Research Policy Page
The purpose of this page is to post information on
federal policy related to research, statistics, evaluation and dissemination
in education, with a special emphasis on OERI. I am interested in
this topic not just as a member of the research community who cares
about the scientific basis for education research, but also in my
(past) capacity as Chair of the National Educational Research Policy
and Priorities Board for OERI, U.S. Department of Education (NERPPB
ceased operations on November 5, 2002 when President Bush signed
HR 3801 replacing OERI with the Institute of Education Sciences.
I happen to believe that the improvement
of the quality of education research is perhaps the single most
underrated public policy issue in the United States.
National Educational Research
Policy and Priorities Board (NERPPB)
Home Page |
Statement of NERPPB, on the occasion of the first meeting
of the National Research Council SCORE (Subcommittee on Research
in Education). The meeting occurred on November
7, 2002, and the Chair of NERPPB took this occasion on the
program (as sponsor for SCORE) to summarize NERPP's past accomplishments.
President Bush signed the Education Sciences Reform Act into
law on November 5, 2002, and NERPPB terminated its operation.
Click here for MS Word
version. November 7, 2002. |
S. Dept. of Education seminar on "Scientifically Based
Research" in the context of No Child Left Behind.
February 6, 2002. |
3801. Education Sciences Reform Act. PDF version.
October 15, 2002. |
Inquiry in Education. Report of the Committee on Scientific
Principles in Education Research, Richard Shavelson (Chair)
and Lisa Towne (Study Director). November,
2001. Center for Education, National Research Council. This
committee at the National Academies was funded by NERPP to develop
recommendations on scientific principles in education research.
The interim report also has great quotes and raw materials,
including audio, and even contains some entertainment value!
here for link. |
Knowledge Building in Context. (William Morrill).
August, 2001. This paper places the issue of quality control
and peer review in the context of various Dept. of Education
programs that address whole school reform efforts, including
the CSR (Comprehensive School Reform) programs. |
of the Expert Panel Review System for Identifying Promising
and Exemplary Programs (William Morrill).
March, 2001. This study looks at the functioning of expert panels
to review programs, with an eye to the improvement of Phase
II standards for OERI. |
Subcommittee on Education Reform Hearing on "From Research to
Practice: Improving America’s Schools in the 21st Century".
July 17, 2001. Michael
Castle, Chairman. Witnesses: Frank Newman, Susan Fuhrman, Mary
Ann Schmitt, Pascal Forgione, Albert Bennett, Dawn Goldstine. |
The National Educational Research and Priorities Board.
November 28, 2000. This statement summarizes the major deliberations
and conclusions of the board for the benefit of the Bush Transition
Team. |
Educational Research: A Brief (Draft 9/19/00) by
the National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board.(note:
This draft was discussed at the Board meeting 9/23/00 and has
been modified and is being circulated to the Presidential transition
and Congressional leadership in November and December -- see
above). |
Policy Statement: Investing in Learning: A Policy
Statement with Recommendations on Research in Education by the
National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board. June,
1999. |
Second Policy Statement with Recommendations on Research
in Education. Draft, adopted June, 2000. This is in MS Word
format. Click
here for pdf format |
Hakuta's presentation on
quality in education research (Powerpoint slides), National
Research Council. July 15, 2000. |
Lyon (Chief,
Child Development and Behavior, NICHD), Education Research:
Is What We Don't Know Hurting Our Children? Congressional Testimony,
House Science Committee Subcommittee on Basic Research, October
26, 1999. |
Can We Make Education Policy on
the Basis of Evidence? What Constitutes High Quality Education
Research and How Can it Be Incorporated Into Policymaking? Transcript
from a Brookings
Institution Forum, Dec. 8, 1999. |
on: "Options for the Future of the Office of Educational Research
and Improvement", House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families, May 4,
2000 (McGuire, Vinovskis, Lyon, Slavin). |
Bennett, Chester Finn, William Hansen, Tom Loveless, Bruno Manno,
Diane Ravitch, Nina Shokraii Rees, and Maris Vinovskis.
Principles for Reauthorizing OERI, NAEP and NAGB. (May
4, 2000; Revised May 10, 2000) |
Finn. The Most Important Federal Education Programs
Need Fundamental Overhaul. Testimony prepared for delivery to
the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families, Committee
on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives,
May 11, 2000 |
Draft H.R. 4875.
Scientifically-Based Education Research, Statistics, Evaluation,
and Information Act of 2000. July 14, 2000. (pdf file) |
4875. Scientifically Based Education Research, Statistics,
Evaluation, and Information Act of 2000, Introduced July 18,
2000. To track the status of HR 4875, click
here. |
Release from Reps. Castle and Goodling on H.R. 4875.
July 18, 2000. |
Initial Comments on H.R. 4875. July 24, 2000. |
and Articles on Research Quality |