Figures 1-6.

Comparison of LEP and non-LEP students, from low-reading schools, in reading, math and language, from 1998-2000.

Bold lines indicate median scores. Raw data for the schools are available in Excel format.

All figures, download Powerpoint slides. (41kb)

All figures, PDF format. (12kb)

Figure 1. Reading, Native English Speakers. JPEG format. (64kb)

Figure 2. Reading, LEP Students. JPEG format. (58kb)

Figure 3. Math, Native English Speakers. JPEG format. (70kb)

Figure 4. Math, LEP Students. JPEG format. (61kb)

Figure 5. Language, Native English Speakers. JPEG format. (65 kb)

Figure 6. Language, LEP Students. JPEG format. (59kb)

Note that the data for the non-LEP students includes a small proportion of LEP students, because these schools included <3% LEP students. The 1998 SAT-9 data reported data for ALL STUDENTS and for LEP STUDENTS, but not for non-LEP STUDENTS. This reporting practice was modified in 1999 to report all three categories. However, in order to make comparisons that included 1998 data, the data for the non-LEP schools reports data for ALL STUDENTS. For the predominantly LEP schools, the data reported are for LEP STUDENTS only.


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