[updated May 13, 2022]
- "Philanthropy and News Coverage: Defining, Coding, and
Measuring Funder Influence on Journalism and the Supply Chain of
Digital Information" (with Fernanda Kramer),
Projects-in-Progress: Engaging the Academy and Research Process,
Conference on Engaged Communication Scholarship, Snowmass,
Colorado, July 31, 2022
- "From G3 to G4: What to Make of the New Sym Sys Major
Requirements?" (with Mike Frank), Town Hall Meeting, Symbolic
Systems Program, Stanford University, September 14,
2020 slides
- "What Is Needed to Build and Sustain Public Software for
Government and Civil Society?", Digital
Civil Society +1 Lecture Series (COMM 230X, Argyri Panezi,
Cadence Willse, Jonathan Vincent Pace, Lucy Bernholz, and
Toussaint Nothias), Stanford University, May 26,
2020 slides
- "InDialogue for Inclusive Decision-making in Local Government:
An Innovation in Deliberative Practice" (panelist with Rebecca
Marie Townsend, Anna Przybylska, Trudy Milburn, Nora Lee Heist,
Aleisa Montgomery, Anna Wiederhold Wolfe, Jed A. Chalupa, and
Alice Siu), 105th
Annual Convention of the National Communication Association,
Baltimore, November 14, 2019
- "Social Media and Online Dialogue and Deliberation:
Experiences, Challenges, and Solutions" (co-presenter with David
Fridley, Natalie Hopkinson, Sue Goodney Lea, Guy D. Nave, Jr.,
and Peter Shively), 8th
National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD 2018),
Denver, November 3, 2018 notes
- "AI,
Warfare, and Autonomous Weapons" (panelist with Dan Gwak,
Elsa Kania, and Paul Scharre, moderated by Andrew Grotto),
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Law Society (SAILS), Stanford
Law School, May 10, 2018
- "Cognitive Science and Digital Technologies" (guest lecture),
Introduction to Cognitive Science (Cognitive Science 1, Paul
Li), University of California, Berkeley, April 19,
2018 slides
- Introduction
of Resolution to Urge Ban on Autonomous Weaponized Machines,
aka Killer Robots (with Supervisor David Canepa), San
Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Redwood City, California,
December 12, 2017 video
- sample of press coverage:
- Jason Green, "San
Mateo County Officials to Take On 'Killer Robots'", San
Jose Mercury News, December 11, 2017
- Jonathan Bloom, "San
Mateo County Ponders Ban on Killer Robots", ABC7 News
- SF Bay Area, December 12, 2017 video
- Susan Steimle, "Peninsula
Lawmaker Targets 'Killer Robots' With Proposed Resolution",
KPIX CBS SF Bay Area, December 12, 2017 video
- "The Message or the Messenger? Inferring Virality and
Diffusion Structure from Online Petition Signature Data" (joint
work with Chi Ling Chan, Justin Lai, and Bryan Hooi), 9th International
Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2017), Oxford,
UK, September 15, 2017 paper
code &
data slides
- extended
version presented in the Symbolic Systems Forum
(Symbolic Systems 280, Todd Davies), Stanford University,
November 27, 2017
- "Meeting Democracy Redux: Content Analysis of General Assembly
Video Recordings from the Occupy Movement" (joint work with
Jonah Bolotin, Andrew McCabe, Jack Sargent, Blue Sheffer, Rahul
Singireddy, Zhi Ping Teo, and Samuel Weyens), 2017
International Conference on Deliberation and Decision Making:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Civic Tech (DDM 2017),
Singapore, June 23, 2017
- "Nonviolent Action Versus Diversity of Tactics in Contemporary
Resistance Movements" (chair, with panelists Peter Gelderloos,
Juliet Hooker, Omar Wasow, and Greisa Martinez), Ways to
Justice: Perspectives on Nonviolence, Civil Resistance, and
Self Defense, Stanford University, May 6, 2016
- "Design for Online Deliberative Processes and Technologies:
Towards a Multidisciplinary Research Agenda" (co-organizer with
Lu Xiao, Weiyu Zhang, Anna Przybylska, Anna De Liddo, Gregorio
Convertino, and Mark Klein), Special Interest Group (SIG)
Meeting, 33rd Annual ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'15),
Seoul, April 22, 2015 extended abstract
- "Freedom According to the Zapatistas: Lessons from the
Escuelita" (panelist with Mary Ann Tenuto-Sanchez and Carolina
Dutton), Tear
Down the Walls National Gathering, Tucson, November 2,
2013 (earlier version presented in a panel that also included
Francisco Diaz and Joshua Schott, Berkeley, October 10,
2013) video
- "Zapatista Solidarity", Issues in Liberation: El Salvador (Religst
188A, Thomas Sheehan and Geoff Browning), Stanford
University, March 7, 2013
- "Democracy and Labor and the Public" (Panelist with David
Leadbeater), LaborTech
2012, University of San Francisco, December 1, 2012
- "An Internet Of, By, and For the People: Struggles and
Successes in an Emerging Gobal Movement" (Panelist with Chris
Witteman and Mazi Buko Jara), LaborTech
2012, University of San Francisco, December 1, 2012
- "Chiapas and the Zapatista Movement" (co-presented with Shara
Esbenshade), Issues in Liberation: El Salvador (Religst
188A, Thomas Sheehan and Geoff Browning), Stanford
University, February 23, 2012
- "Let's Talk About 'Control by Users'" (Lightning Talk), DjangoCon 2011, Portland, OR,
September 8, 2011 slides
- "Labor and Representation at KPFA" (co-moderator with Dorothy
Kidd; panelists: Dennis Bernstein, Sabrina Jacobs, Maria
Gilardin, and Steve Zeltzer), LaborTech 2010, University
of San Francisco, December 12, 2010 video
- "Solidarity, Labor, and the Web II" (moderator with panelists
Steve Ongerth, Karina Reyes, Pedro Joel Espinosa (translator),
