Jigsaw Discussion Questions

for Gibson, Ima, Suárez-Orozco & Suárez-Orozco, and Tuan

Share your answers to the following questions with members of your group, referring, where possible, to the ideas or information provided in the chapter you read (chapters by Gibson, Ima, Suárez-Orozco & Suárez-Orozco, and Tuan).

1. What does it mean to succeed in school?

2. In terms of Ogbu's (1987) identification of different kinds of minority students - autonomous, immigrant/voluntary, and caste-like or involuntary - which kind of minority students are discussed by the author?

3. What perspective is offered on assimilation as one way for immigrant students and students with limited English proficiency to succeed in school?

4. What alternatives to assimilation are offered as a way for students to succeed in school?

5. What roles do race and racism play in the arguments made by the authors?

6. What role does language and/or English ability play in the arguments made by the authors?

7. What role does socioeconomic status play in the arguments made by the authors?

8. What research was used to support the arguments made by the authors? Describe the design of the research and summarize the findings.

9. How do the findings or arguments made by the authors compare to what you have observed and/or experienced in your class and/or school?

10. How generalizable are the arguments or findings made by these authors to other settings, e.g., your students or other students in public schools in the Bay Area?

(these questions were prepared by Julie Kerekes 4/01)