Project 3 (Earth) Process

    The footage is begins with an air of mystery; a blurry picture that looks almost like Earth but not quite grows on a black background. The scene then cuts to footage of two young children with their mothers. The eerie music combined with the protectiveness of the mothers reveals that something is amiss, but the problem is not shown. Instead, nature scenes of a flying seagull and a running stream appear. However, the tension builds further as these idyllic environments are interjected with sharp, chaotic, black-and-white fragments. These snippets are clarified with the addition of a charred forest, showing the video is meant to portray the Earth's ability to serve as both a beautiful home and the cause of great destruction. This parallels the song, Rosemary's baby, where a mother's loving lullaby is juxtaposed with her baby's sinister nature.

    This added context hints at the idea that the children from the beginning were suffering from a natural disaster. The enemy the mothers sought to protect their children from is revealed when the scene of the child from the beginning is played again, this time with the added footage of the hurricane shown after. The video concludes with the child's stuffed rabbit, almost bloody looking, toppling off the table as the Earth slowly fades into the vast darkness of the universe. This is meant to symbolize that the natural forces of the world are so much greater than any human. They can rob a child of her innocence and her safety, not out of cruelty, but out of the sheer scale and emotionless mechanisms that drive them.

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