CEAgui Help Menu -- Problem Dataset
Assigned Temperature and Specific Volume (tv)

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Chemical equilibrium composition and properties are calculated for assigned temperatures and a set of either assigned specific volumes or densities.

Refer to example 2.

There is a selection of units for temperature, specific volume, and density as follows:

In each case, the selected unit applies to all the values listed.

Up to 16 values may be entered for the desired temperatures as well as 16 values for either specific volumes or densities.   For each specific volume or density, CEAgui will do calculations for all the temperatures listed.   Thus it does all combinations of values.

Use the ENTER, RETURN, or TAB key or click on the next empty cell after each table entry.

The Help button displays the help menu for the Assigned Temperature and Specific Volume (tv) Problem.

The Save button saves the data and returns to the Problem dataset.

The Reset button resets the data to the default settings.

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