Got an Eye for Talent? Why Not Become a Booking Agent?
Of all the industries out there, the entertainment industry continues to generate the most attention from people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life. Young people, especially college students, are among the biggest consumers of all things related to art, music, movies and other forms of entertainment.
While many hope to become the next A-list actor, platinum selling musician/singer or renowned artist, the reality is that those with the talent to actually “make it” in the biz is pretty small. However, one doesn’t have to be the talent to get in on the action. Booking agents play a large role when it comes to entertainers and the industry as a whole. Without the agents, no one would even know such talented individuals existed.
So what’s the best way to get one’s foot in the door?
Determine Your Path
There is more than one type of agent. Booking agents, also known as talent agents, typically handle actors, voice-over artists and models, as well as other types of performers. Music agents, on the other hand, specifically represent musical artists (i.e. singers, dancers, musicians, bands, etc.).
Get Educated
Earning a college degree isn’t mandatory but certainly helps when it comes to understanding the entertainment industry and what a position as a booking agent entails. Because the industry is all about business, negotiations and sales, any educational background in Business, Marketing, Advertising or even TV & Film would be a good place to start acquiring and honing such skills.
These are popular programs that can be found at virtually any college or university. Even Stanford offers its own Film and Media Studies program through its School of Humanities & Sciences.
Having a degree handy is also beneficial for a resume, especially when it comes time to begin applying for job openings and/or internships.
Get Hands-On Training
Students with dreams of becoming a booking or music agent would do well to apply to internships and job opportunities that will get them right into the field, where they can receive real world training.
It is important for students to choose companies that specialize in the type of business they’re interested in (i.e. talent agencies, record labels). There are plenty of places that are open to training the right candidates who can grow within the company. Getting an internship or a part-time job at a company like not only helps students gain the experience needed to get their foot in the door but is perfect for networking and developing the connections necessary to be considered for bigger and better opportunities later on down the line.
Seek Mentorship
A booking agent is one type of occupation where having access to a mentor can make all the difference in where a student goes after finishing school. Once a job/internship has been solidified, the next step is to seek a mentor who is willing and able to advise, train and teach their mentee the ropes in order to position them for success once they’re ready to venture out on their own.