Teacher Education in CALL   

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Chapter 1.  The Scope of CALL Education

Philip Hubbard, Stanford University, USA, and Mike Levy, Griffith University, Australia

It is becoming increasingly important to prepare language teachers to integrate technology into their classes in ways that are technically smooth and pedagogically sound, as well as to train specialists of various sorts to support them both directly (on site) and indirectly (through CALL research and development). Given the complex, dynamic nature of CALL, there is a need for a framework to aid teacher educators in the task of determining content and setting curricular objectives. Following a review of existing trends in CALL education, this chapter offers such a framework, based centrally on the roles individuals can take and the accompanying expectations of their skills and knowledge with respect to using computers in language teaching. Two broad categories of roles are identified: institutional (pre-service teacher, in-service teacher, CALL specialist, and CALL professional) and functional (practitioner, developer, researcher, and trainer). The framework provides a means of addressing both technical and pedagogical knowledge and skill areas across combinations of these roles.

References available online

Davies, G. (ed) 2006. Information and Communication Technologies for Language Teachers (ICT4LT). Slough, UK: Thames Valley University. Available at http://www.ict4lt.org.

Doughty, C and Long, M. 2003. “Optimal psycholinguistic environments for distance foreign language learning”. Language Learning & Technology 7 (3): 50-80. Available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol7num3/doughty/default.html.

Egbert, J., Paulus, T. and Nakamichi, Y. 2002. “The impact of CALL instruction on classroom computer use: A foundation for rethinking technology in teacher education”. Language Learning & Technology 6 (3): 108-126. Available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol6num3/egbert/default.html.

Nunan, D. 1999. “A foot in the world of ideas: Graduate study through the Internet”. Language Learning & Technology 3 (1): 52-74. Available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol3num1/nunan.

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Updated September 12, 2006