Article 13255 of
Path: unixhub!!!!!agate!news.Stanford.EDU!!user
From: Stanford (Residential Education Staff)
Subject: April Fools' West 1995 Tourney at Stanford
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 95 02:25:15 PDT
Organization: Stanford University
Lines: 35

Ultimate Friends--

In our ever-present quest to upstage that OTHER April Fools' Tournament,
Stanford will be making this year's Fools' West tournament MUCH better than
ever before. 

April Fools' West 1995 will be held April 1/2, 1995 at Stanford University.
We anticipate some of the premier Open and College teams from the West
Coast to attend, and hope that some of you light-footed folk from the East
will join us as well. 

Planned amenities and activities include: Free Italian dinner for all
players on Saturday; a Saturday night party with SWEET Reggae band and
plenty of boat-race-materials; and at the tourney, free food, liquids,
chiropractic advice, various sponsorships, and HOT Ultimate. If you think
accomodations are a problem, DON'T, because we'll set you up...just get
yourself here!

This is a great chance to play some super high-level Ultimate, and of
course, to be ZANY (after all, it IS April Fools'). Some will remember that
last year Stanford painted their bodies blue and wore white shorts in
smurfy spirit last year...what can your team do?  :)

Please drop us a line to let us know if you're coming, or to ask us any
questions (re: tournament, accomodations, etc.). This is looking like one
of the hottest Open tourneys in the West of recent years-we can't wait to
see you there!!!

In the Spirit,

Mike Payne, Jim Schoettler
Tournament Directors