The Perks of Being a Tech Major
Not all people are blessed with the ability to tinker with technology products. Without the talented professionals in the tech field, many people would be at wits end each time their laptop, desktop computer or other favorite electronic equipment went on the fritz. The technology industry is one of a handful that is experiencing a huge surge in employment opportunities that’s projected to continue well into the next few years. According to , almost 100,000 high-tech industry jobs were added between January and June of 2012.
The advancements in technology, development of the latest networking equipment and other key components responsible for the gadgets and products we enjoy on a regular basis are just a few reasons why tech companies around the world are in constant demand.
Of course this is good news for college students that know their calling is in a job where they get to pick apart and put back together equipment. There are more tech degrees than ever available, both online and on campus. From well known schools like Stanford University to community colleges, it isn’t difficult for students to find opportunities to receive proper training in order to prepare for entering the workforce.
Needless to say, there are plenty of perks that come with being a tech student. One of the most obvious is the access to gadgets galore. Campuses with strong tech programs make sure they have the most up-to-date equipment available, as well as knowledgeable instructors that provide a hands-on learning environment. Since a lot of networking and computer equipment is expensive to purchase and sometimes takes a while to acquire, having the chance to work with it in a school setting means a more affordable and practical approach.
Another perk is being surrounded by likeminded individuals who are all passionate about the training and nature of work involved. The strong camaraderie that gets established among students in major degree programs makes it not only great for building lasting friendships but networking opportunities as well. Being around people that are immersed in the tech industry means learning new things, including staying on top of the latest advancements, products and even getting the details on the best deals when it comes to PC-Wholesale and related products. This type of knowledge isn’t just exciting to receive, it also means saving a lot of money in the long run. Many tech professionals end up freelancing their efforts, which often means investing in their own equipment in order to set up their operations to run a home-based business.
Don't forget to advertise! Flyers around campus are ideal but so is the power of social networking. Set up a Twitter and Facebook fan page and use those sites to spread the word about upcoming events and parties. These resources are ideal not just for getting more people to your parties but also comes in handy for advertising other fraternity run events, including charity and community-based efforts.
Another advantage to being a tech major is related to the subject mentioned above: the chance to become self-employed. There are a large number of companies that regularly employ tech professionals on a full-time and part-time basis. However, working as an independent contractor is a very popular and highly sought after alternative to pursuing technology as a career. Tech companies regularly turn to contractors for project-based assignments, which allows tech pros to create their own schedules, pick and chose clients and even command their own pay rates.