How To Use CEAgui

CEAgui is a graphical-user-interface for CEA2.   It facilitates making an input file, calling the executable, and listing the output.   Most input rules and definitions are given in the CEA manuals NASA RP-1311 Part I, 1994, and NASA RP-1311 Part II, 1996.


The user picks a name for the input file.    This file must have an ".inp" extension.   The output file name will have the same prefix except the extension is ".out"   Similarly, an optional output file with the extension ".plt" lists selected data for plotting.   For convenience, ".inp" files for each of the 14 examples in NASA RP-1311 Part II, 1996, are available from the File menu.   At any time the user may either make a new file or modify an existing file with the option to change the name.

Note one major difference between CEA2 files and CEAgui files is that CEAgui input files are for only one case whereas CEA2 input files may be a stack of any number of cases (e.g. all of the 14 examples).   Note: Results may vary a slightly from those published in RP-1311 because the thermodynamic data have been updated since 1996.




The input data for each case are divided into six "datasets."   CEAgui uses the six tabs listed below for entering these data.   The Problem and Reactant tabs must be completed before using the optional Only, Omit, or Insert tabs.   Clicking on another tab closes the current tab.   A closed tab may be revisited before execution.


Each screen has a Help menu to assist the user in filling in the data.


  1. Click on File and open the example most closely representing your interest.   Screens will be filled appropriately.   Input file is xExN.inp where N is the example number in NASA RP-1311 Part II, 1996.
  2. Use the Activity menu to execute CEA2 and view the output.   Because the thermodynamic data have been updated, you may notice small differences in the results compared with those in the manual.   The output file is xExN.out where N is the example number.
  3. Using the tabs and screens and Help menus, make any changes you might like to try.   Screen changes will be saved as you move to next tab or operation.   Use the Save As option in the File menu to save the input file with a new name.   Again, execute CEA2 and examine the output.
  4. For new input, use New in the File menu.   Fill in Reactant and Problem screens before the optional Omit, Only, or Insert screens.   Follow instructions given in the Help menus.