
Examples of Stalinist Posters & Political Art (1930-1953)

Note: Materials reproduced here and on other linked sites managed by Gregory Freidin are educational purposes only and are expressly meant for use by Stanford students registered for Slavic Department courdses

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Klutsis. 1930 (see Sokov 1993)

Welcome to the Museum of Socialist Realist Art*

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S. M. Luppov, Sports Games at a Stadium (1927) Youth Must Fly (1934) V. N. Yakovlev, Construction Workers Writing a Letter to Stalin (1937)









N. Kh. Rurkovsky. Stalin at Kirov's Bier. 1934









F. P. Reshetnikov. Stalin's Great Oath (at the All-Union Congress of Soviets, 1/24/1924). 1949.






V.V. Kuptsov, ANT-20 (Maxim Gorky). 1934

Soviet Pavilion at the 1937 World's Fair in Paris (Mukhina's Worker & Peasant Woman st the Top) I.I. Brodsky, Stalin (1937) G.M. Shegal', Leader, Teacher, Friend (1937)
A. A. Deineka, Defending Sebastopol (1942) Kukryniksy, The Fascists Leaving Novgorod (1944) I. A. Laktionov, Letter from the Front (1948)
A. M. Yar-Kravchenko, Gorky Reading his Tale "Death and the Maiden" to Stalin, Voroshilov & Molotov (1949) B. N. Karpov et al, I. V. Stalin (1949) Yu. P. Kugach et al., To Great Stalin -- Glory! (1948)

Useful Links:


Russian Poster Gallery of Victoria E. Bonnell


More Soviet-Era Poster Art on the Internet


Old Soviet and contemporary posters


FUNET Russian Posters page


Russian Posters at the Lotman Institute (arranged by period, artist, theme)


Posters from the Collection of the Inyternational Institute of Socieal History in Amsterdam (by country, theme, author)


PBS Program on Propaganda Wars


Red in Russian Art (Virtual Exhibition at the Russian Museum, SPB)


*Note: The images are reproduced from Agitatsiia za schast'e (Dusseldorf-Bremen, 1994), an extended catalogue of an exhibition of socialist realist art produced by the Russian Museum of St. Peterbsurg and the Cultural Administration of the City of Kassel (Germany). The reproductions are for educational purposes only.