As you probably all know by now, a subgroup of players on Discus Fluid has decided to leave and startup a new team. We are inviting a few players from DF to join us in the new squad. Practice times and dates are yet to be determined.
Our goal is to put together a group of motivated and experienced individuals who will be able to not only qualify for Regionals, but make the playoff bracket. Given the increasingly challenging competition, this will not be an easy task. We are attempting to pull together players who are intense, yet don't sacrifice the spirit of the game. This team will play in the "A" bracket of all tourneys and will seek to make the playoff round of all tourneys entered.
Players forming the split: Drew, Rich, Richard, Tom, Xen
Players asked to play on the new team: Alex, EJ, Lee, Mike P, Mike R, Shah
Discus Fluid has many talented players, and selecting players from the team was extremely difficult; however, we felt it was a move that had to be made to help us continue to improve both individually and as a member of a team. We sincerely hope that DF can continue to rebuild and grow as well.
Stay posted for the new team's Web page...
The first game the team played was in Sectionals in Santa Cruz in '92. The team went 0-5 in its first Sectionals. It followed that Sectionals with a trip to Kaimana Klassik VI. Here is a team photo recently discovered in the archives. To make the story short, DF has improved steadily to where we qualified for Western Regionals this year ('94).
Our first big success was to win the B event (photo-op) at the spring '94 Santa Barbara Memorial Day Classic. We went on to win the B events in Stanford's SMUT and advanced to Regionals by winning the B at Sectionals.
One objective of the exercise was to construct a team with good spirit (not like this (text, ps)! ). So far, so good!
Messages to the team can be sent to the alias, Discus-Fluid@Tahoma.Engr.SGI.Com, which will distribute them to everyone with e-mail.
Evening (Wed) practices concentrate on scrimmages. They are followed by pizza at Applewood Pizza in Menlo Park on El Camino. Sundays will continue to be the workhorse practice for working on concepts etc; practices will run from 10am-1:30pm.
We are taking a summer break from serious practice while people get their summer holidays out of their systems. We intend to resume in earnest on Sunday, August 13 to start our prep for the Fall Series.
In the meantime, we are doing light scrimmaging with reduced numbers, usually checking for a quorum session by session.
24 Jul 95
DF also travels to Santa Barbara annually for the UCSB Memorial Day Classic. Play is held on Storke Field (upper left corner of map).
Of general interest is the South Bay Winter League end of year tournament, being held Saturday, April 22 at Palmer Chiropractic College in Sunnyvale. Start time is 9:30 with a BBQ afterwards. Here is a photo of MikeP from Winter League (unfortunately can't quite resolve the few-inch long gashes in his elbow and knee!).
NCUL'95 is about to begin with the startup tournament at Roble field on Stanford campus on Sunday, April 30. Subsequent tournaments will be held on Saturdays: 5/20, 6/24, 7/8 have been scheduled so far. An attempt will be made to also hold these on Roble. Greg Sloan ( is the organizer.
DF is not entering as a team, but many individuals have joined NCUL teams.
Much as we we might like them, it was felt that primo players who drop in on practice just for pickup are more of a long term detriment than advantage. So, they will be asked for a commitment to join the team (we'll give them the same 3-4 week period to try us out!), otherwise, ask them to stop dropping in.
You might also like to wander around the
Stanford pages.
Last update: 14 August, 1995