README FOR CEA2 BATCH JOBS CEA2 is slightly different that the NASA Glenn program described in NASA RP-1311, Parts I and II. (Manuals are available from this website). The program now uses an INCLUDE file named which consolidates PARAMETER assignments and COMMON variable statements in one place. Previously these statements were at the beginning of each subroutine. The INCLUDE file is useful for revising maximum dimensions and input/output unit assignments. See RP-1311, part II, p39. The FORTRAN source and data are ASCII files in our anonymous FTP server available at the following internet URL: The files you should have downloaded are: readme.cea cea2.f thermo.inp cea2.inp cea2.out Since this program is identical to the one available with the CEAgui download, you may use that executable called FCEA2.exe if the platform is appropriate. Or you may compile cea2.f with available in the same directory. Note that compilers are freely available from the internet. File names have an extension (suffix) defined as follows: Fortran source programs - .f Input files - .inp Output files - .out Files of output parameters for plotting - .plt Include file - .inc Unformatted thermodynamic or transport property databases - .lib The root names of these files are referred to as prefixes. To run CEA2, simply type in the name of the executable and CEA2 will interactively ask for the prefix of the input file. The thermodynamic and transport data files must be preprocessed to form “.lib” files before input problem files can be run. The “.lib” files are obtained by running the thermo.inp and trans.inp as input files. The user types thermo or trans when CEA2 asks for an input prefix and the required files are created. These files do not need to be processed again unless the data are revised. The thermo.out file lists each species name, the reference/date code, the heat of formation in Joules/mole at 298.15K , and some reference information. You are now ready to run the sample problems cea2.inp and check with the sample output cea2.out To get thermodynamic properties of individual species for the coefficients or to download subsets of the thermodynamic data, go to the following URL and see “About ThermoBuild” for details. If you have any comments or questions, please contact