonio Manresa
(manresa@ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona, CREB) |
3:30-4 |
Coffee |
Chair: Lixin Ye
(lixinye@econ.ohio-state.edu, Economics, Ohio State) |
4-4:45 |
Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second
Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of
Keywords Michael Ostrovsky
(Ostrovsky@gsb.stanford.edu, Stanford University) |
4:45-5:30 |
The Effect of Affiliation on Equilibrium
Strategies in k-Double Auctions Thomas A.
Gresik (tgresik@nd.edu, University of Notre Dame) |
8 |
Reception and Conference
Dinner |
Saturday, April 8 |
8:30-9 |
Coffee |
Chair: Jean-Marc Bonnisseau
(jean-marc.bonnisseau@univ-paris1.fr, CERMSEM, Paris 1) |
9-9:45 |
Veto Constraint in Mechanism Design:
Inefficiency with Correlated Types Philippe
Jehiel (jehiel@pse.ens.fr, PSE and UCL) |
9:45-10:30 |
Flexible Contracts Jean-Marc
Tallon (Jean-Marc.Tallon@univ-paris1.fr, EUREQua, Paris 1
Pantheon-Sorbonne) |
10:30-11:15 |
Coffee |
Chair: Robert Becker
(becker@indiana.edu, Economics, Indiana) |
11:15-12 |
Decentralized Price Discovery
John Ledyard (jledyard@hss.caltech.edu, HSS,
Caltech) |
12:-12:45 |
Bargaining Collectively Hulya
Eraslan (eraslan@wharton.upenn.edu, University of
Pennsylvania) | |