The question: 

Is bilingual education a disaster?



  1. Ron Unz, politician and author of Prop 227
  2. James Crawford, author and bilingual education advocate
  3. Delaine Eastin, superintendent of schools, California
  4. Greg Noonan, superintendent of schools, Oceanside
  5. Ted Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts
  6. President George W. Bush
  7. Jay Greene, researcher and author of an evaluation report
  8. Kenji Hakuta, researcher and advocate of bilingualism
  9. Wayne Johnson, president, CTA
  10. Anaida Colón-Muñiz, president, CABE
  11. Neil Andersen, president, TESOL
  12. Jaime Molera, superintendent of schools, Arizona
  13. Eugene Paslov, president, Harcourt Measurement, publisher of Stanford-9
  14. Eugene Garcia, dean, UC Berkeley School of Education
  15. Anthony Alvarado, chancellor for instruction, San Diego City Schools
  16. Gray Davis, Governor of California
  17. Jerry Brown, mayor of Oakland
  18. Willie Brown, mayor of San Francisco
  19. Rachel Lotan
  20. Linda Darling Hammond
  21. Orrin Hatch, Senator from Utah
  22. Rodney Paige, U. S. Secretary of Education
  23. Christine Rossell, Boston University professor and critic of bilingual education
  24. Linda Chavez, President, Center for Equal Opportunity
  25. Richard Rodriguez, author and social commentator
  26. Mario Cuomo, ret. Governor of New York
  27. Jaime Escalante, Stand up and deliver!
  28. Stephen Krashen, researcher and bilingual education advocate
  29. Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr.
  30. Pete Wilson, former Governor of California

Moderator:  Oprah Winfrey