Teacher Education in CALL
< Table of Contents
Chapter 15.
In-Service CALL Education: What Happens After the Course is Over?
Lillian Wong, The University of Hong Kong, China, and Phil Benson, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China
This chapter
reports two case studies from an 18-month longitudinal project investigating how
five Hong Kong teachers attempted to put into practice what they had learned
during a 15-hour in-service CALL training course. The course aimed to enhance
the participants’ IT knowledge, skills and strategies with a particular focus on
the integration of IT into the curriculum (IT integration). The project
discussed in this chapter was designed to investigate how some of the teachers
who took the course used IT after the course was over. We focus on what is
actually involved in IT integration from the teacher’s perspective, by examining
the contrasting experiences of two teachers, both of whom were coming to grips
with IT relatively late in their careers.
References available online
Egbert, J., Paulus, T., and Nakamichi, Y. 2002. “The impact of CALL instruction on language classroom technology use: A foundation for rethinking CALL teacher education?” Language Learning and Technology 6 (3): 108-126. Available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol6num3/egbert/default.html.
Meskill, C., Mossop, J., DiAngelo, S., and Pasquale, R.K. 2002. “Expert and novice teachers talking technology: precepts, concepts, and misconcepts”. Language Learning & Technology 6 (3): 46-57. Available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol6num3/meskill/default.html.
Updated September 12, 2006