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Isaac Babel
Gregory Freidin's Publications on Isaac Babel
The Enigma of Isaac
Babel: Biography, History, Context,
ed. Gregory Freidin (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008,
The Norton Critical Edition.
Selected Writings of Isaac Babel (Works, Letters, Contemporary Views,
Criticism, Scholarship, and Chronology), trans. Peter Constantine, ed.
intro., annot., critical essay, and chrono. G. Freidin (W. W. Norton,
2007, forthcoming) |
Gregory Freidin,
A Jew on Horseback: Isaac Babel in Russia and
America (Stanford:
Stanford UP, forthcoming) |
"Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel: A
Chronology," The Complete Works of Isaac Babel, ed. by Nathalie
Babel, tr. by Peter Constantine (NY, London: W. W. Norton & Co., 2001) |
"Isaak Babel," European
Writers: The Twentieth Century (New York: Scribners, 1990) |
"Justifying the Revolution As an
Aesthetic Phenomenon: Nietzschean Motifs in the Reception of Isaac Babel
(1923-1932)." Nietzsche In Soviet Culture (Oxford University Press, 1994). |
"Babel': Revoliutsiia kak esteticheskii fenomen" (Russian version of "Justifying the Revolution as an Aesthetic
Phenomenon," above). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 4 (1993). |
"Between the Stalin Revolution and
the West: Isaac Babel's Career in the late 1920s and Early 1930s" (in Russian). Stanford
Slavic Studies 4-2, 1991. |
"La 'grande svolta'. L'Occidente e l'Italia nella biografia di I.E. Babel
all'inizio degli anni '30." Special issue of Storia contemporanea 6 (1991): Intelletuali
e cultura antidemocratica tra le due guerra mondiali. |
"Fat Tuesday in Odessa: Isaac Babel's 'Di Grasso' as Testament and
Manifesto," The Russian Review 40, no. 2 (April 1981):101-21. Reprinted,
without the final part, in Isaac Babel, ed. and intro.
Harold Bloom (New
York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987) |
Babel and Philip Roth: A Video Project
Click here to see the
A Jewish Weddings or click
here to see it on Youtube