Dave Mitchell, Shara Esbenshade, and Alice Sunshine), LaborTech 2010, University
of San Francisco, December 12, 2010 video
- "Defending The Internet, Democracy and Communication Tools"
(panelist with Dorothy Kidd, Chris Witteman, and Bruce Wolf), LaborTech 2010,
University of San Francisco, December 11, 2010 slides
- "Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Mysterious" (guest
lecture and discussion), Introduction to Computing at Stanford
(CS 1C, Ernst Fattakhov), Stanford, October 28, 2010
- "From
Exclusion to Autonomy: The Struggles of Indigenous Peoples,
Landless Workers, and Immigrant Farmers" (panelist with
Jeff Frank, Charlotte Casey, Jose Plascencia, Deborah Yashar,
and Brett Melone), event hosted by Farming & Eating for
Equality and Diversity (FEED), Stanford, April 13, 2010
- "Deme - An Open Web
CMS/Framework for Social, Semantic Data" (with Joseph Marrama),
Stanford, September 26, 2009 project slides
- "Deme: Content
Management for the Social Web" (with Mike Mintz and Joseph
Marrama), OSCamp
2009, San Jose, California, July 22, 2009 slides
demo project
- "Thoughts on Symbolic Systems and Practical Advice" (lecture
and discussion), Sym Sys: Many
Parts, Cohesive Whole (Symbolic Systems 2, Todd Davies,
Evan Cox, and Graham Herrli), Stanford, June 2, 2009
- "When Do New Social Media and Political Activists
Converge/Match?" (introductory remarks with Mayo Fuster Morell,
Rob Miller, Darian Rodriguez Heyman, Tim Costello, and Brendan
Smith), Networked
Technology Seminar, University of California, Berkeley,
December 6, 2008
- "WebOS Platforms and GPLv3/Affero", OSCamp
2007, Portland, Oregon, July 26, 2007 slides
- "Rationality in Political Choice I" (guest lecture), What Is
Rational? (Cognitive Science 190/Psychology 269, Evan Heit),
University of California, Merced, April 12, 2007
- "Communication Infrastructure and Information as Forms of
Private Property: A Behavioral Perspective on Technology
Evolution" (part of a panel on "The Technology (R)Evolution"
with Cameron Hutchison and David S. Levine, chaired by Amy
Landers), I
Think I Can, I Think ICANN: Regulating the Internet...or Not,
University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento,
February 23, 2007 slides video
- Presenting Remarks, Norbert Wiener Award for Professional and
Social Responsibility (given to Douglas Engelbart), CPSR Annual
Meeting, October 29, 2005 press
- "Consequences of the Secret Ballot and Electronic Voting", The
7th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and
Welfare, Osaka, July 24, 2004 abstract
- "Intuitive Preference Aggregation: Tests of Independence and
Consistency" (joint work with Raja Shah), The 7th International
Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Osaka,
July 23, 2004 slides
- "P.O.D. (Platform for Online Deliberation) Demo" (joint work
with Brendan O'Connor and Alex Angiolillo Cochran), LaborTech/Access
Conference, Workshop Session IV, Stanford, April 3,
2004 software
- "The Internet and Labor Justice Organizing: Experiences,
Lessons, and Possibilities" (Workshop Panelist with Thomas Aaron
Dinwoodie, Meghana Reddy, and Jeramie Scott), World
Social Forum 2003, Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 26,
2003 video may be posted later
- "Protesting NMD Testing at Vandenberg Air Force Base" (radio
interview by RaiSue, with two others), Talking About Action, KZSU
90.1 FM, Stanford, California, June 27, 2000
- "Psychology and Decision Making", Seminar on Economic Design
(Murat Sertel), Bosphorus University, April 30, 1999
- "Bedrock Limitations of Rationality", Social Science Seminar,
Koç University, February 16, 1999
- "Why Does the Mind Get Fooled?", Symbolic Systems Forum,
Stanford University, February 3, 1999
- "Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility", Welfare Economics
(Economics 280, Peter Hammond), Stanford University, March 12,
- "Valuation and Confidence in the Context of Choice", 7th
American Psychological Society Convention, New York, July 1,
- "Some Lessons and Observations from a Lengthy Student Career",
Symbolic Systems Forum (Symbolic Systems 10, Todd Davies),
Stanford University, October 13, 1994
- "The Effect of Forced Choice and Evidential Conflict on
Judgment", 74th Western Psychological Association Convention,
Cognition Session, Kona, Hawaii, April 28, 1994
- "Bedrock Limitations of Rationality: A Preproposal", Selected
Topics in Judgment and Choice (Psychology 274, Amos Tverksy),
Stanford University, November 11, 1993
- "Knowledge Bases and Neural Network Synthesis" (presentation
read by David Israel), 1st Pacific Rim International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-90), Nagoya, Japan, November
14, 1990
- "Some Notes on the Probabilistic Semantics of Logistic
Function Parameters in Neural Networks", First Annual Meeting of
the International Neural Network Society (INNS), Analysis of
Network Dynamics Poster Session, Boston, September 8, 1988
- "A Logical Approach to Reasoning by Analogy" (joint work with
Stuart J. Russell), Tenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-87), Paper Session: Knowledge
Acquisition 3, Milan, Italy, August 24, 1987
- "A Situational Theory of Analogy" (with David H. Helman,
discussant), Center for the Study of Language and Information,
Stanford University, July 1, 1985 (presentation repeated without
discussant at NCR Corporation in Fort Collins, CO, and
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in
Austin, TX, August 1985) abstract

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