An Accelerated Approach to Safely and Efficiently Test Pre-Production Autonomous Vehicles on Public StreetsMansur Arief, Peter W. Glynn, and Ding Zhao 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Various automobile and mobility companies, for instance Ford, Uber and Waymo, are currently testing their pre-produced autonomous vehicle (AV) fleets on the public roads. However, due to rareness of the safety-critical cases and, effectively, unlimited number of possible traffic scenarios, these on-road testing efforts have been acknowledged as tedious, costly, and risky. In this study, we propose Accelerated Deployment framework to safely and efficiently estimate the AVs performance on public streets.We showed that by appropriately addressing the gradual accuracy improvement and adaptively selecting meaningful and safe environment under which the AV is deployed, the proposed framework yield to highly accurate estimation with much faster evaluation time, and more importantly, lower deployment risk. Our findings provide an answer to the currently heated and active discussions on how to properly test AV performance on public roads so as to achieve safe, efficient, and statistically-reliable testing framework for AV technologies. |