Stanford University
Education 376
Methodology of Bilingual, English Language Development and Content Instruction
Winter, 2002
Instructors: Kenji Hakuta ( and Albert Lozano (
Technology Specialist: Teresa Cameron (
See Class Photos
Review Netiquette/Participation Agreement
Course Description:
This course is intended for inservice teachers pursuing
a CLAD Credential. The course is designed to provide participants with an overview
of English language development methodologies. Students will observe and analyze
factors that develop English listening, speaking, reading and writing in English
learners. Students are viewed as "experts" with a variety of experiences and
knowledge in teaching and of current research, thus active participation and
input is a necessary part of course enrollment.
Course Objectives:
Course Performance Evaluation:
Course Process:
This web page is a living document, meaning that it is subject to change as the course progresses. The "current" week will be highlighted in green. Please check this page weekly and before coming to class to look for changes and announcements -- these will be clearly marked. Once we start using the Teachscape platform, you will also be receiving announcements through there. You may also be contacted via e-mail for individual issues; it is your responsibility to check your e-mail on a regular basis.
This is the first time that this course is being offered on a truly on-line basis. The case that you will be using, developed in collaboration with Teachscape, has never been used before, so you are really pioneers! Because of the "cutting edge" nature of this course, we will be really trying hard to listen to your reactions to the course content and format. Our face-to-face on-site class sessions on Feb. 19 and Mar. 19 are intended specifically so that we can get your feedback. But don't wait until those meetings to let us know what you think. You should send comments directly to Kenji Hakuta; so that your comments do not get lost (I get tons of e-mail), please put in the header: SFUSD.
We may also be approaching some of you to participate in individual interviews
in order to help us with the evaluation of our work. Neither of the instructors
(Hakuta or Lozano) will be involved in the evaluation. Your agreement to do
so is totally optional and will be anonymous.
Schedule of Classes
Tuesday 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Denman School
Jan. 15: English Language Development Standards (on-site) |
San Francisco ELD Standards (Lydia Stack) Outline and discuss course plan for this quarter (Kenji Hakuta) |
Jan. 22 Theoretical and Policy Concepts in Second Language Acquisition and ESL. (on-site) |
Review Problem-Based Unit Responses from last quarter. Read at least one project by another student from each problem unit, and come to class with observations about something you learned from reading these responses (you do not need to submit anything in writing).. Click here to see other students' projects. Brown, Chapters 1: Getting Started, 4: Teaching by Principles; skim Chapters 2: A "Methodical" History of Language Teaching, 3: The Present: An Informed Approach. |
Jan. 29 Technology Training:
Introduction to Teachscape. (on-site)
READINGS: The NODE Networking. Online Interactivity in Learning Environments: New Dimensions in Interpersonal Communication (February, 1998). Brown: Ch. 15: Integrating the "Four Skills". This is background for the content of the Teachscape case that we will start on this week. During class, you will be taught how to use the course on-line platform, so you will not need to come to class having read this, but it is important to have read this before doing the on-line assignments for this week after the class. ASSIGNMENTS: See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Feb. 5 CLASS ACTIVITY: (on-line)
READINGS: Brown: Ch. 16: Teaching Listening. ASSIGNMENTS: See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Feb. 12 CLASS ACTIVITY: (on-line)
READINGS: Brown: Ch. 21: Language Assessment I: Basic Concepts, and Ch. 22: Language Assessment II: Practical Classroom Applications. ASSIGNMENTS: See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Feb. 19 Meet to discuss Teachscape forum and how
things are going. (on site)
READINGS: Enrique Trueba and Lilia Bartolome, The Education of Latino Students: Is School Reform Enough? ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education. EDO-UD-97-4. ASSIGNMENTS: See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Feb. 26 CLASS ACTIVITY: (on-line)
READINGS: Brown: Ch. 17: Teaching Speaking. ASSIGNMENTS:
See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Mar. 5 CLASS ACTIVITY: (on-line)
See Teachscape case, Listening and Speaking for English Language Learners.
Mar. 12 CLASS ACTIVITY: (on-line)
Mar. 19 CLASS ACTIVITY: Debriefing Session on Course and Teachscape Case. (on-site) |
ASSIGNMENTS: Complete Final Project Activity. FINAL COURSE ACTIVITY (by March 24th):
Department of Education. Resources
for English Learners: California
Department of Education (Department) Web page that focuses on the education
of English learners.
Department of Education. English
Language Development Standards page.
S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.
Center for Education Statistics.
Crawford's Language Policy Website.
for Applied Linguistics.