Young Dr. Unz

In a version of the Twilight Zone, your genes are recombined with those of Ron K. Unz and you re-appear on the other end of the reality tube as a curious and younger duplicate of Dr. Unz, but prone to rational analysis. However, the vestiges of the Old Dr. Unz remain, for you are entrenched in your belief that Proposition 227 is no worse than its predecessors such as the Chacon-Moscone Act (the original state bilingual education law) or the proposed Lau remedies that had acted as de facto federal regulation for many years. "What I did in Proposition 227 may have been opportunistic and simplistic," you snort, "but I'm no worse than the guys I knocked out, especially the evil Lau remedies. That is the single best example of evil big bad government."

Even though Ron K. Unz has been dead for some time and the bilingual education controversy has been long solved by other acts of social engineering, you are concerned about the Unz historical legacy. Having retrieved Ron Unz's e-mail distribution list, you decide to write a note to resurrect the reputation, making the following case: that (1) Proposition 227 was no more rigid and inflexible than were the Lau remedies; and (2) Proposition 227 was based on as much scientific evidence as were the prescriptions of the Lau remedies. Energized after a trip to the local Burger King (another vestige), you sit down at your computer and compose an e-mail, a long e-mail that ignores the one-screenful rule and can go on for pages and pages (yet another vestige)....


Proposition 227

The Lau Remedies as proposed by the OCR Task Force

National Research Council, Chapters 6-7.

Crawford, Chapters 4-6, 8.

Declarations by plaintiffs and defendants in Valeria.

Sample e-mail from Ron Unz to his supporters

Written by Kenji Hakuta, Jan. 22, 2003