Debate on Unz
Feb. 1, 2000
Each student is assigned a "role" as a 227 stakeholder. see below. All of these stakeholders are being brought together in a "debate" prior to the election in Arizona regarding a Prop. 227 clone. We will moderate. Each person needs to think about the following questions that they might be asked to address:
1. Does a one size fits all approach, abandoning bilingual, make educational sense?
2. Does Unz program satisfy prong 1 of Casteneda?
3. Is a "good working Knowledge of English" enough?
4. Is it educationally sound to place children of different ages in the same classroom?
5. Is a catch up program legally/educationally sound?
6. Are teachers free speech rights compromised?
7. What about content knowledge?
8. Where is the prong 3, monitoring, component?
Etc., etc.