I am a syntactician and a morphologist, with occasional forays into phonology. My work focuses on phenomena whose analysis requires reference to all of these modules, and often involves detailed investigation of their interaction. I got my start as a linguist focusing primarily on Russian and Slavic languages; since 2009, I have also been working on the under-described Turkic languages of Central Asia (primarily Uzbek).
A complete list of papers & bibliographic information:
- Head movement, ellipsis, and identity. Versions of this work have been presented at FDSL 12, MIT, and LUCL.
- Person sensitivity in Uzbek copular clause agreement.
- Negation meets conjunction meets ellipsis
- Degrees of (non-)isomorphism in constituent ellipsis.
- 2020. Predicate formation and verb-stranding ellipsis in Uzbek. [doi]
[data 1], [data 2], [appendix 1], [appendix 2] - 2019. With Boris Harizanov. Whither head movement?. [doi]
- 2017. Head movement and ellipsis in the expression of Russian polarity focus. [doi]
- 2016. With Emily Manetta. Ellipsis in wh-in-situ languages: deriving apparent sluicing in Hindi-Urdu and Uzbek. [doi]
- 2015. Exponence and morphosyntactically triggered phonological processes in the Russian verbal complex. [doi]
- 2013. Copular clauses, clefts, and putative sluicing in Uzbek. [doi] [data]
- 2013. A new argument for verb-stranding verb phrase ellipsis. [doi]
- 2013. Verb-stranding verb phrase ellipsis and the structure of the Russian verbal complex. [doi]
- 2009. Structural adjacency and the typology of interrogative interpretations. [doi]
- 2022. Managing data in a formal syntactic study of an under-investigated language (Uzbek). In The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management.
- 2018. With Bonnie Krejci and Boris Harizanov. AGREE-dependent A-movement and low copy pronunciation in Russian. Proceedings of FASL 25.
- 2018. With Line Mikkelsen. On the interaction of head movement and ellipsis in Danish.
- 2017. Roots in ellipsis and multidominance.
- 2017. With Boris Harizanov. Post-syntactic head movement in Russian predicate fronting.
- 2017. With Boris Harizanov. Locality and directionality in inward-sensitive allomorphy: Russian and Bulgarian.
- 2015. With Lev Blumenfeld. Russian prepositions and prefixes: Unifying prosody and syntax. Proceedings of CLS 49.
- 2015. With Boris Harizanov. How Across-the-Board movement interacts with nominal concord in Bulgarian. Proceedings of CLS 49.
- 2014. With Boris Harizanov. Inward-sensitive contextual allomorphy and its conditioning factors. Proceedings of NELS 43.
- 2011. With Boris Harizanov. The role of morphological and phonological factors in Bulgarian allomorph selection.
- 2009. Phonological evidence for a distinction between Russian prepositions and prefixes. Proceedings of FDSL 7.
- 2025. Co-edited with Lauren Clemens and Gregory Scontras. Syntax in uncharted territories: Essays in honor of Maria Polinsky. UC eScholarship Repository.
- 2017. Co-edited with Stephanie S Shih. The morphosyntax-phonology connection: locality and directionality. Oxford University Press.