I. % of Women in U.S. Paid Workforce by ethnicity/race, 1900-2000
  All Women White Black Latina1 Asian American2 Native American
1900 20.6 16.0 40.7 n/a n/a 10.4 30.1 n/a 13.8
1920 23.7 19.5 38.9 n/a n/a 12.5 25.9 11.6 11.5
1950 29.5 28.1 37.4 21.9 38.9 33.7 41.6 28.0 17.0
1960 37.7 38.0 42.2 28.8 36.3 44.2 44.1 36.2 25.5
1970 43.3 43.0 47.5 36.4 31.6 49.5 49.4 55.2 35.3
1980 51.1 52.0 53.3 49.0 40.1 58.3 58.5 68.1 47.7
1990 57.5 56.4 59.5 52.8 42.8 59.2 55.5 72.3 55.1
1996 59.3 59.1 60.4 53.4 47.43 58.6 n/a
2000 60.2 60.2 65.1 54.6 55.04 n/a n/a n/a n/a
*n/a = not available

Sources: Teresa Amott & Julie Matthaei, Race Gender and Work: A Multi-Cultural Economic History of Women in the United States (Boston: South End Press, 1996), 307; Bureau of Labor Statistics News (Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, 2000), Tables No. A1 and A2; Claudia Goldin, Understanding the Gender Gap: An Economic History of American Women (NY: Oxford Press, 1990), Table 2.1, p.17; Joyce Jacobsen, The Economics of Gender, 2nd ed. Table 15.2 (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998), 459. See Amott & Matthaei for discussion of problems in data comparability.

% Married [total above] children <3
1890 4.6
1920 9.0
1950 23.8
1970 15%
1980 50.1

sp. pres abs div wid children <3
61.1 62 737 17.5 33%

II.  Some International Comparisons 
1900 1995
Country % of Women in Labor Force # Children/mother Country % of Women in Labor Force
Algeria 7 7 Italy 34
China 55 2.3 France 48
Denmark 72 1.5 England 53
India 30 5.0 Sweden  59
S. Africa 46 5.1
USA 56 1.8

% if Women
Former USSR 40
Latin America 30
S. Asia 20

III.  Occupational Segregation in the U.S.
Occupation % Female
1970 1980 1985 1995
Chemist 17 29 Managerial 35.6 48.0
Lawyer 6 27 Professional 49.1 52.9
Engineer 3 27
Nurse 91 94
Secretary 98 98
Teacher 74 74

IV.  Wage Gap: Women's Median Annual Earnings in U.S. as % of Men's (full time)
1890 46
1930 56
1970 59.4
1980 60.2
1990 71.1
1992 70.6

1990 average earnings
Women's as % Men's
Sri Lanka 88
Hong Kong 70
Korea 51
Japan 43

U.S. 1993 wage ratio of females to white males wage ratios of males to white males
White 70.8 74.0
Black 63.7 64.8
Hispanic 53.9

Ratio of median annual earnings by educational level, 1993
HS College
white male 100 100
black male 75 83
white female 71 73
black female 60 69