CEAgui Help Menu - Reactant Dataset

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There are three tables for entering reactant information.   The top table is usedfor any species in the NASA thermodynamic data library (see NASA ThermoBuild for names and temperature ranges).   When using this table, the names, chemical formulas, and thermodynamic data will come from the NASA library (therm.lib).

The bottom two tables are used for reactants with user-provided information.   The middle table is used for names, amounts, temperatures, and assigned molar standard-state enthalpies or internal energies.   The chemical formula must be entered in the corresponding row in the bottom table.   See example 5.

CEAgui allows for up to 16 reactants, either library data or user-provided data.

Use the ENTER, RETURN, or TAB key or click on the next empty cell after each table entry.

Units for all reactant data are set at the top of the screen.   The amount of each reactant is either number of moles or relative weight for total fuel, total oxidant or total reactant.

Temperature units are Kelvin(default); Rankine; Celsius; Fahrenheit.

Energy units are for either molar enthalpy Ho or molar internal energy Uo depending on the problem type.

When the user is inputting his own reactant data (lower two tables), an assigned molar standard-state enthalpy Ho is required for hp and rkt problems and an assigned molar standard-state internal energy Uo is required for a uv problem.   These values are defined in NASA RP-1311, part I, chapter 4.   Units are assigned at the top of the screen.

The first columns of the top and middle tables are used for designating each reactant as fuel or oxidant or neither.   When designating reactants as fuel,or oxid, the name designation must NOT be used. When using name, the assigned weights should be relative to the total reactant mixture.

Molar amounts are always relative to the total reactant mixture.   The relative weight for fuel is a weight relative to the total fuel weight.   Similarly the oxid weights are relative to the total oxidant weight. With the name designation, weights are relative to the total reactant weight.   The program normalizes these values.   Relative amounts of total fuel and total oxidant may be set one of several ways for up to 16 values in the Problem dataset.

Clicking on a cell in the Name column in the upper table will bring up a pop-up screen (Reactant Selector) for selecting the reactant.   A help menu is available from the Reactant Selector screen.

For many "reactant-only" species in the thermodynamic data library (e.g. B2H6(L)), the assigned enthalpy per mole is given for only one temperature (usually the boiling point or 298.15K).   For this case the temperature may left blank and the program will fill in the proper value of temperature and assigned enthalpy or internal energy.   A temperature within 10K of this value will also be accepted.

This option is illustrated by the CHOS-binder reactant in example 5.   In the middle table, the user provides the reactant name.   It should consist of up to 15 characters with no embedded blanks, tabs, or equal signs.   The first character must not be an integer, plus sign, minus sign, or decimal.

Temperatures may be set for the user's convenience.

For hp and rkt problems, an assigned molar standard-state enthalpy Ho value should be put in the Energy H column.   For uv problems, an assigned molar standard-state internal energy Uo value is required in the Energy U column.   Do NOT fill both columns!   These values are defined in chapter 4 of NASA RP-1311, part I, 1994.   Units are assigned at the top of the screen.   At 298.15 K, the Ho value is equal to the reactant's molar heat of formation.   Values for other temperatures are relative to this Ho value.

The chemical formula for each reactant must be given in the corresponding row in the bottom table.   Columns are provided for up to five atomic symbols (Sym1,Sym2,...,Sym5) and associated stoichiometic coefficients (Num1,Num2,...,Num5).   Atomic symbols are not case-sensitive and numbers do not have to be integers.

The Help button displays the help menu for the Reactant dataset.

The Save button saves the data and returns to the Reactant dataset.

The Reset button resets the data to the default settings.

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