![]() |
| ![]() The 6th edition -- 2024. |
![]() The 4th edition, with Dietz Vollrath (slides). |
Recent Papers
"How Much Should We Spend to Reduce A.I.'s Existential Risk?" March 2025, Version 0.5. (slides)
"Population and Welfare: Measuring Growth when Life is Worth Living" (with Adhami, Bils, and Klenow), January 2025, Version 3.0 (slides, video)
"The A.I. Dilemma: Growth versus Existential Risk" AER Insights, December 2024 (slides, video)
"The Outlook for Long-Term Economic Growth" August 2023, prepared for the Jackson Hole Symposium.
"Recipes and Economic Growth: A Combinatorial March Down an Exponential Tail" Journal of Political Economy, August 2023 (slides, video).
"The Past and Future of Economic Growth: A Semi-Endogenous Perspective" Annual Review of Economics, August 2022 (slides, video)
"Race and Economic Well-Being in the United States" (with Brouillette and Klenow), November 2024, Version 3.0, revised for AER: Insights (slides)
"The End of Economic Growth? Unintended Consequences of a Declining Population" American Economic Review, November 2022 (slides, video)
"Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Ideas" Journal of Political Economy, September 2022 (slides)
"Nonrivalry and the Economics of Data" (with Chris Tonetti), American Economic Review, September 2020 (slides)
"Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?" (with Bloom, Van Reenen, and Webb), American Economic Review, April 2020 (slides)
"The Allocation of Talent and U.S. Economic Growth" (with Hsieh, Hurst, and Klenow), Econometrica, September 2019 (brief video)
"Paul Romer: Ideas, Nonrivalry, and Endogenous Growth" Scandinavian Journal of Economics, July 2019
"Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth" (with Aghion and B. Jones), in Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb, The Economics of Artificial Intelligence, 2019 (slides)
"A Schumpeterian Model of Top Income Inequality" (with Jihee Kim), Journal of Political Economy, October 2018 (slides)
Winner of the 2021 Robert E. Lucas Jr. Prize from the JPE.
"The Facts of Economic Growth" Handbook of Macroeconomics, 2016.
"Beyond GDP? Welfare across Countries and Time" (with Pete Klenow) American Economic Review, September 2016.
"Life and Growth" Journal of Political Economy, April 2016.
"Pareto and Piketty: The Macroeconomics of Top Income and Wealth Inequality" Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2015.
"The Future of U.S. Economic Growth" (with John Fernald), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2014.
"Misallocation, Economic Growth, and Input-Output Economics" in Advances in Economics and Econometrics, Tenth World Congress, Volume II, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
"Intermediate Goods and Weak Links in the Theory of Economic Development" American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2011 (Slides).
"The Value of Life and the Rise in Health Spending" (with Bob Hall), Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2007.
01/04/25: Maekyung Forum KAEA lecture on "A.I. and Economic Growth"
01/04/25: AEA session on "Bob Solow and the Theory of Economic Growth"
07/19/22: Latest basic semi-endogenous growth slides
11/29/21: Econ 1 Lecture on "Economic Growth and Development"
02/26/21: Robert Morris University Teaching Conference, Rich vs Poor Countries and COVID
10/15/18: Simpson Lecture at Princeton: "The Future of Economic Growth"
10/12/18: "New ideas about new ideas: Paul Romer, Nobel laureate" for VoxEU.org
10/16/15: "Growth and Ideas": Teaching slides on my favorite topic. See also "On the 25th Anniversary of Romer (1990)"
What Else is New?
09/06/22: LaTeX files for MBA macro course (see Teaching below)
07/09/21: Generous write-up of my research by Leopold Aschenbrenner
01/26/21: Country Snapshots 10.0: Lots of data on every country in the world in a nice, graphical format (updated to Penn World Tables 10.0)
05/28/20: Twitter -- @ChadJonesEcon
07/01/19: My Suggestions to Referees at Econometrica
12/08/11: Google Scholar page.
03/29/11: Useful matlab functions, especially for making graphs
06/10/08: My latex style. Especially nice on a computer screen or color printer; hyperlinks throughout.
- MgtEcon 300: Stanford MBA Macroeconomics, Spring 2024: Syllabus | Slides | LaTeX Files | Figures (.eps)
- MgtEcon 610, Autumn 2024: Topics in Macroeconomics (PhD Course on Economic Growth)
-- Slides: Growth and Ideas | Romer1990Jones2005 | Kortum (1997) | DirectionTechChange | The Very Long Run | BenJones_Liu2024
Useful Links
- Country Snapshots Lots of data in nice graphs.
- Useful matlab functions, especially for making graphs | mondrian.m and .png
- My computer tips
- My research tagxedo | Bob Hall (more here)
How I Work
My Latest Not-a-Blog Listings (complete list): Things I've read and enjoyed...
Seems like it applies to economics as well: "Physicists spend a large part of their lives in a state of confusion. It's an occupational hazard. To excel in physics is to embrace doubt while walking the winding road to clarity. The tantalizing discomfort of perplexity is what inspires otherwise ordinary men and women to extraordinary feats of ingenuity and creativity; nothing quite focuses the mind like dissonant details awaiting harmonious resolution. But en route to explanation -- during their search for new frameworks to address outstanding questions -- theorists must tread with considered step through the jungle of bewilderment, guided mostly by hunches, inklings, clues, and calculations. And as the majority of researchers have a tendency to cover their tracks, discoveries often bear little evidence of the arduous terrain that's been covered. But don't lose sight of the fact that nothing comes easily. Nature does not give up her secrets lightly." -- Brian Greene The Fabric of the Cosmos, Chapter 16.
A fact is worth a thousand theories... (?)
Data Links: FRED | NipaFRED | NIPATables | Knoema | Quandl | BLS | FedBalanceSheet | Euro | Economist | EconomistHouse | Shiller | Country Snapshots | PennWorldTables | IMF | WB(Google) | FOMC | WSJForecast | SurveyProfFore | CBO | EcReportPresident | ConferenceBoard | WorldBank | TradingEconomics | WDI | OECDOutlook | FRBIntRates | TopIncomes | HHSurveys | REDMicroData | ILOHours | StateofUSA | NSF
Contact Information:
Graduate School of Business
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305-4800
Phone: (650) 725-9265, Fax: (650) 724-7402
Twitter: @ChadJonesEcon
E-mail: chad.jones@stanford.edu
Web: http://www.stanford.edu/~chadj
(directions to my office)