An e-mail from Boston: Unz is Coming to Town
You go home after a very long day -- a full day of teaching, followed by a course for your CLAD certificate. As you sit down at your home computer with a warm beverage and check your e-mail, you open the following from your good friend Albert, who now teaches in Cambridge, Massachussetts:
Help! Ron Unz, your fellow Californian who gave you Proposition 227 and brought it to Arizona, is coming to Beantown! He is everywhere. I turn on the TV news, and there he is, touting the failures of bilingual education, the craziness of our educational theories, and above all, beaming over the success of Proposition 227 in California. I recorded some of the news, which I'm sending to you as an attachment (NOTE: THIS FILE CAN BE FOUND ON CD#2). I checked out his website, at, and it's full of newspaper stories on the success of 227. A friend also forwarded me an e-mail from Unz to his supporters proudly advancing his campaign here -- click here for the e-mail. I'm even starting to believe some of the things they say, in spite of the fact that many of my friends here are real supporters of bilingual ed. Also, my gut just tells me things just can't be that simple. I'm getting pretty stressed out about his getting on the ballot iniative here in Mass. Then the other shoe drops. You probably know that I've been pretty active in MATSOL, our local affiliate of TESOL, and the other day, I was asked by the Board to represent MATSOL on a panel discussion on bilingual education at Lesley College. They told me that there would be a local representative of Unz's organization on the panel, as would a representative of the community that supports bilingual education. So, my dear friend, I NEED HELP! Specifically:
By the way, this debate is the day after tomorrow!
Send an e-mail back to your friend addressing these questions. You can also raise other issues, but please make sure to address these questions.
Resources (Many thanks to Lisa Nakahara who compiled this great list):
Level I Resources: resources that are absolutely critical to successfully resolve the unit.
Parrish, T. (2001). Effects of the Implementation of Proposition 227 on the Education of English Learners, K-12. Year 1 Report. American Institutes for Research.
Gandara, P., Maxwell-Jolly, J., Garcia, E., Asato, J., Gutierrez, K., Stritikus, T., and Curry, J. (2000). The Initial Impact of Proposition 227 on the Instruction of English Learners. UC Linguistic Minority Research Institute.
English for the Children
Rossell, C. (2002). Dismantling Bilingual Education Implementing English Immersion: the California Initiative.
Hakuta, K. What can we learn about the impact of Proposition 227 from SAT-9 scores?
Level II Resources: highly useful resources, additional background information, etc.
Official Title and Summary prepared by the Attorney General - English Language in Public Schools. Initiative Statute.
Questions that may be raised by Proposition 227, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
USC Center for Multilingual Multicultural Research: The Aftermath: Consequences and Reactions to California's Referendum on Bilingual Education
James Crawford’s Language Policy Website & Emporium.
Porter, Rosalie Pedalino. (1998). Twisted Tongues: The Failure of Bilingual Education. READ Institute.
Linda Chavez’ Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) Bilingual Education Website
Dr. Jill Kerper Mora’s homepage (Associate Professor & Interim Associate Director, School of Teacher Education, San Diego State University)
California Teacher’s Association, Proposition 227 Workgroup Report (January 1999)
Language census and standardized test data.
California Association for Bilingual Education website.
Education Week "Hot Topics" - Bilingual Education
NEA Bilingual Education Resource List